Devolving pigs
Oh, this is rich. Writing on behalf of Planned Parenthood, Dr. Vanessa Cullins, VP of medical affairs, complained in today’s New York Times about Fox and CBS’s refusal to run Trojan’s new condom ad. Stated Collins in a letter to the editor:
As the nation’s leading reproductive health care advocate and provider, Planned Parenthood knows that for sexually active people, condoms are the best way to prevent unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.
This coming from the seller of condoms Consumer Reports ranked 22nd and 23rd out of 23 for strength and reliability. Lol.
At any rate, the Trojan ad, as described by Kaiser, “features women at a bar surrounded by pigs. When one pig goes to the restroom and returns with a condom purchased at a vending machine, he is transformed into an attractive man. The end of the commercial carries the message: ‘Evolve: Use a condom every time.'”
Why did Fox and CBS take a pass? According to NYT Fox wrote Trojan, “Contraceptive advertising must stress health-related uses rather than the prevention of pregnancy,” and CBS wrote, “While we understand and appreciate the humor of this creative, we do not find it appropriate for our network even with late-night-only restrictions.”
Kaiser theorized in a 2001 report, “Some networks draw a strong line between messages about disease prevention – which may be allowed – and those about pregnancy prevention, which may be considered controversial for religious and moral reasons.”
Kaiser is pro-abortion, so I don’t buy this as Fox/CBS’s line of reasoning. The ad is simply in poor taste. A man exploiting a woman in a bar to be his unpaid hooker is a pig with or without a condom in his pocket. Here’s the ad:
Ahaha…I love this commercial. I see it on Spike all the time.
Let me guess… Trojan is now a money grubbing exploiting women mill??
Me thinks Jill’s been the odd woman out in the pick-up scene, and jelous.
Pigs are pigs, and a condom doesn’t change a thing.
I’m with Jill on this… I don’t buy their reasoning. How is prevention of pregnancy not a health related issue? Pregnancy comes with risks to a woman’s health. It results in serious changes in her body, and can have serious effects on her psychological health. They’re full of it.
I must disagree that the ad is in poor taste, though. People pick up others in bars all the time. I’m sorry if you think the only place to meet members of the opposite sex is at bible study, but others disagree. That said, I personally am not into one night stands with dudes I’ve just met at bars, but they can’t very well show all the dates leading up to the act in a 30 second spot and still get the whole “pig” thing to fit right, now can they? At the end of the day, I love it. Any man who refuses to wear a condom, and hence isn’t concerned with his and his partner’s safety, is totally a pig.
David Kupelian’s talks about this in ‘The Marketing of Evil’:
From pitching promiscuity as ‘freedom’ to promoting abortion as ‘choice,’ the marketers of evil are always selling you something destructive
How easily that might be turned around:
From pitching religion as “science” to promoting outmoded ideals as “morality”, the marketers of evil are always selling you oppresion, with catastrophic results.
The purveyors of behind-closed-door bigotry, power mongering and outright hatred of reason are forcing their destructive lifestyles down our throats through television, attempts to force their non-science into schools and in our legal system by legislative and judicial fiat in the name of “God”.
Ever think that maybe some people find your world view as abhorrent as you find theirs?
A man exploiting a woman in a bar to be his unpaid hooker is a pig with or without a condom in his pocket.
Sounds like someone spent a lot of time with the wingman…
“Moral indignation is envy with a halo”
-HG Wells
Cam and Laura:
“When a finger points at the moon, idiots will look at the finger.”
“Ever think that maybe some people find your world view as abhorrent as you find theirs?”
There’s a difference Diana, David Kupelian’s statement is true and yours is false. You’re out of your mind if you think conservatives own the public schools, television or courts….you’re just out of touch if you think this..what universe are you living on…
Sorry, I just don’t “get” how men who you found disgusting at the bar are somehow made attractive when they whip out a condom.
Perhaps I’m nieve, but I would think that an attraction for a person would be a prerequisite for any situatin that would require a Trojan.
My statement is false? Why not actually prove it rather than stating it.
Go look up who owns the giant TV conglomerates – conservatives. Go look at the make up of the federal courts after Bush has had his way – conservatives. And I didn’t say that conservatives own public schools, I said they were trying to push non-science (and I should add prayer, while I’m at it) into our schools. You’re going to deny that there is a push to put ID in schools?
I live in the same universe you do Jasper, I just actually take the time to find out what’s going on in it rather than believing whatever tripe the ideologues throw my way.
