(Prolifer)ations 1-29-10
by Susie Allen, TN pro-life activist
The cause of the increase is the subject of debate. Several experts blamed the increase in teen pregnancies on sex-education programs that focus on encouraging abstinence. Others said the reversal could be due to a variety of factors, including an increase in poverty, an influx of Hispanics and complacency about AIDS, prompting lax use of birth control such as condoms.
And who are the “experts” blaming the increase on abstinence education?
According to ALL’s Judie Brown:
… [P]erhaps the most telling aspect of Stein’s report was that the federal government, in collaboration with the Alan Guttmacher Institute, an “independent” arm of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, issued its report just when Congress is debating how much of our tax money should be set aside to fund ever-failing sex-education programs. I doubt that it is a coincidence that this study came out at this time.
Judie refers readers to a Time magazine analysis of the study, which reveals the highest increase was not among minors, but among young women aged 18-19. She also points out that teen pregnancy rates fell as abstinence education increased in the 1990s, but “by 2000, Planned Parenthood began lobbying various states to refuse abstinence money and reduce abstinence programs, and predictably, in 2006, the teen pregnancy rate increased for the first time in 15 years.”
“Terri died because we took away her food and water,” Schindler stated, “just like we would all die if our food and water was taken away… It took almost two weeks.”
According to Schindler, the media continues to report that Terri was brain-dead, that she was on artificial life support, and that she was unresponsive and blind.
“These are simply not factually correct,” Schindler stated to CNSNews.com. “It’s patently false. If Terri were alive today she could be here to ‘March for Life‘ with us. All she needed was a wheelchair, and we could have taken her anywhere….

I have worked with teen mothers and believe me, many of these young women get pregnant “accidentally on purpose.” Many think that they can hold on to a man (often the guy is much older) by doing this, or that a baby will give them someone to love. Of course, these are not good reasons to have babies, but many teen mothers don’t think there is anything wrong with giving birth at a young age, especially if those around her are doing it too — if a girl’s older sister has had a baby, she is much more likely to have one herself.
WOW! We’ll never know what’s in it until it’s passed???? How’s that for transparency? Uh, hello, by then it’s too late for debate! Ahhh… that’s their point….
So off topic but just wanted to update. My friend who found out she was pregnant and told me smiling and happy yesterday called me hysterical and sobbing today. She is miscarrying. Bleeding heavily and they compared blood drawn yesterday to blood drawn tuesday and the hormone levels are falling, not rising. They expect her to pass the baby this weekend (she is VERY early…three weeks so I don’t know how she will know the baby and everything that goes with it is all passed since its so tiny and not formed.) But she is very disappointed and sad and wonders why she is having another miscarriage. She wants to be a mother so badly.
I’m going to go call her to make sure she is okay. Her husband couldn’t get off work tonight so she is all alone though she told me she is fine. She is the types who doesn’t want to bother anyone so keeps silent. Ugh. I am so heartbroken for her.
I am sorry for your friend, Sydney. Not to get really off topic here, but when RU-486 came out its supporters said that it “just” causes a miscarriage. I never miscarried, but it’s a painful experience. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone!
My friend says it feels like someone is tearing her insides out. She says it is the worst pain she has ever had. And then the whole emotional part of it on top of the pain.
She says she is gonna try for a baby one more time. I urged her to get checked by a doctor. Maybe its a hormonal imbalance that is causing these miscarriages. I am just praying so hard for her!
About the Terri part of the post-
if everyone had a brother like Terri, or just one person to advocate for them like he does, there would be so much more real love and care in the world.
Her whole family continues to inspire me, especially considering how much they suffered.
