Obamacare opens unprecedented gateway to illegal invasion of privacy
From UPI, yesterday:
From UPI, yesterday:
Click to enlarge… The last time newspapers spiked leftist Gary Trudeau’s political cartoon series Doonesbury was in 1985 when he parodied the pro-life film documentary, The Silent Scream, which showed an actual abortion. Now that one must have been a hoot. But Trudeau maintains passing up the transvaginal ultrasound = rape meme “would have been […]
by JivinJ, host of the blog, The Calgary Herald has an editorial by John Carpay defending the University of Calgary students who are being charged with “nonacademic misconduct” and have been
by Professor Robert George’s comments at the March for Life’s Rose Dinner: Of course, from the pro-life vantage point, success on the judicial front is only the prelude to the larger political struggle over abortion. If Roe is reversed, the result will be to return the matter to the domain of ordinary democratic deliberation for […]
by Mauricio Roman summarizes a Harvard Business School case study on Planned Parenthood: Internally, Planned Parenthood’s difficulties stem from the uneven strength of its affiliates, and President Cecile Richards is worried. According to the Harvard case study, her organization faces “tough economic times, a hostile political environment, and limited ability to raise philanthropic dollars in […]
by CDC has released its 2006 abortion statistics compiled from state health departments, but missing a couple of states including CA: Results: For 2006, a total of 846,181 abortions were reported to CDC. Among the 46 areas that provided data consistently during 1996–2006, a total of 835,134 abortions (98.7% of the total) were reported; the […]
UPDATE, 5p: Pro-lifer Lynn has found the Southgate abortion mills advertised online. Clicking on their names will take you to the real estate ad with both exterior and interior photos. Most interesting is they try to conceal the fact these are abortion mills. The waiting rooms are so sad, knowing what patients were waiting for. […]
Unfortunately, the headline is ABC News: Police in a suburb of Portland, OR became suspicious after a woman named Korena Elaine Roberts [pictured right] called for help reporting her newborn wasn’t breathing. Doctors couldn’t revive the baby, and alerted authorities when they determined Roberts had not given birth. Inside Roberts’ home, they discovered the body […]