vox%20logo2.jpgPlanned Parenthood has only one thing on its mind: SEX.
You would call PP perverted unless you understood the organization makes all its money off the unmerry-go-round of selling illicit sex and fixing the consequences of illicit sex.
Case in point, the Voices for Planned Parenthood hook-up club* at Louisiana State University, aka Vox LSU.
(*Comedian Chris Rock astutely noted during one of his routines (warning: explicit) that the best women to pick up are self-identified pro-aborts. “I love going to abortion rallies to pick up women, because you know they’re f***… You ain’t gonna find a bunch of virgins at at abortion rally.”)
On Halloween, Vox LSU members dressed as “their favorite form of birth control,” i.e., walking advertisements for PP products, “to raise awareness about the need for prevention and contraception.” Click all photos (more on page 2) to see enlarged view:

These students had gender identification issues:

I know they meant this poster to be blasphemous, but I actually found it pretty funny:


See more photos on Vox LSU’s facebook website.
I do think had a Vox LSU student dressed as an abortion, s/he would have gone a long way toward educating “about the need for prevention” as well.
[HT: friend Michael New; see Louisiana Students for Life website for Vox LSU’s worthy opponent]

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