Jivin J’s Life Links 3-5-10
by Associated Press and another in the FOX News station interviewed embattled Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell. In the comments, Gosnell’s nephew and a fellow physician attempt to defend him.
by Associated Press and another in the FOX News station interviewed embattled Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell. In the comments, Gosnell’s nephew and a fellow physician attempt to defend him.
by new Rasmussen poll finds that 53% of Americans favor a ban on abortion coverage in any health insurance plan which gets federal subsidies: Earlier polling on the abortion issue, using a different question, found similar results. Just over half support the abortion ban, while 13% want mandatory coverage of abortion. The
by Los Angeles Times has an article about a former abortionist’s efforts to restrict abortion in South Korea: For nearly two decades, obstetrician Shim Sang-duk (pictured below left) aborted as many babies as he delivered — on average, one a day, month after month. “Over time, I became emotionless,” the physician said. “I came to […]
by an article on President Obama’s lack of truth-telling when it comes to abortion and health care reform: But this last statement, while technically correct, does not tell the whole story. The health-care reform proposed by House Democrats, if enacted, would in fact mark a significant change in the federal government’s role in the financing […]
by notes the attempts to recycle abortion history myths in First Things. The AP has