Pfleger to Archdiocese 2002: “… have the balls to fire me”; Wright defends
I recently wrote about liberal priest Michael Pfleger’s connection to pro-abort Barack Obama’s campaign. I picketed Pfleger’s St. Sabina’s Church on Chicago’s south side in 2003 when Pfleger hosted pro-abort Rev. Al Sharpton to preach from the pulpit. I also went inside the church to hear them both speak.
Yesterday came news that Obama’s Trinity United Church of Christ invited Pfleger to speak on May 25th, and Pfleger let loose with more of the same racism from the pulpit that those like Rev. Jeremiah Wright have been known to spew.
Obama quickly distanced himself from Pfleger, learning his lesson after foot-dragging to distance himself from Wright. Obama appeared to feign surprise in his statement…
As I have traveled this country, I’ve been impressed not by what divides us, but by all that unites us. That is why I am deeply disappointed in Father Pfleger’s divisive, backward-thinking rhetoric, which doesn’t reflect the country I see or the desire of people across America to come together in common cause.
That’s just as impossible as Obama claiming not to know Wright’s racist, anti-American beliefs after listening to Wright from the pew for 20 years. But here’s more corroboration, from the Chicago Sun-Times in 2002.
Read the entire Sun-Times article below.
Two points:
1. Clearly the relationship between Pfleger, Wright, and TUCC is long-standing.
2. Six years ago Wright hosted a conference on the legacy of slavery in the midst of a front page, racially charged stand-off between Cardinal Francis George and Pfleger. Wright invited Pfleger to speak while defending him to the Cardinal, and Obama was oblivious?
[HT for Sun-Times article: Ann Scheidler of Pro-Life Action League]
Pfleger to church: ‘I am not quitting’
Publication: Chicago Sun-Times
Date: February 24, 2002
Author: Dave Newbart
A defiant Rev. Michael Pfleger on Saturday dared the Chicago archdiocese to kick him out of the Catholic Church, telling a crowd of 400 people on the South Side, “I am not quitting.”
“You are going to have to have the balls to fire me,” Pfleger said, sending a message to church leaders. “If you want to fire me, fire me.”
Pfleger made his remarks at a conference on the legacy of slavery. The mostly black audience gave him a standing ovation.
His comments came after he told how a Catholic vicar, Bishop Joseph Perry, visited his St. Sabina Church and left a message saying that Pfleger should leave to start his own church, which the Sun-Times reported Friday. The “bishop came to St. Sabina and said [I should] quit so as not to disrupt the Catholic Church,” Pfleger said. “I find it very difficult not to take it personally when the bishop tells me to leave.”
Asked later whether he thought the church would fire him, Pfleger said, “I don’t know. If that’s what they want, then that’s what they’ll do.”
Archdiocese spokesman Jim Dwyer said Saturday night that the archdiocese had no plans to oust Pfleger.
“Nobody is trying to fire him,” Dwyer said. As for Pfleger’s remarks, “We are not going to respond to something until we have talked to him.”
Dwyer said he could not confirm Bishop Perry’s remarks, but he noted that Perry and Pfleger have not spoken directly about Pfleger’s future.
Two weeks ago, Pfleger announced that Cardinal Francis George had told him that he could not stay on as pastor at St. Sabina, the predominantly African-American church where he has served for 18 years, because of church rules limiting the tenure of priests. But later George agreed to extend Pfleger’s term by a few years while a search for a successor is conducted.
Pfleger told the crowd at Gwendolyn Brooks College Prep Academy that the tenure issue is a smokescreen. “It’s not about tenure, it’s not about terms, it’s not about church rule or policy,” he said.
Pfleger, who is white, said the real issue is how poorly Catholic leaders treat blacks.
“We want African-American culture to be embraced completely on equal grounds, and not just tolerated,” he said. “We want the Catholic Church to understand what Nat Turner tried to make America understand: The slaves aren’t happy being slaves. We are not just going to be satisfied being on the fringe.”
Pfleger said the cardinal had declined to meet with the entire 21-member leadership cabinet of St. Sabina, which wants Pfleger to stay.
Last summer, Pfleger was at the center of a months-long controversy when he accused the Southside Catholic Conference athletic league of racism after the largely white league voted against admitting all-black St. Sabina. He said Saturday that he was later told by a church official that he had given the church a “black eye,” and that he should not use the word “racist” when talking about the incident.