This is in regards to the Terri Schindler Schiavo case. As many of you may know, for the last two years, I’ve worked in direct care at a residential facility for children and young adults with developmental disabilities and worked on the severe disabilities unit with girls (as well as the boys unit on occasion). On our girls unit, one of our clients in the past, a young lady, 18 years, old has a profound intellectual disability (the modern term for profound mental retardation), disruptive behavior disorder, moderate to severe hearing loss, and cerebal palsy. She mentally functions at the level of a infant or toddler, and while she can speak a few words, mostly relies upon grunts and crying to express her feelings and needs, and is unable to care for herself and relies upon 24 hour care (she now resides at a group home). But let me tell you another thing about her, she loves Barney videos, her favorite song is “Old McDonald had a Farm” and she even tries to sing along, and enjoys simple children’s puzzels. Another female client I worked with, has severe mental retardation, disruptive behavior disorder, cerebal palsy, epilepsy (with grand mal seizures, requiring the immediate administratiion of diazepam, up to once a week and many more complex partial seizures, despite anticonvulsant medication therapy), and Perry-Romberg Syndrome. She mentally functions at the level of an infant, she can’t speak and uses different sounds to communicate her wants and needs, and walks with some difficulty (although she also has a wheelchair for transportation) and can feed herself with assistance and relies on complete assistance for other daily tasks and 24 hour care. But let me tell you, with the exception of when she is ill, she is a pretty easy-going and happy child. She loves anything Barney, someone singing to her and her favorite song is “You are my Sunshine,” musical toys, and plush baby dolls. My point in sharing all of this is to say that these individuals, although they may not have the quality of life we’d imagine for them, these individuals are persons with feelings, emotions, likes, and dislikes, and are still able to experience love, joy, and happiness, and sadness in their lives (in their own ways), as we do in our own lives. And because they are the most vulnerable among us, they deserve to be protected and loved.
I have had similar experiences to yours. I used to work at a summer camp in college. There were several campers that stand out in my mind that some would say have no quality of life or shouldn’t be here or are worthless. Severely, profoundly mentally and physically handicapped children, teenagers and adults. The BEST thing about being with them was learning who loved music, who loved lemonade or swimming or painting or hearing their own name. What a gift to be with them and know those simple pleasures brought so much joy.
Thank you for taking the time to really SEE those precious people and their inherent value.
With regards to Obama administration’s idea of transparency, where is the transparency in this case if the people wouldn’t know what is in the bill until it is passed? Should the people wait for it become a law before they speak out and point out what is wrong with it? The Dems and Obama are really trying to hide the truth on this.
Sydney, my heart breaks for your friend. I had a miscarriage at 3 weeks (my only confirmed miscarriage) and it was incredibly painful as well as heartbreaking… I would very much encourage you to stay with her as much as you can.
In “real life” almost no one knows about my miscarriages… my husband, my pastor and his wife, my in-laws, and some people from my Bible study. Not even my family. Because I’d rather hear nothing than something stupid. (For reference, anything that starts with “at least” is something stupid… like “at least it was early/you hadn’t bonded.”) I am sure she would rather have someone who valued the life of her son or daughter (which, by the way, is not something anyone who thinks that child was a clump of tissue or potential life can do).
If you want you can give her my website… but I have two living children now and do talk about them; don’t know if it would be encouraging or not.
I would very much encourage her to be checked for treatable problems, and look into her progesterone levels.
If she is a believer–Isaiah 65:17-25 has been a great comfort to me. As is the fact that my children are in heaven with Jesus, and that he chose me to be their mother because I would love them, even for a short time.
My daughter’s name is Ruby.
May God comfort your friend.
A few decades back I started a pro-life group in a small town. One of my starters was based on the work of a NZ obstetrician named Dr. Patrick Dunn. [I firmly believe in the excellence of pro-life logic but (from experience) understand that most people are guided more by feelings/emotions than they are by rational argumentation.] So Dr. Dunn’s observations were most helpful to me then. They has been all but forgotten since, (but IMO they have profound merit)!
He interviewed pregnant women/teens and asked about emotional-feelings during pregnancy. A clearly defined ‘mapping of moods-during-pregnancy’ has some rather startling things that should speak to us even now.
