Pro-life news brief 2-27-13
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- TIME provides more information on the teenage couple in Texas who sued to prevent the young woman’s parents from forcing her to have an abortion:
The baby is due Sept. 16. According to [the baby’s father] Evan, he and R.E.K. — they began dating last summer — knew right away they would have the baby. “We’ve always been against abortion,” says Evan, who wants to become a welder (R.E.K. wants to attend nursing school). “As soon as we found out she was pregnant, we knew we wanted to keep it.”… It remains to be seen just how involved the girl’s parents will be with their new grandchild. While Burnside and her husband, who is not Evan’s biological father, are being supportive, the girl’s parents may find it harder to play a role: days after the judge’s ruling, Evan, a high school sophomore, married his pregnant girlfriend, a junior, in what Burnside calls a “shotgun” wedding.