george.jpgI spent the last week in DC, so my ability to blog was spotty. Just got home and am happy be relieved of the angst over posts I’ve been missing. I had a great time, mixing pro-life business with friend/family pleasure; I was just torn.
A high point came yesterday when I was able to touch the sacrophagus of George Washington in his tomb when we visited Mt. Vernon. There are 2 wreathing ceremonies every day, and I volunteered at 1 to help place the wreath inside the tomb.
A short walk away lay several hundred unmarked graves of many of Washington’s slaves. Although in his will he gave them their freedom upon Martha’s death, and indeed the bulk of his will dealt with that and their care after emancipation, the fact is this great man enslaved people while fighting for our freedom, an almost inexplicable contraction unless one considers the culture of that time….

Of course, the analogy to slavery and abortion are great, except abortion always kills.
Future generations will consider it equally inexplicable that today’s abortion proponents are most often as vehemently anti-animal cruelty and anti-death penalty as they are pro-abortion. They can also anticipate that whatever good they think they are doing in the world will be shadowed in history by their abortion advocacy.
[Photo courtesy of]

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