obama jackson.jpgIn June, I reported on two points from Barack Obama’s Fathers Day speech: his chastisement of black men for abandoning their paternal responsibilities, and, his enlightening statement that “responsibility does not end at conception.”
For that, Jill from Feministe accused me of being a “nutbag… total nutbag… [and] crazy racist”, as did liberals on this blog in so many words.
It’s hard to keep the finger-pointing straight, but yesterday it came to light. Jesse Jackson was caught on a hot mic a few days ago complaining in derogatory terms that Obama was actually the racist for making those remarks. According to the Associated Press

Jackson said the “hurtful and wrong” comments Sunday came in response to a question from a fellow guest during a break from taping Fox & Friends. The guest asked about speeches on morality Obama has given at black churches.
Jackson said, at a news conference, that he had replied that Obama’s speeches can come off as speaking down to black people and that there were other important issues to be addressed in the community, such as unemployment, the mortgage crisis and the number of blacks in prison….
Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton noted that the IL senator grew up without his father and has spoken and written at length about the issues of parental responsibility and fathers participating in their children’s lives, and of society’s obligation to provide “jobs, justice and opportunity for all.”

Here’s what Jackson said. Note, as Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass did, “the truly freaky part, Jackson twisting his right wrist, as if he held a curved blade, giving a little pull, grunting for emphasis, like a butcher of the old school, if you will”:

Meanwhile, according to the Chicago Sun-Times:

Jackson’s son U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.… offered an especially pointed reaction: “I’m deeply outraged and disappointed in Rev. Jackson’s reckless statements about Sen. Barack Obama,” the junior Jackson said. “Reverend Jackson is my dad, and I’ll always love him . . . [but] I thoroughly reject and repudiate his ugly rhetoric. He should keep hope alive and any personal attacks and insults to himself.”

So now who’s the racist? I’m confused.
And why doesn’t JJ want to address the most critical problem in the black community today, the breakdown of the nuclear family? Could it be because of his own personal contribution to the breakdown?
[Photo courtesy of the AP]

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