weekend question.jpgIncredibly, radical pro-abort KS Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, President Abortion’s nominee for US Dept. of Health and Human Services Secretary, skated through 2 Senate hearings – Health Committee and Finance Committee – with nary a question asked of her that included the word “abortion.”
Numerous pro-lifers are members of those committees (click on committee links for names), including Sen. Bob Casey and Sen. Pat Roberts, although the latter’s silence should come as no surprise since he has already endorsed her as a colleague from his home state.
Only Sen. Tom Coburn ventured close, asking Sebelius her position on health care providers’ conscience protections and whether she agreed RU-486 should be reclassified as an emergency contraceptive. Sebelius snaked in both her responses.
Two questions: Why do you think senators ignored the abortion elephant in the room, and what questions do you think Sebelius should have been asked?

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