“I resented we were being blamed for an incident that the white Southwest Side did,” Pfleger said. “Everybody wants to say there is racism, but no one wants to say there are racists.”
The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ, which organized the conference, said he wrote George a letter supporting Pfleger.
“The cardinal should let him stay despite what the rules say,” Wright said.
Copyright 2002 Chicago Sun-Times, Inc.
Heh- I knew you’d post about this.
What a dimwit…seriously, why hasn’t he been excommunicated yet?
Wow- Saying to the Bride of Christ, “You don’t have the balls to fire me.”
This man’s soul is in peril.
Anathema sit, mo fo!
“Anathema sit, mo fo!”
The “sit” part makes me think of Inu Yasha.
“Inu Yasha”
Anathema sit means “let him be anathema” (although it should be understood differently when read in the context of a canon). The mo fo part, well, that just means mo fo.
Pfleger’s trinity
Fr. Michael Pfleger has just burst on to the national scene in an unseemingly way, but he’s been making unseemly waves in Chicago for years. During Pfleger’s 2002 stand-off against Cardinal George, for instance, here was a cartoon the Chicago…
@Bobby: Inu Yasha is a Japanese cartoon about a half dog demon/half human and this Japanese school girl who fell down a well that transports her back to Japan’s feudal era. Anyway- a priestess put a special necklace on Inu Yasha so Kagome (the school girl) can “control” him better (as he has a temper and can be a real jerk)…so when she says “SIT!” the necklace makes him crash face-first into the ground no matter what he’s doing.
I have no idea what “anathema” means- except as a name from the book “Good Omens” (the girl’s name- she was a witch I believe- was Anathema Device).
Oh, anathema means excommunicated. I was following up on what you said earlier.
When do you have time to be watching Japanese cartoons anyway?
@Bobby: High school. I was obsessed with them and drew them *all* the time.
BTW, here is a picture I drew of Inu Yasha and Kagome…
Priests like this are a black mark against the Church. I think they should send him to Rome for a few years. Let them enjoy him for a bit.
He’s s disgrace to the Catholic Church. Fire him
if that’s what he wants. I think he’s on an ego
okay, so I watched the clip. I haven’t seen the whole speech. I don’t see anything that offensive here. I wouldn’t have said it, but I’ve heard and read worse things about most candidates. People seem to get worked up over relatively minor things these days.
As Hillary has said:
Fr. Frank Pavone is speaking RIGHT NOW, ABOUT FR. PLEGER on the Drew Mariani Show on Relevant Radio AM 930 Chicago.
Leaving this guy a priest in the Catholic Church is like leaving a child sex abuser pastoring a flock. What do you expect? The guy gets away with openly mocking Church doctrine and has previously shown his stripes by supporting a rabid pro-abort agenda.
Throw him overboard.
Pfleger expressed it in a sort of nasty, mocking way, but *of course* Clinton feel entitled to the nomination. She was so sure she had it in the bag that her campaign basically didn’t have a plan for after Super Tuesday. And if she doesn’t want people to believe that part of that entitlement is because she’s white, she should stop trying to persuade the superdelegates to give her the nomination because she’s white.
@Bobby: Inu Yasha – did you know this is not really Japanese “cartoons” – it is very sexually suggestive.
We carry these manga books and many others at the library (as most libraries do)
Not recommended for reading and I thank God my kids aren’t into manga
How sad about Fr. Pfleger
Thanks for the heads up Janet. I am listening to RR in the background
I agree!
on the spiritual side… Pflegger was astute – challenging the archbishop not on hierarchical form but on personal holiness. There is a great amount to learn about this in the American Catholic Church.
Too often we think that priests must be in lockstep with Bishops. This is NOT the same as being in lockstep with Jesus. The two are usually the same, but not always.
Years ago, I knew a priest who lived as a street person, as his particular call. You would not believe the flack he go for his non-orthodox approach. After years, he finally gave up his priesthood.
We, as a Church, are IMO weaker because of our attitude and much weaker without him. It is one thing to talk and talk about social justice. Quite another to live social justice!
truthseeker, I would imagine if the local bishop doesn’t act, some of the parishoners will either by appealling to the Papal Nuncio or directly to Rome.
