Pro-life blog buzz 1-17-14
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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- Wesley J. Smith adeptly points out that a “die-and-get-out-of-the-way” rationing campaign has already begun in the U.S.
Liberal New York Times writer Bill Keller recently demeaned popular blogger Linda Bonchek Adams and her fight against cancer. Keller’s advice? Stop trying to give “false hope” to people and enter hospice already. Smith says everyone should be appalled by this attitude:
Here is what I believe is going on behind the curtains: There is a great effort underway at the highest level of the ruling and intellectual classes to devalue the struggle to stay alive. Part of it is utilitarian ideology – the idea that society can define a life not worth living. Indeed, we have seen open advocacy in bioethics for a “duty to die.”