The following left-wing cartoons ran in mainstream media (MSM) newspapers like the Washington Post or Tribune Media this past week.
What do they all have in common?
For starters, every single one omits the word “embryonic” when describing the stem cell legislation President Bush vetoed June 20.
Oversight? Absolutely not, particularly since in his very speech vetoing taxpayer-funded embryo destruction the President announced he had issued an executive order enhancing federal support of adult pluripotent stem cells (same pliable attribute as embryonic).
Many of these cartoons contain outright lies, such as #3, which says Bush would veto “any” stem cell research; or #4 and #6, which show Bush denying stem cell help to spinal cord injury or sick people in general.
In fact, adult stem cells have successfully treated at least 73 assorted cancers, auto-immune disorders like Type I Diabetes, immunodeficiencies, anemias/blood deficiencies, wounds, metabolic disorders, and these disease types: heart, liver, bladder, eye, neural degenerative (including Parkinson’s, spinal cord injuries, and stroke).
Treatments from embyo destruction research? 0.
In fact, the Bush administration has provided over $3 billion tax dollars for ethical adult stem cell research, and $130 illion for research on embryos that had already been destroyed before 2001.
These cartoons provide a “Where’s Waldo” of hidden and not so hidden misinformation. What more do you see?

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Copyright Washington Post

(See five more cartoons on page 2.)

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Copyright Washington Post

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Copyright Tribune Media Services, Inc.

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Copyright Tribune Media Services, Inc.

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Copyright Tribune Media Services, Inc.

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Copyright Creators Syndicate

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