Party of death on, Bart Stupak
Bart Stupak is the new Democrat Party It Guy.
Bart Stupak is the new Democrat Party It Guy.
UPDATE, 9:37: UPDATE, 10:08a: The Associated Press is reporting there will be “no deal” on abortion: A top House Democrat says party leaders are unlikely to cut a deal with abortion opponents to pass President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul….
From Roll Call article tonight entitled, “Setbacks zero out gains in whip count”…
I CQ Politics on January 12…
Only 1 sentence on abortion (There’s scads of trouble and they haven’t even gotten to that issue yet?!), but this is still all good news… more wrenches in Obamacare’s works. Furthermore, a delayed timetable increases the likelihood Scott Brown would be in place to vote against the bill in the Senate, Roll Call last night, […]
by National Review that he’s not going to get bought off: Stupak tells us that he’s disappointed that Democratic leaders have offered him legislative favors in exchange for supporting Obamacare. “This shouldn’t be a bill where you use hush money,” says Stupak… On abortion, Stupak says that the language of the health-care bill must be […]
Despite pro-abortion blog RH Reality Check, there is trouble in Dodge City. For starters,
This today, from the