Dr. Dunn produced a graph and it showed that there was a deep depressive mood in the period of 8-11 weeks gestation. He further said that fully 80% of all abortions occurred at the time of this 1st-depression.
The next depressive period starts during the 3rd-trimester and continues to deepen until birth. Then suddenly there is a sharp rise in mood to a state of euphoria at birth. [Such a ‘spike’ is easily explained by the body’s release of endorphins (natural pain-killers).]
However, this mood soon ends. A post-birth ‘depression’ immediately ensues the euphoria. It seems on the graph a continuation of the depression of the 3rd-trimester.] It is marked by an extreme ‘low’. {It seems IMO that Dr. Dunn had graphed the famous postpartum depression.]
The incidence of a depression should be exploited by PL’ers. A depression is almost always a contraindication for any medical intervention. One does not have an abortion to end-depression. Abortionists are offering a quick-fix. [Truly medical bs!]
The story doesn’t end there: Years later while doing basic reading on zinc deficiency, it seemed that a zinc deficit might be the raison-d’etre for the periods of depression. The timing of these periods matches the periods of high use of zinc during human maturation. Early zinc use is
for optic(eye) health and in the 3rd-trimester many organs are finishing their initial growth. Even the use of insulin as a zinc-dependent hormone only becomes active a day before birth. Human colostrum (first milk) is noted for its high zinc levels.
Zinc use in breast-milk/colostrum:
Not only is insulin very important for growth, but the immune system (dampened during pregnancy) has to be initiated for an independent life outside the womb.
Although there seem to be very few people who make such links, it does seem most people would rather blame another person for being ‘them’ … read ‘bad guys’. I proposed this a few years ago, on this site, but I have yet to hear from ANYONE wishing to do a follow-up.
Zinc is also used in puberty besides zits on skin. A pregnant teen will be a shoe-in for such a pattern of pregnancy induced depression-periods.
Zinc is a fundamental mineral for body functioning especially fertility, so infertility is often zinc-deficit based.
People often bemoan folks like Jerry’s kids and others with genetic conditions. One research team concluded that fully 90% of these defects could be prevented through adequate zinc and vitamin B6 during pregnancy. Want a healthy baby????
Hi John McDonell,
I find this very interesting. Have you contacted pro-life groups nationwide? We should mention this to our own physicians. Continue to put the message out there. Eventually someone will catch on and run with it! God bless.
Justice Dept.: Obama administration may take action on BCS
That’s a relief. I did not have any idea that the BCS was a breeding ground for Jew hating mass murdering terrorists.
I sleep secure tonight.
Thank you B.O.!
yor bro ken
Hi John-
We have copies of Dr Dunn’s study and graph at my pregnancy support agency and we use it in counselling situations with pregnant women very regularly. We warn them that the last third of first trimester is the worst time to be making a life-changing decision due to the natural mood swings of pregnancy and that they especially should resist the the pressure from the abortion providers to make a quick decision.
We offer free pregnancy tests and options counselling to about 500 women every year and are adding free 4D ultrasound services in about three weeks. :o)
Great info on the zinc. Will be looking into that more heavily!
As for the teenage girl thing, I think that our trend towards smaller families, age-segregation of children (think schools where it is the only time in your life you will be interacting almost exclusively with people who have a birthday within one year of your own) and a lack of inter-generational interactions has made teens far less aware of just what it means to have a baby.
My daughter (17) has commented that she has heard comments from friends at school about how they want a baby “to love them”… and she always responds resoundingly, “Are you NUTS? Do you know what babies are like? For the first few months all they do is scream at one end and poop out the other. They’re great, but they’re a lot of work and you need to wait until you can afford to support them!”
Thanks Michelle and Elizabeth,
for your super comments. I’d never heard of anyone putting Dr. Dunn’s work in operation … yo go, girl!
Elizabeth, I certainly do not break through the protectionist/ self-imposed isolation of many people in our society. My voice does not carry very far under these circumstances. I am 62 and welcome any forceful voice for life.
God Bless!