Coburn warns House Democrats sell-outs
I recently spotlighted
I recently spotlighted
A July 23 article in
Bravo, bravo. Click on first few words in each piece for link to entire article…
Incredibly, radical pro-abort KS Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, President Abortion’s nominee for US Dept. of Health and Human Services Secretary, skated through 2 Senate hearings – Finance Committee – with nary a question asked of her that included the word “abortion.” Numerous pro-lifers are members of those committees (click on committee links for names), including Sen. […]
Our pro-abort friends at RH Reality Check were kind enough to upload this interview I saw on Fox with US Senator Tom Coburn on March 3 and hoped would end up on YouTube. In the interview Coburn discussed not only the harm that would befall women if the US restored taxpayer funding to the United […]
Pro-life stalwarts in the US Senate are battling provisions in the Omnibus spending boondoggle that includes pork for the abortion industry. Wicker Amendment Would restore language in the Kemp-Kasten provision,
Wall Street Journal explained what this rule does: [The rule] says hospitals, pharmacies and other entities that be charged with discrimination and lose federal funds [Medicaid, Medicare, SCHIP, etc.] if they pressure employees to take part in treatments to which they object on religious or moral grounds…. Still… Obama in August criticized the then-proposed rule […]
Senator Tom Coburn is the bane of Majority Leader Harry Reid’s existence for relentlessly and fiercely opposing wasteful spending. For example, as FRC reported yesterday: Repeatedly… Reid… has decided to ramrod legislation through the chamber…. He attempted this – unsuccessfully – with a massive $11 billion spending bill last week. Mockingly called the “Coburn Omnibus” […]