Father Pfleger needs to obey his Bishops. Does Father P. think he is the only priest that could lead this parish?
Personally, I thought he received a lukewarm response from the audience when he spoke about the reparations issue. The largest group of supporters seemed to be behind him, in the line of the cameras.
When Fr. Pfleger spoke about Clinton, he seemed to be putting on a show more than making any strong political statement. He seems quite taken with himself and his showmanship.
Too often we think that priests must be in lockstep with Bishops. This is NOT the same as being in lockstep with Jesus. The two are usually the same, but not always
John I see your point, but Pfleger is disobeying a simple rule about length of time at any one parish by not leaving St. Sabina’s. The Bishops are not asking him to act against a teaching of the Church. He’s not above anyone else when it comes to obeying the rules. I have to disagree with you – he needs to follow his Bishops’ directives.
What does a priest have to do in order for the heirarchy to act? Pro-abort is enough itslef to strip his priesthood. It is so obviously against the teachings of the Catechism. The US Bishops don’t know have the “balls” to fire him. I am afraid Pleger was right about that. That is why Pope Benedict is staying a step ahead of the “curve” so to speak and protecting the sacrament of Holy Orders by speaking out today and declaring any woman who recieves the sacrament of Holy Orders and any priest who confers the sacrament of Holy Orders on a woman are immediately excommunicated by the act itself.
I love the Pope and the wisdom of the Magesterium and thank them for clear teaching and preservation of our faith.
And the Pope would have counseled or fired Pleger a long time ago.
My mom heard his tyraid on the radio, thought he was black and can’t believe he’s a Catholic priest. Let me tell you this as a Life long Catholic: He doesn’t represent Catholics. There are stinkers everywhere and he sure smells like one. By contributing to a pro abortion candidate, he has already excommunicated himself, IMHO.
… and we laugh at the islamic bearded towelhead freak “clerics”
@Patricia: They’re cartoons- just not cartoons as we Americans know them.
If you think they’re all “sexually suggestive” you are very sadly mistaken and I can list *several* that are not sexually suggestive at all and are in fact really good shows and I can also list several manga that are *very* good as well.
the rule you speak of, is in every diocese. And some kinds of ‘spiritual-abuse’ often results when it is not applied. A person can become very dis-attached if applied too often … this rule.
Calls for excommunication are a bit of showmanship on our part. Should we not listen to what Pfleger has learned over 18 years? Isn’t the move a screen to silence him?
PL are wondering about higher incidences of abortion among blacks. It is very easy because we have already straight armed ‘the blacks’ as ‘those folks’. They ain’t us!
The race card is huge … most Americans do not even realize this! I am aware because I am non-American who has witnessed firsthand the transformation at the Canadian-US border.
Here in Denver, Archbishop Chaput (quite orthodox) would have ended this heterodoxy and insubordination nonsense quickly.
I don’t personally know anyone in Fr. Pfleger’s parish and it would be very interesting to hear from their perspective. Is there not one priest suitable to take his place? That’s my question. And why don’t we ever hear from his parishioners in his defense in the media?
What a loony. Anything to divert responsibility on to someone else, right?
Just finished watching……
That is one hate-filled, divisive dude.
“D*mn” @ 2:43
That is outrageous behavior for someone standing behind a pulpit.
@Rae: my daughter (16yrs old) has seen the show on TV and was not impressed.
i will check out this particular manga tomorrow when I’m at work.
I do know however, that many of the young adult manga border are what I would term soft-core porn.
John McD,
You were once a seminarian. Does this strike a chord with you?
From what I’m gathering thus far, Father has some humility issues.
@Patricia: Inu-Yasha isn’t one of the better shows or manga, I’ll tell you that much. I suggest “Fruits Basket” instead of Inu-Yasha. And I will say the anime of Fruits Basket is better than the manga (in my opinion).
I didn’t care for the show either- or the manga- they got *super* repetitive after awhile with the whole demon-slaying crap.
I’m very picky with my anime/manga, and I do understand what you’re saying- but those specific anime/manga are clearly marked that it’s not for children (at least that’s how it is in the US-not sure about how they’re marked in Canada)- that it’s for older teens and young adults. There are many excellent anime movies for children like, “My Neighbor Totoro”, “Howl’s Moving Castle”, “Kiki’s Delivery Service”, and “Spirited Away” just to name a few.