How do know that ID is non-science Diana?
“and I should add prayer, while I’m at it,into our schools”
so what, if religious kids want to take 5-10 minutes to pray to their God, why not let them ? They teach kids how to put condoms on cucumbers…
Here’s who owns the media Diana: almost 90% leftie journalists
if religious kids want to take 5-10 minutes to pray to their God, why not let them ?
Who’s stopping them?
Check out a classroom full of kids before an advance-placement Calculus final. You’ll see a lot of praying. (I recall a lot of piety before the SATs as well…)
Really, can they bring a bible into school?
Really, can they bring a bible into school?
I don’t know.
Why is that germane? You don’t need a bible to pray.
Yes they can.In fact, go into any advanced placement English class, and you’d be discussing Biblical imagery in depth.
Nobody is stopping kids from praying, they are stopping school-sanctioned religious stuff–like making kids pray before eating lunch.
And ID isn’t science–It’s not falsifiable or testable.
Jill’s opening comments are the most telling:
Oh, this is rich.
Indeed, it is.
I can’t help but recall the scene in This Is Spinal Tap, when the band members express their sincere incredulity that the record company wouldn’t go for their proposed album cover:
A woman on all fours, greased up, with a dog collar around her neck, and a man’s glove in her face, asking her to smell the glove.
You know it’s bad when your ad gets rejected by two networks that, like just about every other network, line their pockets by peddling base programs during which are broadcast base commercials.
But those at Trojan, Planned Parenthood, et al. — who have increasingly demonstrated that they obviously don’t live in the same world as the rest of us — just. Don’t. Get. It.
As the saying goes, “When everyone in the room tells you you’re drunk, it’s time to sit down.”
“How do know that ID is non-science Diana?”
ROFLMAO. Oh geez. How could you even think it is?Science is an epistemological enterprise based on hypothesizing and testing those hypotheses. It’s roots are in observation and reasoning. ID makes no predictions, there is no data available for us to test various hypotheses. And the conclusion of the ID argument (which that is all it is – not an epistemological enterprise, but an argument) is a non sequitur to boot.
Or perhaps you think that, despite all that, ID is in fact a valid scientific theory. Well, if that’s the case, perhaps you and I should have a chat about all this gravity BS that the secular freaks have been teaching our children in school. The theory of intelligent falling, after all, is a completely valid alternative scientific theory.
“so what, if religious kids want to take 5-10 minutes to pray to their God, why not let them ? They teach kids how to put condoms on cucumbers…”
I’ve no problem with kids taking their own time out to pray, or meeting together to pray. I’ve no problem with that at all. What I do have a problem with is forcing others to do it by having a school official pray publically at events where some kids are required to attend (football games, graduation, etc). You don’t want teachers teaching your kids real science unless they teach religious spin beside it? I don’t want teachers forcing religion down the throats of kids whose parents don’t believe as you do.
“Here’s who owns the media Diana: almost 90% leftie journalists“
Cuz that’s an unbiased source. I could give you just as many sites biased the other way. How about a journal without an obvious slant:
The giant conglomerates like Viacom, Disney and Clear Channel, which own disgusting amounts of the media, are owned by conservatives.
Even if they weren’t, you’re really going to tell me that there is no proselytizing going on? You are really going to tell me that you people right here, along with thousands of others, aren’t trying to push your worldviews on us? Please. What do you call the proposed flag burning amendment? Or the marriage amendment meant to preclude homosexuals from enjoying the same rights as everyone else? What do you call Bush’s faith based initiative? Or the whole “war on Christmas” fiasco? That’s not you and people like you trying to sell your view?
I’m just trying to point out that some people might view all that as “marketing of evil” just as you view the presence of indications of our worldview as “marketing of evil”. So perhaps rather than spewing unsubstantiated assertions about the evils of the way others view of the world and crying about how it is somehow taking over the world, maybe it’s time to drop the persecution complex and actually engage in a rational debate.
“Nobody is stopping kids from praying”
yes they are, in Mass, you can’t bring a bible into a public school.
“It’s not falsifiable or testable.”
neither is evolution
Still traumatized about that forest fire in “Bambi?”
“neither is evolution”
Which part… populations go extinct, genes mutating, traits are heritable, individuals thrive or perish based on their traits, that the distribuation and abundance of traits in a population are variable, that isolated populations will manifest distinct traits and/or differering abundance and frequency of of shared traits, or that given enough time the two populations will no longer be reproductively compatible???
