Bobby Schindler has a compellng post on ProLifeBlogs that juxtaposes media responses to the 34-minute execution of convicted killer Angel Diaz in Florida to the 14-day execution of his sister, Terri Schiavo.
Here is one, along with the photo from the post:
The Ledger (Associated Press), 12-17-06

Article title: “Doctors: Botched execution likely slow, painful”
Death penalty foes have for years warned of a worst-case scenario in which an inmate being executed by lethal injection could remain conscious, experiencing severe pain as he slowly dies. That day may finally have come.
“It really sounds like [Angel Diaz] was tortured to death,” said Jonathan Groner, associate professor of surgery at the Ohio State Medical School…. “My impression is that it would cause an extreme amount of pain.”…
terri.jpg“[W]itnesses reported movement of Diaz as long as 24 minutes after the first injection, with him grimacing, blinking, licking his lips, blowing and attempting to mouth words. At one point, about midway through the process, he turned his head toward witnesses….

And a couple more….
Orlando Sentinel, 12-28-06

[Gov. Jeb Bush’s] intervention in the Terri Schiavo fiasco, without even talking to her husband, was unconscionable., 12-19-06

Gov. Jeb Bush was wise to suspend executions and order the review of lethal injection procedures after the bungled execution of a convicted murderer last week.

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