Yesterday, Rush Limbaugh had a caller on who spotlighted Christ Hospital, its involvement in the hideous practice of aborting babies alive and letting them die, and the connection to Barack Obama, who as state senator spoke and voted against IL’s Born Alive Infant Protection Act.
The fired nurse mentioned in the call was, as most know, me.
Rush is currently showcasing the call on his home page. (Click to enlarge.)

You can read or listen to a transcript of the call here, or read the relevant portion on my page 2.
Until Christ Hospital stops aborting, its reputation will continue to be dragged through the mud, of couse, rightfully so.
As for Obama, there is no way he can explain this one away, although he has tried – giving four different answers by my count.
The question is whether or not MSM will force him to address his support of aborting babies alive and letting them die.
Rush is optimistic, telling the caller, “This stuff will all come out. I’m going to tell you something. Aside from the most-informed audience in media, which is you and everybody else listening to this program, most people really start paying attention to this stuff after Thanksgiving, when the primaries start.”

RUSH: Janet in… Godley, Illinois?
CALLER: (Laughs)
RUSH: Is that really Godley, Illinois?
CALLER: Yes, it is.
RUSH: Well, Janet, welcome to the program.
CALLER: Thank you. I am so excited about talking to you, and I’m so nervous. I wanted to talk about a different aspect of Obama’s candidacy. No one has touched on his very far left stance on social issues such as abortion, and there was an incident here in Illinois about seven years ago, at Christ Hospital — a suburban hospital to Chicago — where babies who were born alive after a botched abortion, were left to die in linen closets and a nurse exposed it, and she was of course fired, and there were demonstrations, and it led the Illinois legislature to formulate the Infants Born Alive Act, which stated that infants who were born alive as the result of a botched abortion, could not be left to die, and Barack Obama voted against it.
RUSH: May I stop you right there?
RUSH: Don’t lose your train of thought.
RUSH: What does it say about the state of Illinois and the country in general, when such a law is required?
Rush22.jpgCALLER: Yes, I know. It is very sad.
RUSH: A baby born alive in a botched abortion can’t be killed!
CALLER: Right.
RUSH: (Gags.)
CALLER: I know. It’s pretty sick.
RUSH: Okay, what did Obama do?
CALLER: He voted against that act. He went on record and voted against a law to protect those children.
RUSH: Well, I’m sure he had a reason! What was it?
CALLER: You know, I could not for the life of me tell you. I’m sure it was to protect the right of the woman to choose.
RUSH: It is that, but I’ll tell you what it is? There is something corrupting about the Democrat Party. Do you know that both Bill Clinton and Al Gore were pro-liers?
CALLER: No, I did not know that.
RUSH: Yeah, they were. When you seek national office in the Democrat Party, one of the first things you have to do is cash in that chip, and you have to pay homage to the sacrament of the religion of that party which is abortion. You don’t stand a prayer of getting the nomination in the Democrat Party if you do anything that would make any abortion harder to accomplish or to get done. So that’s Obama. It’s clear to me he had national aspirations at the time, then he did not want to do anything that would anger the NAGs and the militant feminists, and the general leftists in the party.
CALLER: Right. I think that should be publicly known during this campaign, how far, far left he is.
RUSH: This stuff will all come out. I’m going to tell you something. Aside from the most-informed audience in media, which is you and everybody else listening to this program, most people really start paying attention to this stuff after Thanksgiving, when the primaries start.

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