Jivin J reported last week the Obama administration plans to overturn an HHS rule implemented by the Bush administration that protects medical professionals. Tthe Wall Street Journal explained what this rule does:

[The rule] says hospitals, pharmacies and other entities that be charged with discrimination and lose federal funds [Medicaid, Medicare, SCHIP, etc.] if they pressure employees to take part in treatments to which they object on religious or moral grounds….
Still… Obama in August criticized the then-proposed rule and said he was “committed to ensuring that the health and reproductive rights of women are protected.”

In other words, Obama doesn’t want federal medical worker/entity conscience protections enforced. Obama considers it “protect[ion]” to force health care providers to participate in abortion.
free coburn2.jpgYesterday CNS News reported US Senator Tom Coburn (R-TN), an ob/gyn, is telling Obama, “Go ahead. Make my day.”

Coburn… [said] many medical practitioners, including himself, will go to prison before agreeing to engage in medical practices they morally oppose, such as abortion….
The Obama administration’s “review” is considered the precursor to rescinding the regulation.
“I think a lot of us will go to jail,” Coburn told CNSNews.com when asked what would happen if the administration reverses the policy. “Let’s see them prosecute the first one of us for not doing that.”

[Graphic work by John Francis Borra at Veritatis: The Cartoon]

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