kerry communion.jpgThe AP reported yesterday US Catholic bishops, who met in NM this week, may be coming closer to pulling the excommunication trigger on pro-abort Catholic politicians:

Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput said… he thinks the time for behind-the-scenes diplomacy with politicians is over….
In 2004, scrutiny fell on Democrat John Kerry, a Catholic who supports abortion rights. Archbishop Raymond Burke of St. Louis said he would deny Communion to Kerry. Several other bishops, Chaput included, stressed that politicians should refrain from the sacrament if they support abortion rights, which they consider a “foundational” issue….
Chaput said his more aggressive posture grew partly out of frustration from his personal meetings with politicians, who often would just “look at you vacantly.”

On a point well taken, Alexia Kelley of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good added:

“Abortion globally happens in the context of extreme poverty, as well. You need to address both in order to respect human dignity.”

Evangelicals agree. Reported the AP May 3….

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Prominent evangelical Christians are urging churchgoers to strongly consider adoption or foster care, not just out of kindness or biblical calling but also to answer criticism that their movement, while condemning abortion and same-sex adoption, does not do enough for children without parents.
With backing from the evangelical group Focus on the Family and best-selling evangelical author [of “The Purpose-Driven Life”] Rick Warren, the effort to promote “orphan care” among the estimated 65 million evangelicals in the United States could drastically reduce foster care rolls if successful.
“In some people’s minds, the church has been very pro-life up until the point of birth,” said Michael Monroe, who co-founded an adoption and foster care ministry at Irving Bible Church outside Dallas. “But a lot of people are saying it’s not enough to be pro-life, we need to be pro-children, as well.”

These are two converging topics. Both pertain to adhering to the tenets of one’s Christian faith.
One could have an impact on American politics by curtailing the attempted separation of personal religious beliefs from political actions.
The other could have a major impact on the spiritual make-up of America by adding to the nuimber of youths with a strong Judeo-Christian foundation. The latter was not lost on the AP, which added:

Yet sensitive issues lie ahead: about evangelizing, religious attitudes on corporal punishment, gay and lesbian foster children, racially mixed families, and resolving long-standing tensions between religious groups and the government.

I note the liberal press never frets over values GLBTs may instill on children they adopt.

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