So before you mark off all manga/anime as “soft core porn” or “garbage”, you should look at those movies and the TV show “Fruits Basket”.
For manga: some of the ones I liked to read when I was ~13 were “Marmalade Boy” (though I doubt you’ll approve as divorce is a pretty big theme in it- however it’s an 80’s comic and so everybody is dressed quite conservatively and the most “provocative” thing in it is kissing) and “Kodocha”.
Phleger has been pastor of a Black Church for so long perhaps he is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome? His weak attempt to speak ” Black” on the pulpit using black style accents etc is embarrasing .
Are you sure Stockholm Syndrome (showing loyalty to an abductor or abuser) is the term you’re looking for?
John said: The race card is huge … most Americans do not even realize this! I am aware because I am non-American who has witnessed firsthand the transformation at the Canadian-US border.
What are you referring to at the Canada-US border?
I really do have a lot of trouble with people who are comfortable being Catholic. I believe very much in the prayer that petitions God to comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable.
What this clip shows and what I was exposed to in the seminary is MILD compared to what I understand our Lord’s calling to be. We are not called to be Catholics but to live as one in Him. Far too often, comfort is easier to find in Catholicism than is Christ Jesus.
For example, we had this course in practicing parish life. The program director wanted to give us each a $5 bill and then ask us to survive the weekend only on this. He thought that perhaps this was one way of teaching us empathy. We never did this – too bad!
what I saw and many fellow Canadian seminarians commented about was the remarkable-instantaneous change that took place in almost every American seminarian returning home as they crossed that border.
The race issue in Canada is ‘huge’ here as-well … it is even more intrusive/encompassing but ours tends to be toward native peoples, because we have far fewer black people.
My dad grew up on the South Side and went to Quigley South for HS with the intention of becoming a priest. He didn’t go on to seminary but his best friend did and wound up at an African-American parish.
Fr. Pat was a great priest and the people of his parish were very loyal to him. He did eventually leave that church but told the congregation to welcome the next priest which they did.
The difference is that Fr. Pat IS a man of God and Fr. Mike is NOT. A priest who wants his flock to obey God cannot be disobedient to his bishop. I personally think that Fr. Mike knows that any other parish would rally against him because they know he’s a loon.
John, I still don’t get it, are you saying that Catholic priests in general are racist? If you are, I’m really surprised you think that.
Do you see them wanting to move Fr. Pfleger as a racist move???
Personally, I don’t see it a a desire to silence him as you said previously. He’ll be speaking, believe me, wherever he is!
What I don’t understand is this idea that Hillary thought she had the race all tied up. Come on, people, she’s a WOMAN! The last woman who ran for office was Geraldine Ferraro – and she was on the ticket for VICE PRESIDENT. That was – how long ago?!?!
People ACTUALLY think that a woman – ANY woman – would think that she automatically had the race all tied up before Obama? Does anyone remember pretty-boy John Edwards? HE would have been the candidate, had it not been for Obama. Obama’s not winning because he’s black; Hillary’s losing because she’s a WOMAN.
With regard to Pfleger – PLEASE, get this guy out of the Catholic Church! He’s an embarassment. He thinks he’s a god and his congregation worships him, not Jesus Christ. He is leading all of those parishioners straight to his home in hell.
Janet, 10:15 p.m.
I wasn’t sure what John was trying to say there either.
I’m sorry, but I don’t think Hilary’s feeling of entitlement has anything to do with the fact that she’s white. I think she DID feel entitled, but I really don’t think it had anything to do with race. I think it had to do with the fact that her husband was President, and she’s a freaking Clinton, and they always get what they want. Maybe I’m just naive or maybe I just hate all this race drama.
Elizabeth 10:48PM
I certainly agree with you there. I think her sense of entitlement comes from years of putting up with that bum of a husband in order to accomplish her goal of being president. Its payback time. I’ve also heard her described as narcissistic, and these are people with a strong sense of entitlement.
I think Hillary violated the two most important rules of love,war, and politics.
1. NEVER underestimate your opposition
2. NEVER expect, or predict, a quick and easy victory.
She’s paying dearly for doing so.