Can you prove evolution?.. no, of course you can’t but it still being taught in public schools…
MSNBC has a conservative bias? again, what planet are you living on, then you dare to post a link to the Columbia school of traitors?
“Even if they weren’t, you’re really going to tell me that there is no proselytizing going on?”
not in public arena
“Or the marriage amendment meant to preclude homosexuals from enjoying the same rights as everyone else? ”
homosexuals can get married, just not to somebody of the same sex… 2 men getting married is not marriage, marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman. would you mind if I married the twins next door? we all love each other very much? are going to deny me the right to marry? 4000 years of tradition, now sodomy is being legitimized.
“What do you call Bush’s faith based initiative?”
why should churched be denied funding just because their christians. Let’s see how many atheist organizations there are helping the unfortunate..
Or the whole “war on Christmas” fiasco?
Ripping down creshes in public squares is bogus. why should we have to conform to your secular liberal religon when this country was founded on christian principles?
“What I do have a problem with is forcing others to do it by having a school official pray publically at events where some kids are required to attend”
Nobody was forced to pray, is listening to a prayer going to kill somebody.
You are exactly whats wrong with own society today, you, Cam, ACLU, Nambla, PP and the rest are destroying this country and our way of life.
cameron, I don’t want to get into a huge debate on evolution, but you know that the debate is regarding macroevolution, not micro.
No one disputes that certain traits die over time, but many dispute that this “weeding out” can result in a change of species.
“You are exactly whats wrong with own society today, you, Cam, ACLU, Nambla, PP and the rest are destroying this country and our way of life.”
LMAO. Could you be a lil’ more cliche and outdated. you need to update your right-wing talking points. NAMBLA, ACLU, etc… sure you don’t want to throw in a hitler comparison too just for good measure. Oh.. you forgot about affirmative action and political correctness though.
Just so you know who you’re making a pariah of…ACLU, over the last five years or so, is, about half of their cases, defending pious nut jobs like you when the liberals have gone too far trying to squelch the annoying proseltizing din.
You need to get out more often or something
cameron, I don’t want to get into a huge debate on evolution, but you know that the debate is regarding macroevolution, not micro.
I’m not talking about microevolution. Macroevolution at it’s lowest level (speciation) has been documented, induced, etc… (see London’s subway mosquitos, hawthorne berry flies, Townsend and Enlow’s trinidad guppies, “ring species,” etc….).
Evolution, like all scientific theories, cannot be proven, but they can be disproven, and they oodles of evidence supporting them. The stuff I rattled off above is a lot of evidence, and there are no alternative theory that are a)falsifiable and b) so well supported.
“No one disputes that certain traits die over time, but many dispute that this “weeding out” can result in a change of species.”
Um… “many”… more like a few that aren’t keeping up with the literature, or otherwise have alterior agendas (i.e. creationist toads).
Convoluted Cameron, I thought that was you trying to get a date??
“Can you prove evolution?.. no, of course you can’t but it still being taught in public schools…”
Yes. It is being taught in public schools, because it is science. What shouldn’t be taught in public schools is religion. Why? The first amendment.
“MSNBC has a conservative bias? again, what planet are you living on, then you dare to post a link to the Columbia school of traitors?”
Did you actually do any looking around or are you going to continue the defensive slaps rather than engaging in a debate. If you aren’t willing to actually look at evidence and accept it for what it is then there is no point in having a discussion with you.
“”Even if they weren’t, you’re really going to tell me that there is no proselytizing going on?”
not in public arena”
What?! Turn on your television. Or haven’t you seen the sunday morning evangelicals? I can’t tell you how many times, when I was an undergraduate at a PUBLIC university, I walked past someone claiming we were all going to hell unless we repented. I don’t have a problem with it. You have a right to free speech as much as I do, but please don’t act like you’re some persecuted minority, because you’re not.
“homosexuals can get married, just not to somebody of the same sex… 2 men getting married is not marriage, marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman.”
Oh really? Prove it. And appealing to tradition is not enough. For centuries slaves were not considered people, and branding and such were merely accepted traditions (with economic import). The fact that something is traditional does not make it correct. Or would you like to revert to the tradition of selling daughters into slavery (see Lev.)?
“would you mind if I married the twins next door? we all love each other very much? are going to deny me the right to marry?”
Nope. If you’re all adults capable of consent, I don’t give a **** who you merge your assets with.
“4000 years of tradition, now sodomy is being legitimized.”
