Baby Munoz put to death by judicial tyranny
UPDATE 1/27, 11:15a: The deceased Munoz baby’s gender and name have been posted on the public Facebook page of Erick Munoz’s local union, Crowley Professional Firefighters Association L-4182:
Rest in peace, Marlise and little Nicole.
[HT: Leslie and Vanessa]
1/26, 5:15p: It’s Terri Schiavo all over again.
Another pro-death judge has inexplicably ordered the death of an innocent, helpless person due to a family’s wishes.
Despite a Texas law requiring that pregnant mothers be kept on life support until their preborn babies are viable, District Court Judge R. H. Wallace on Friday ordered John Peter Smith Hospital to remove Marlise Munoz’s life support by 5p Monday – and the hospital has already complied.