mum-pregantSince she was excited about her second child, wouldn’t Marlise want her baby to be born despite her condition?

“We haven’t even focused on that yet,” says Machado, adding that doctors have told them they can’t determine the fetus’s health until mid-February.

“Our focus has been our daughter’s wishes not being honored. To see this body that’s being kept alive solely as an incubator, it’s hard.”

~ Lynne Machado, mother of Marlise Munoz, as quoted in People Magazine, February 3 issue. Yesterday Texas Judge R. H. Wallace ruled that John Peter Smith Hospital must remove Munoz from life support by 5p Monday, despite a Texas law that makes it illegal to take a pregnant mother off of life support. Munoz was found unconscious on November 26 and may have suffered a pulmonary embolism. The hospital declared her “brain-dead” on November 28. Munoz’s baby is now 22-1/2 weeks old.

[Photo of Eric and Marlise Munoz during happier times with now 15-mo-old son Mateo]

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