Ever hear of the ancient Greeks? Probably not. I’m starting to get the sense that (seeing as you are 40) you don’t read more than Pat Robertson’s website. Pederasty was common. Lying in love (and not lust) with a man was considered a higher relationship than the lustful relationship that was had with a woman. So who’s tradition are you talking about? Yours? Why should I give a hoot about your tradition?
“why should churched be denied funding just because their christians.”
Churches should be denied funding because of the First Amendment. My tax dollars shouldn’t go to fund your religious activities. Think of it this way. Imagine that this country became a muslim country. Imagine that 70% of the population were muslim. Would you want your money to go to mosques? Or perhaps that is too close to home. Imagine if the vast majority of the population became satanist. Would you want your money going to them? Say they were actually going to put it toward helping people (while slying converting them), would you want to make it possible to free up funds to pay for sacrifies to lucifer? Probably not.
“Ripping down creshes in public squares is bogus. why should we have to conform to your secular liberal religon when this country was founded on christian principles?”
First, this country was founded on enlightment priciples, only some of which derived from the judeo christian religion. Second, I’m not a liberal, and there is no such thing as a secular religion. Why should I have to conform to your religious views when this country was founded on the basis of all sorts of freedom, including religious freedom.
“Nobody was forced to pray, is listening to a prayer going to kill somebody.”
Again, imagine that the country has been taken over by satanists. A large majority of the population worships satan. How would you feel about your child being required to attend an event where she would have to sit an listen to prayers offered up to the devil, glorifying him, etc, etc. It wouldn’t kill your kid, would it? But I highly doubt you would be so flip about it.
“You are exactly whats wrong with own society today, you, Cam, ACLU, Nambla, PP and the rest are destroying this country and our way of life.”
LOL. I’M exactly wrong with this country? Me? The ACLU protects the right to free exercise, so I wouldn’t hate on them just yet. Planned Parenthood provides health services to many women who may not be able to get them otherwise. You, and people like you, on the other hand, try to oppress others. You spread hate, bigotry and fear. And your stupidity and blind obedience allows the power mongerers in this country to slowly but surely strip away the freedoms that made this country what it was – those same freedoms that the ACLU fights to protect. So who’s ruining the country?
Somehow I left his greeting on their instead of switching it after copying and pasting – that last post isn’t directed at myself (I already know what I think) – it’s at you, Jasper.
Somehow I left his greeting on there instead of switching it after copying and pasting – that last post isn’t directed at myself (I already know what I think) – it’s at you, Jasper.
Jasper:”would you mind if I married the twins next door? we all love each other very much? are going to deny me the right to marry?”
Diana: Nope. If you’re all adults capable of consent, I don’t give a **** who you merge your assets with.
…and that says it all folks,… Diana, this is why, with dangerous people like you in charge, the things that make this country great will disappear, chaos and debauchery will take over.. you’ll have us all running around like the animals…no morals whatsoever. No Family structure, which is necessary for child-rearing, etc. Shameful.
..the Marketing of Evil in play…..
For Diana’s education:
1490-1492 – Columbus’ commission was given to set out to find a new world.
According to Columbus’ personal log, his purpose in seeking undiscovered worlds was to “bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the heathens. …. It was the Lord who put into my mind … that it would be possible to sail from here to the Indies … I am the most unworthy sinner, but I have cried out to the Lord for grace and mercy, and they have covered me completely … No one should fear to undertake any task in the name of our Saviour, if it is just and if the intention is purely for His holy service.” (Columbus’ Book of Prophecies)
April 10, 1606 – The Charter for the Virginia Colony read in part:
“To the glory of His divine Majesty, in propagating of the Christian religion to such people as yet live in ignorance of the true knowledge and worship of God.”
November 3, 1620 – King James I grants the Charter of the Plymouth council.
“In the hope thereby to advance the enlargement of the Christian religion, to the glory of God Almighty.”
November 11, 1620 – The Pilgrims sign the Mayflower Compact aboard the Mayflower, in Plymouth harbor.
“For the glory of God and advancement of ye Christian faith … doe by these presents solemnly & mutually in ye presence of God and one of another, covenant & combine our selves togeather into a civill body politick.”
Tee-hee, I think this commercial is hilarious.
Jasper, I highly suggest you remove that large stick from your bum, it’s making you uppity.
