Reactions to Tebow ad
Posting good ones as I read them… Gerard Nadal at…
Posting good ones as I read them… Gerard Nadal at…
(See both Tebow ads on page 2.) UPDATE, 9:42p: On the other hand, if this is as far as CBS would let Focus do, it got us a foot in the door. And again, thanks to the best PR rep in the universe, abortion and the “choice” lie got millions and millions of dollars of […]
UPDATE, 6:06p: “Casket” made it into the top 3! Just aired. The 2 other top finalists were “Underdog” and “House Rules.” Congrats, Mosaic! 8:31a: Tim Tebow’s pro-life ad may not be the only one riling secular liberals during today’s Super Bowl. We may also see an ad made by 1 of 6 finalists. All 6 […]
story: There’s a new Super Bowl surprise from Focus on the Family: a 2nd ad. The evangelical group that bought ad time in the CBS game telecast will announce today that it has bought time in the pregame show to air a 2nd ad 4 times….
A Focus on the Family rep National Football Post piece today. It’s quite interesting to read thoughts about abortion on venues that likely have never articulated an opinion about it. Love it love it love it. I’m also entertained by the witty writing style. Maybe there’s more to sports pages than I knew. My goodness, […]
by Susie Allen, TN pro-life activist
by The View’s Joy Behar said that Tim Tebow could have “easily become some kind of a rapist pedophile.” Some stem cell researchers are claiming that a small group of scientists
One of my weekend questions was, “Which advocacy group is the ultimate winner of [the Tebow ad] controversy, pro-lifers or pro-aborts?” All signs are pointing to Tebow PR breaking against pro-aborts. The latest evidence is the January 30