Stanek Sunday quote: “Fear of the Lord gives life”
Fear of the LORD gives life, security, and protection from harm.
~ Proverbs 19:23, New Living Translation
[Photo via Wisdom for Life Ministries]
Fear of the LORD gives life, security, and protection from harm.
~ Proverbs 19:23, New Living Translation
[Photo via Wisdom for Life Ministries]
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The Christian “Fear of the Lord” can also give us shame and guilt that stay with us the rest of our life, there’s no freedom in fear and oppression.
Fear in this scripture reference means reverent awe.
There is freedom in Christ who takes away the guilt and shame caused by our own sin.
Carla, well put.
Rachael, the Lord (like any excellent parent) addresses our sins and disciplines us. That is not shaming a child but bringing instruction for our own good – to mature us and help us become more Christlike.
Carla and Rachael,
I had to get this clear in my head too. For most of my life I did not realize that this meant awe until a nun explained the passage to me.
Sorry, you’re not going to change my mind. I’ve let go of my guilt and shame (but the low-esteem it’s caused stays with me), not through the Christian’s view of God, but belief in a loving, omnipresent higher power.
“Rachael, the Lord (like any excellent parent) addresses our sins and disciplines us. That is not shaming a child but bringing instruction for our own good – to mature us and help us become more Christlike.”
Riiight. Obdience through fear and guilt for our own good.
If a child hits his sibling or steals a candy bar, do you believe the parents should do nothing or maybe just say honey, please don’t do that?
If the child is not disciplined and taught at home not to hit, you can bet someone bigger on the playground will teach him some natural consequences later on which won’t include sending him to his room. Discipline is done from a place of love, not to induce fear or guilt.
If the low-self esteem remains with you, I disagree that you have let go of your guilt and shame.
Rachael, That’s not “the Christian’s view of God”..apparently it’s the church you were raised in, or your parents (or whomever) that made you feel the way you feel. Not all churches teach what God is REALLY like…neither do some parents. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of LOVE, and of a sound mind”. II Timothy 1:7 KJV.
God LOVES you, Rachael. He wants THE BEST for you.
“Fear” is not the right translation. It should read: “R-E-S-P-E-C-T”.