Jasper, rather than making blanket statements about why I’m evil, why don’t you try justifying your claims. I follow a strict moral code; it’s just not YOUR moral code. So rather than merely parroting what you’ve heard before, why not tell me why your moral code is the right one, why your view of the family is the right one. I understand that you think I’m dangerous Jasper. I think you are far more dangerous than I will ever be. Because not only do you hold to a system of beliefs that I find unfounded and incorrect, but you can’t be bothered to question or defend it, or to open your mind to other possibilities. Maybe instead of crying about the “marketing of evil” you should try playing a hand or two in the “marketplace of ideas”.
I just saw the commercial on Adult Swim for the first time the other night. I thought it was hilarious, too.
Then again, I do also like the new Starburst commercial….
Do you think that the Mayflower charter is this country’s founding document? See, I thought it was the Consitution and the Bill of Rights. Go read Madison’s Notes On the Federal Convention, The Federalist Papers, or the correspondence between Madison and Jefferson, and then tell me what this country was founded on. It was all about the philosophies of Locke, Rousseau, and Montesquieu.
I don’t need you to educate me Jasper. I got a real education. And now I provide it.
Mayflower Compact*
Geez my fingers get away with way too much when I this ticked off.
“Jasper, rather than making blanket statements about why I’m evil, why don’t you try justifying your claims.”
I never said you were evil, I believe some of ideas are though..
“I follow a strict moral code; it’s just not YOUR moral code. So rather than merely parroting what you’ve heard before, why not tell me why your moral code is the right one, why your view of the family is the right one”
Here it is Diana, but since my values are so different from yours, I don’t think you’ll agree with it.
God-Bless, no hard feelings….
jasper, there are many extracurricular religious clubs at my college, and there were at my high school as well. Religion isn’t banned in schools. It simply isn’t taught the way it would be at a church or mosque or synagogue- because that isn’t what school is for. I learned a ton about religion in school, only, I learned it in the context of it’s impact on history and the biblical symbolism that passed on to different aspects of literature. Public School isn’t a religious institution.
It is so frustrating to see from the outset of every discussion, name calling being used in place of rational discussion on important topics. So often I see some comment along the lines of “… why is your truth better than my truth” That kind of rhetoric is never helpful. People who have a more “traditional” view of morality typically are more inclined to see the possibility of truth outside of their own circumstances and they believe that it is there duty to seek and understand the nature of that truth. This concept of truth being outside of our own experience is usually rooted in a belief in God who is the source of the truth. The only other alternative as I see it is to essentially say or think “… this is too complicated, so to hell with it – I am going to just set up my own desires as my God and call that ‘My Truth'”. One last point I think that is important is that most people who hold a traditional morality most often have exactly the same inclinations as everyone else. They see a “hot babe” and say to themselves, “I want to jump her bones” but then say something to themselves (hopefully) along the lines of “that is a person though, not a piece of meat to be desired like a sirloin steak” … you get the point. People who think like this are not trying to get into other peoples business, but they believe that there is strong eveidence that there really is right and wrong and that there are real consequences to bad actions. It is not always easy or clear to know what actions to take in all situations, but the alternative approach to just do what “feels” right usually brings about disaster. If God exist, I am sure that he will bless you if you ask for it, so pardon me for asking for his blessing for all of us, God Bless – Steve.
Erin, some some schools are very discriminatory to religious students.
One example off the top of my head is this-
At my highschool the ONLY student club not allowed to meet on campus was the League of Christian Athletes.
They were required to meet off campus at a random student’s house.
All other clubs from the Anime Assosiation to the Gay/Straight Alliance were given a place to meet on campus.
I wasn’t a Christian in highschool, but even I could see that this was stupid.
I think a few students at my school petitioned to have a Gay/Straight Alliance organization, but the school wouldn’t allow it.
We certainly had FCA, though.
You’re right! The only reason people like Jill and myself oppose such an ad is because we’re jealous that other women who lack self-respect and dignity are the ones picked up by men at bars. How we wish we were the ones treated like inflatable dolls! /sarcasm
Promiscuity is disgusting- with or without a thin layer of latex between two strangers.
You’re right! The only reason people like Jill and myself oppose such an ad is because we’re jealous that other women who lack self-respect and dignity are the ones picked up by men at bars. How we wish we were the ones treated like inflatable dolls! /sarcasm
Morality is not binary equation. There’s a recent Science article that’s challenging these notions. It’s currently recognized that morality is based on five ethical pillars/principles which we all share, but choose to place differential priority/emphasis on. When it comes to the two camps in the abortion debate, generally, social conservatives place the highest moral emphasis on respect of authority and ingroup loyalty. All together, they rank these 5 moral principles about the same though. For liberals these principles diverge in rank/importance. Liberals place a much higher emphasis on care/not-harming and fairness/egalitarian than do conservatives, and a much lower importance on respect of authority, ingroup/loyalty, and sactity/purity than conservatives.
