Jivin J’s Life Links 4-08-09
by Women’s Choice Clinic of Oakland, CA, the “oldest feminist health center providing abortions in the nation,” is set to close its doors this week.
by Women’s Choice Clinic of Oakland, CA, the “oldest feminist health center providing abortions in the nation,” is set to close its doors this week.
by Manchester Evening News has a story on one of those great, women-respecting physicians who help with abortions: THREE women were sexually abused during abortions by an anaesthetist, a jury has heard. Dr. Narendra Sharma allegedly used the hands of the sedated patients to perform obscene acts on himself in the operating theatre. He was […]
by William McGurn has a column on Notre Dame inviting President Obama to be the school’s commencement speaker: In the end, the result is moral incoherence. It is an incoherence in which abortion-rights advocates have the most to gain, because it demoralizes those who support the cause of life while removing fears of even the […]