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  • The Manchester Evening News has a story on one of those great, women-respecting physicians who help with abortions:

    THREE women were sexually abused during abortions by an anaesthetist, a jury has heard.
    Dr. Narendra Sharma allegedly used the hands of the sedated patients to perform obscene acts on himself in the operating theatre.
    He was arrested after medical staff at the Marie Stopes International Clinic in Manchester raised the alarm….

  • Forbes reports on a HealthDay News story showing adult stem cells have been used to reduce pain and increase the ability to exercise in patients with angina:

    Six months later, people who’d had their own stem cells injected into their heart muscle were able to walk longer on a treadmill than the others. It also took longer until they experienced angina pain while walking on the treadmill, and the pain went away faster once they rested than it did in those who’d gotten a saline injection. The stem cell group also had fewer episodes of chest pain.

  • Amy Welborn notes the election of abortion advocate Katherine Ragsdale as the dean of The Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge:

    What has always puzzled me about the Christian abortion advocate is how two positions can be held simultaneously:
    1) The position that God calls each of us by name, brought us each into existence in a specific, loving act of creation, treasured just as we are and
    2) this same God is either indifferent or enthused when the curette comes for the helpless one that has been, you know…loved into existence and is treasured just as she is…

  • Politico reports on the reaction of abortion advocates to VA Gov. Tim Kaine signing a bill to allow pro-life license plates.
  • Francis Beckwith discusses the Obama/Notre Dame controversy with Christianity Today.
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