Heather B–same way at our school.
Jasper- before you decided to flat out LIE, did you forget that someone who grew up in Massachusetts frequents this forum?
There is absolutely NO LAW in Mass that prevents public school students from bringing a Bible to school.
Not only am I a product of the Mass public schools, my mother has been a public school teacher in Methuen for 15 years.
There is, however, a law against school sanctioned prayer or schools distributing religious materials. If a student has a free period and wants to bring her/her Bible to read, there is absolutely nothing stopping them. In fact, a handful of students organized a Bible study group our senior year because most of us ended up with an empty schedule block in the 2nd semester. Guess what they brought with them??
*Gasp* BIBLES!!
You are absolutely and completely INCORRECT.
Next time you want to fabricate your own pity parade, make sure there isnt someone who knows the truth in the same forum.
good day!
I think the AD is funny. Any guy who refuses to wear a condom weather it be someone you just met in the bar or someone you’re dating is indeed a pig. How do we know that the women and the man didn’t already know each other? Its not the best condom commercial in the world but I don’t think its that bad.
Jasper, although I can’t be entirely sure but I don’t see why someone couldn’t bring a bible to school. And even if it’s not allowed there are plenty of other books that are banned from public schools as well. So if it is indeed true then get over it. There are a lot of great novels not allowed because “someone didn’t like it”
No hard feelings. Although you’re right. I know a good deal about why certain people feel that religious morals are the correct ones. I don’t see the arguments as being any good.
It’s not rhetoric to ask someone to justify a claim. One shouldn’t even have to ask. Rational arguments are all about justifying one’s conclusions.
Jill, I think you’ve lost your grip. Reality, meet Jill. Jill, reality.
Mixed up Tony, thanks for educating us.
Yeah, Cameron, Jill is jealous that there’s no condom toting pig in a human suit looking at her as nothing but an ambulatory sex toy.
Why is it that as soon as women start demaning respect, people like you scoff? Why are women with self-respect such a threat to people?
Diana, any guy who thinks that condom makes him anything less than a pig is just as much a pig as Porky No-Condom. He’s just added being delusional to being a pig.
And if you think Christian women attend Bible study as a means of picking up men (presumably men who don’t use condoms!), you must think that every human activity is just a means of finding somebody to rut with.
There are six billion people on this earth. Is it possible that they exist for some reason other than purely to provide each other with sexual gratification?
Dianna, since when is refusing to have sex with anybody who sees you as an animated sex toy “oppression”?
Now when I refuse some condom-toting slimebag’s advances, I”m OPPRESSING him!
Sheesh! We have a moral obligation to have sex with these clowns if they buy comdoms! And that’s not treating women like objects?
Christina, I’d like you to meet me. I’m a woman with plenty of self-respect who would happily have sex before being married, and would happily have sex with a guy in the bar, if I so chose. Why does my enjoyment of sex make me suddenly less respectful of myself?
Now maybe I’m wrong, but it seems words are being twisted….
“Why is it that as soon as women start demaning respect, people like you scoff? Why are women with self-respect such a threat to people?”
Why is it that people like you always percieve a woman interested in sex as being percieved like an object? Apparently, no self-respecting woman has a sex drive?? Are women looking at men like objects a threat? Why do you think so ill of women?
“There is absolutely NO LAW in Mass that prevents public school students from bringing a Bible to school.”
I stand corrected. Bibles are not banned, but open Bible reading is…
“science” brought to us by lbrls:
Man is causing global warming. Zero evidence, but there’s a huge effort to alter the economy of the U.S., while ignoring the fact that China is building a new coal fired power plant, on avg. every week.
Pregnancy now is said to start a week or two after fertilization, so that any chemicals killing the human prior to that time can be billed as “contraceptive” even though they are not. It’s OK to misbrand drugs if you’re a lbrl.
The human prior to birth is just like a little cloud — that’s from Faye Wattleton former head of planned parenthood.
It’s OK for lbrls to kill humans prior to birth, because they haven’t acquired sufficient value to be called “persons”. (Zero scientific evidence backing this religious belief.)
Better avoid the use of the word “conception”. It used to designate the completion of fertilization, but the lbrls have redefined it, and now often use it as synonymous with implantation. The purpose of this is to continue with the misbranding of hormonal birth control as “contraceptive” though all of them have multiple mechanisms, including killing the human organism in the early embryonic stage.
