(See both Tebow ads on page 2.)
tim and pam tebow, focus on the family, super bowl, pro-life, abortion.jpgUPDATE, 9:42p: On the other hand, if this is as far as CBS would let Focus do, it got us a foot in the door. And again, thanks to the best PR rep in the universe, abortion and the “choice” lie got millions and millions of dollars of free publicity.
UPDATE, 9:10p: You know, the only reason I’m not aggravated by how Focus so totally watered down the pro-life message in the Tebow ad as to make it practically nonexistent is all the conversation it triggered beforehand.
That this was thanks only to pro-aborts could also be aggravating, despite the rich irony, in that MSM is only interested in discussing our topic if pro-aborts are interested….

But the Lord knew all this and magnified our feeble attempts while boomeranging the other side’s hostility.
So it’s still all good.
UPDATE, 7:23p: Another thought. I’ve spent a great deal of my adulthood fighting the “hysterical female” stereotype. I’d like to thank liberal feminist groups for setting us back.
UPDATE, 6:31p: My take: The ads are quite tame, ambiguous really. In fact, one wouldn’t know their topic was the pro-life issue – that Pam made a “choice” to bring Tim into the world – were it not for all the hype.
If I didn’t know anything about the ads, I’d say they were more about maternal and neonatal health… or maybe that a mom worries about her kid even when he’s all grown up. Only the tag line at the very end, “Celebrate family. Celebrate life.” alludes to the real theme.
So the last laugh is on pro-aborts. Really. They gave the Tebow ad a forum to discuss abortion that pro-lifers could never have gotten from it alone.
5:47p: Here’s the Tebows’ Super Bowl ad…


Pam: I call him my miracle baby. He almost didn’t make it into this world. I can remember so many times when I almost lost him. It was so hard. Well he’s all grown up now, and I still worry about his health. You know, with all our family’s been through, you have to be tough…
Tim tackles Mom.
Pam: Timmy! I’m trying to tell our story here.
Tim: Sorry about that, Mom…. You still worry about me, Mom?
Pam: Well, yeah, you’re not nearly as tough as I am.

Here’s the Tebows’ pregame Super Bowl ad…


Pam: I call him my miracle baby. He almost didn’t make it into this world. I can remember so many times when I almost lost him. It was so hard. Well he’s all grown up now, and I still worry about his health. Everybody treats him like he’s different, but to me, he’s just my baby. He’s my Timmy, and I love him.
Tim: Thanks mom. Love you too.

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