Entries Tagged ‘Jodi Jacobson’
Abortion supporters clash on whether late term abortions are tragic or trivial
It was pro-abortion President Bill Clinton who first coined the term “safe, legal, and rare” in the early 1990s to describe his supposedly moderate view on abortion.
The phrase served Clinton well during the years-long partial birth abortion debate, making him sound reasonable even as he vetoed a ban against the heinous procedure twice. The conflicted masses liked it as well.
But abortion zealots got stuck on that word “rare.” As proponent Jessica Valenti wrote in The Guardian last year:
Stanek wkend Q: So what if “I aborted my baby because it was a boy” story was a hoax?
This week a horrific story was posted at injusticestories.com by “Lana,” who claimed she aborted her late-term baby after discovering he was a boy, because she has serious issues with men:
“It’s a boy”
“What?” I managed to sputter…. I started crying, weeping at the thought of what I was about to curse the world with….
Abortion proponent nails one big reason why the “S.S. Abortion” is sinking
Imani Gandy of RH Reality Check makes a good point: The “S.S. Abortion” is “doomed to forever plugging leaks” as long as its sole focus is on “the legal right to abortion.”
To be sure, S.S. Pro-Life also focuses on the legal right to abortion, blocking it, that is. But we are about so much more than that.
Feminist infighting escalates over mixed messaging on rape
In 2006 there was huge negative fallout at Duke University for what turned out to be false rape charges made by a black stripper against three white LaCrosse team members. In a “tragic rush to accuse,” the men’s names were dragged through the mud, their team’s season canceled, and their coach forced to resign. The signs […]
Killing puppies “horrific,” killing late-term babies “heroic”
Jodi Jacobson is editor-in-chief of RH Reality Check, a pro-abortion website dedicated “to safeguard… sexual and reproductive health and rights against false attacks and misinformation.”
Jacobson has stated it is “profoundly disrespectful” to oppose late-term abortions, which she defines as “at or after 24 weeks or in the third trimester.”
Jacobson has described those who kill babies in the third trimester as “committed, ethical, moral medical professional[s].” She said pro-lifers were “lunatics” to call late-term abortionist George Tiller a “mass murderer” – himself a subsequent victim of murder. Rather, Jacobson maintained, Tiller was a “heroic, kind, compassionate, professional.”
Kermit who? Abortion zealots still claim emergency access to clinics unnecessary
One of many complaints abortion supporters have against clinic regulations, which they call TRAP laws – Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers – is a requirement for wider doors and hallways than clinics apparently usually have.
“At no point does the width of doorways have any bearing on the medical treatment that’s being administered,” griped Planned Parenthood of Indiana Executive Director Betty Cockrum to jconline.com.
Ignoring 12 US abortion deaths to push “safe and legal” abortions in Ireland
I reported yesterday on the Centers for Disease Control’s newly released Abortion Surveillance – United States, 2009, which reported the lowest rate and ratio of abortion in the U.S. since 1974.
There was another statistic in the Abortion Surveillance:
In 2008, the most recent year for which data were available, 12 women were reported to have died as a result of complications from known legal induced abortions. No reported deaths were associated with known illegal induced abortions.
Twelve women that we know of died from “safe and legal” abortions in the U.S. in 2008. And as Americans United for Life’s Charmaine Yoest noted to LifeNews.com, “That number is double the deaths reported the previous year and it’s the highest since 1994.”
According to the CDC, there have been 403 legal abortion-related deaths in the U.S. since 1973 (and 56 illegal), an average of 10 a year.
So where is the outcry from feminists?
Why, they’re all busy pointing their unrighteously indignant fingers at Ireland, where elective abortions are illegal, alleging that the tragic death of Savita Halappanavar proves abortion should be legal there – so women won’t die? In fact, abortion is legal in Ireland to save the life of a mother. It is a lie to claim Halappanavar’s death would have been averted were elective abortions legal in Ireland.