Plenty of lbrl physicians state that the morning after pill works only by mechanisms prior to fertilization. Better stay away from them, because they don’t know how a woman gets pregnant.
(The theory, perhaps is that if a woman has sex near or after the time of ovulation, levonorgestrel can suck that secondary oocyte right back up into the ovary where it will hide from all those male gametes- hehheh.) Other lbrl “scientists” are busy gathering evidence for this by using rodents as experimental models although these animals operate reproductively by means of a neuro-endocrine feedback loop.
lbrl economics:
Research funds down the lbrl black hole…
They need taxpayer suckers to pay for embryonic stem cell research though it is going NO where. (That’s why private funds aren’t enough for this work, because it’s going to yield nothing.) Jill brought up the fact that the newsrags (which should be boycotted) can’t distinguish between the stem cells that can be acquired without killing humans, and the embryonic stem cells.
Lbrls criticize organized religion sometimes due to the historical incident of selling indulgences. AlGore is doing the exact same thing with his sale of carbon credits. It’s OK for him to profit because he’s lbrl.
Planned Parenthood’s last IRS statement reports 900 million in income, with over 50 million in p r o f i t. Yes, this non profit organization is allowed to make profit, and accept tax payer dollars, and use its resources to lobby for legislation to prevent it from having to adhere to usual health care standards for its facilities, and to report suspected abuse of minors as all real health care providers do.
Yep, it’s true that Planned Parenthood was handing out really low quality condoms. The rating appeared in the Feb 2005 issue of Consumer Reports. Maybe distributing lousy condoms insures more business down the road. (Lbrl marketing mechanisms.)
one last comment.
No, the ACLU does not defend freedom of religion. It does defend freedom of speech, such as that of NAMBLA, the KKK, and only incidentally religious speech. However it is often actively opposed to religious Practice. It opposes health care workers who wish not to participate in abortion. How do I know? The ACLU opposes me, by name, for opting not to kill humans in my health care practice.
Is someone too lazy to use vowels when typing “liberal” or is it somehow supposed to be insulting…?
my belief in right and wrong is rooted in my belief in God. And my belief in God (and Christ specifically) is rooted in tradition, history, experience, metaphysics, and finally faith. I save faith for last, not to say that it is least important but to help illustrate that it is not a blind faith. I really can understand how people come to different conclusions than I do especially when they start with a different premise. However, I also really pray (to that invisible God) that if I have a blind spot to help me see it. There are moral things that are “binary”. In fact, in the particular sense, almost everything has a binary aspect to it. Let’s use the issue of abortion as the easiest example. Is our very life a gift from a creator or is it some sort of random occurance of which the mystery is such that I doubt we will ever solve? If it is a gift, then each of us is entitled to receive that gift which is the precursor to every other aspect of justice that we all seek during our lives (and I think that all people are interested in receiveing what is due to them which is the definition I am using for Justice). If life is a gift then, then in all cases, taking someone’s life is a grave injustice to that individual, especially an innocent who’s only crime is that of being conceived. This is pretty binary.
Please pray for me, for I don’t always practice what I preach. Your friend (I hope) – steve.
Your welcome to your redefining of the english language and oversimplifications and moral absolutism, and the tenuous convoluted excersizes employed to derive them, but most people are capable of and understanding truth despite semantics, the merit of proportionality, and relativism… particularly children that haven’t been indoctrinated otherwise yet.
Heather B, 4:01a: To point to another’s grammatical shortcuts rather than the content of the post is actually the display of laziness.
Do you really want to go there? Most posters on this blog don’t nit-pick spelling errors or quirks. It’s immature.
Is “lbrl” an insult?
Well, it’s true that lbrls are a generally dependent class of people who need the more conservative producers for survival. When negotiating with them, this should always be borne in mind.
Commenting on other material– A number of STDs have become endemic, and they are observed to be transmissible non sexually, by means of close contact with the carrier or their personal effects. This should be borne in mind with respect to people who state effectively that they’d ‘do it in the road’ with the next person who walked up. You might not want to have very close contact with those people and perhaps wish to use stronger solutions of sodium hypoclorite when extending hospitality to them. It’s just good preventative health care.
Camron, I’m sorry. I honestly don’t understand your reply to my earlier posting.
Thanks for sharing this, Jill.
It’s tongue in cheek, and it actually has some humor to it. That said, being in advertising, I don’t think it effective at convincing men to use them, nor women to provide them for their mates.