I think the best way to sum up both Obama and Hillary is as follows.
Hillary’s qualifications to be president are what? If her name was Hillary Schultz she would be as likely to win a NY senate seat as I would and she certainly wouldn’t be running for president.
Obama’s qualifications to be president are what?
I saw a video where discusses how he will disarm our country. Our enemies must be laughing themselves stupid.
I dislike them both because of what they represent and stand for and their lack of any kind of qualifications. I don’t give two hoots what color or gender they are.
Are you Pl folks for or against politics from the pulpit? Seems like it is fine for some of you as long as you agree with the politics. How difficult it must be for some to subscribe to dictoral philosphy and still relate to a democratic republic style of government. I would think that it must cause a great deal of internal conflict.
Thanks for your comment. I thought I was losing it because I’m confused. I agree with you on Hillary; I think maybe Fr. P. just likes to put on a good show. As I said before, where are his parishioners speaking out in his defense if he is so beloved by them?
Most of the politics from the pulpit I have seen has been for Democrat candidates. Do you have any problem with this?
I have found that “concern” about the seperation of church and state is highly selective.
There were no outcries over Dr.King leading a civil rights movement from the pulpit and the Berrigan brothers, both Catholic priests, opposing the Vietnam War.
But clergy opposing abortion? Why that violates seperation of church and state!
Interesting double standard.
“Concern” only steps in when clergy are not politically correct.
Elizabeth 10:48PM
I certainly agree with you there. I think her sense of entitlement comes from years of putting up with that bum of a husband in order to accomplish her goal of being president. Its payback time. I’ve also heard her described as narcissistic, and these are people with a strong sense of entitlement.
I think Hillary violated the two most important rules of love,war, and politics.
1. NEVER underestimate your opposition
2. NEVER expect, or predict, a quick and easy victory.
She’s paying dearly for doing so.
Posted by: Mary at May 30, 2008 11:25 PM——————————————————————- Mary, how true!!
Most of the politics from the pulpit I have seen has been for Democrat candidates. Do you have any problem with this?
I have found that “concern” about the seperation of church and state is highly selective.
There were no outcries over Dr.King leading a civil rights movement from the pulpit and the Berrigan brothers, both Catholic priests, opposing the Vietnam War.
But clergy opposing abortion? Why that violates seperation of church and state!
Interesting double standard.
“Concern” only steps in when clergy are not politically correct.
Posted by: Mary at May 31, 2008 12:04 AM
Most of my experience of clergy has been family members that believed in seperating themselves and their faith from fickle secular politics.
It occurs to me that you believe that anyone that professes to be Christian is just that if you agree with their politics.
Did or has your paricular church ever recognized/pretended King or your brothers as representives of your church at the time?
I didn’t think so.
Sally, 4:36am
I don’t quite understand the point of your post.
I with the observation that there is only “concern” about so-called “religious” leaders making political statements from the pulpit, when they are NOT politically correct. Good call on Martin Luther King and the Berrigan brothers, etc., ad nauseam.
Just let some conservative pastor say something political from the pulpit, and the media are all over him/her.
MASSIVELY double standard.
I well recall, on national TV yet, a collection a church took up for the presidential campaign of Jesse Jackson. They actually passed the plate through the pews.
Where were the separation of church and state police?
Can you imagine if members of the late Jerry Falwell’s church had done the same thing for Ronald Reagan or George Bush?
John McD,
You are gifted, you know that. So gifted that I have to think “out of the box” in order to follow your brilliance.
But, bless your heart, I’m afraid I need further clarification from you.
Are you implying that being obedient is legalistic, contrary to charity? Are you still a practicing catholic?
With regard to Father, there is something disordered going on here. And he needs to be called on it and he needs to exemplify “obedience even unto death, death on a cross”.
Nothing wrong with standing up for justice; just think he’s crossed some lines with regard to his vocation.
Padre Pio comes to mind. This man received the stigmata, was favored with mystical experiences, yet he was told to cease and desist. That he did, for over a decade. As a fellow Lay Carmelite told me, Our Lord will purposefully cloud the judgement of our superiors in order to test our will, our obedience.
It was, after all, disobedience that got us into our human mess to begin with.
John McD:
EXCELLENT May 30, 2008 9:41 PM post!