I’m left a little grossed-out, to be honest. The women seemed far better depicted than my fellow males. I never was one to appreciate the cynical approach.
I could honestly care less about spelling errors. While reading, I simply noticed that it was the only word consistently misspelled…and if I remember correctly, it’s been done before. Granted I could have worded my statement loads better, but really I was just wondering why since it seemed intentional.
I hope that makes sense. I know what I’m trying to say, but I can’t seem to get it quite right.
I know this is off-topic, but does anyone have any movie suggestions? I have to return some movies tomorrow afternoon and want to rent a few more, but I’m not sure what to get.
Hmmmm Movies.
Pan’s Labyrinth was, hands down, the best movie I’ve seen in a long time. Children of Men, Notes on a Scandal, Breach, Seraphim Falls, Volver, Science of Sleep were good. Apocalypto, Deja Vu, Man of the Year, Painted Veil, Smokin Aces, The Good Shephard, Babel, and Hard Candy were/kept me interested. I fell asleep, lost interest/grew restless, wore out FF, or was otherwise less than impressed with; The Hitcher, Eragon, Turistas, the Prestige, Casino Royale, Letters from Iwo Jima, Hannibal Rising, Little Children, and the The Fountain.
“Camron, I’m sorry. I honestly don’t understand your reply to my earlier posting.”
It is a run on sentence from hell. to summerize… anybody with half a brain isn’t buying what you’re selling.
I agree, Pan’s Labyrinth was absolutely fantastic.
I kind of want to see Blood and Chocolate just because I enjoyed the book so much when I read it forever ago. Chances are, it’s going to suck ridiculously hardcore.
Pay no attention to Cameron. He doesn’t like to answer questions straight forward, he doesn’t understand that. Cam like to throw some big words all together and try to make sense of it but usually fails. It’s his defensive tactic because he really has nothing else to fall back on. He is unable of conversing with any mature people on this website without hurling insults and calling names, when he runs out of big words.
Cameron–I HATED Man of the Year. What did you like about it?
Cameron is kindof like the “Howard Stern” of the site. Always going for shock value. Just like Howard’s material, it gets old and becomes boring.
“Cameron–I HATED Man of the Year. What did you like about it?”
It was Jon Stewart running for pres. pandering I guess.
I assume you were directing your comments at me, since I’m the only Diana I know of posting around here, but I’m a little confused given that I didn’t say any of the things you are railing against.
I said that any man who refused to wear a condom is a pig. This does not imply that any man who does wear a condom is not.
I was using just a bit of hyperbole to point out the idiocy of getting down on women for meeting men in bars (or the reverse). No need to take it personally.
And where did I say that refusing to have sex with someone was oppression? I’ve no idea where you got that.
Honestly, Christina, if you would like to have a conversation with me (or anyone else on the planet, for that matter) I would suggest that you actually listen and respond to what they said, not just any old strawman that you can set up and then beat down.
I assume you were directing your comments at me, since I’m the only Diana I know of posting around here, but I’m a little confused given that I didn’t say any of the things you are railing against.
I said that any man who refused to wear a condom is a pig. This does not imply that any man who does wear a condom is not.
I was using just a bit of hyperbole to point out the idiocy of getting down on women for meeting men in bars (or the reverse). No need to take it personally.
And where did I say that refusing to have sex with someone was oppression? I’ve no idea where you got that.
Honestly, Christina, if you would like to have a conversation with me (or anyone else on the planet, for that matter) I would suggest that you actually listen and respond to what they said, not just any old strawman that you can set up and then beat down.
Oops. Sorry about the double post.
I’d be fine with this commercial, if at the end, it had a diclaimer in big bold letters that condoms are only between 85-98% effective, depending on proper application. That tends to put a damper on the consequence-free marketing of sex. We manage to include the risks of smoking, why can’t condoms ads be required to do the same?
All the Best,
“Erin, some some schools are very discriminatory to religious students.
One example off the top of my head is this-
At my highschool the ONLY student club not allowed to meet on campus was the League of Christian Athletes.
They were required to meet off campus at a random student’s house.
All other clubs from the Anime Assosiation to the Gay/Straight Alliance were given a place to meet on campus.
I wasn’t a Christian in highschool, but even I could see that this was stupid.”
I went to a private military school, and was required to attend two chapel services a week. One on Wednesday, and one on Sunday. Now, there were not a lot of Christian students, and many of us were Atheist, Agnostic, Dieist, or of another faith, yet we were still forced to go. How is that fair?