I always thought you were a very wise man, but now I realize the MAGNITUDE of your wisdom.
Tell us how you really feel.
Tell us how you really feel.
Posted by: carder at May 31, 2008 4:25 PM
Hey Taurus…do you need some white sheets for your little hate parade?
For example, we had this course in practicing parish life. The program director wanted to give us each a $5 bill and then ask us to survive the weekend only on this. He thought that perhaps this was one way of teaching us empathy. We never did this – too bad!
John, interesting, and you’ve previously mentioned stuff like “doing your time in the desert” – things to that effect.
Is it a “purifying” effect that occurs? Back in the early 1980’s when I had my first car, I’d go out west during the winters, being laid off as a bricklayer.
One time I stopped in southern Arizona, the Sonoran Desert, which for me is the “desert of the desert.”
I was going to walk across a valley to the mountains on the other side, and back. I did take enough water, but the air is clear there, and the distance much farther than what it looked like at first.
Good thing it was afternoon when I began, or I’d have fried – the last three hours coming back were in the dark, the sun mercifully having gone down.
It makes you feel good. There are many ways to approach it, and I’m always interested to hear what you want and what you want to do.
Rae: He’ll probably pass on the white sheet offer. With gas prices so high, burning crosses just isn’t economical anymore.
You have to admit, “black Churchillian crocodile” is quite a turn of phrase. It doesn’t mean anything, but it sure sounds cool.
And I always think “pusillanimous” means the opposite of what it does. I think I get it confused with “pugilistic”.
Rae and Jen,
It’s time to stop with the “White Sheet” schtick. Nobody buys it anymore. Labeling someone who doesn’t agree with you is the refuge of people who have no credible rebuttal.
By the way:
1. Churchillian crocodile is a reference to Winston Churchill. He was the Prime Minister of Great Britain during and after WWII. He said ” The appeaser feeds the crocodile in the hope that it will eat him last”. It was a reference to those who wanted to give Adolf Hitler whatever he wanted in order to avoid war.
2.Pusillanimous means cowardly and without resolve.
Awwwww, you’re so cute when you try to make yourself not seem like the flaming racist that you are.
Keep trying- nobody’s buying it.
Sorry to disappoint you but I am not a racist nor am I flaming (whatever that means). I am simply one who has experienced the diversity in a very personal and horrific way. I can only hope that you never have to encounter a similar nightmare. Judge not lest Ye be judged.
Benedicat te Deus.
You have to admit, “black Churchillian crocodile” is quite a turn of phrase. It doesn’t mean anything, but it sure sounds cool.
Posted by: Jen R at June 1, 2008 12:07 PM
Oh man! I am with you on that one Jen R. That is hilarious to think of but I am not sure if means anything either. Taurus, you have a way with words.
I thought “Churchillian” was referring to Obama’s church/pastor problems. It seemed a more interesting use of phraseology before you explained it.
Doug:9:54: I was going to walk across a valley to the mountains on the other side, and back. I did take enough water, but the air is clear there, and the distance much farther than what it looked like at first.
How far did you go? Alone? See any interesting desert animals along the way?
Janet, it looked like 5 miles, and was likely around 12, each way. Not many animals other than birds, since it was winter.
Tauras doesn’t need any sheets, if you are White and not-voting for Obama you are labeled a Racist.
After Obama loses you better pray to God that the Racist Obama Supporters can tell the difference between a White Christian Conservative and a White Socialist Liberal.
Taurus is absolutely right. It’s just the most amazing phenomenon that some people simply cannot bring themselves to believe that a “racist” fact can still remain a fact. It is a FACT people that blacks seethe with resentment and hatred, mostly towards whites, but also towards late comers like Asians and Latinos (the latter are quite aware of it; don’t like it; and don’t let blacks off for it). This is a disturbing fact but it is a FACT — and one dosen’t need “white sheets” to see it. A complimentary fact is that the attempt to appease these blacks with handouts and self-blame is destroying the country in multitudes of ways. But that’s “racist,” so, erm, yeah, it can’t be true. As I said, absolutely amazing the contortions that whites are prepared to put themelves into to excuse black hatred and black mayhem.
I’m sensing a blanket statement here, Michael T.
We could say “some blacks” yada yada, but lump them all in the same stew?
It would be like me spouting off how “whites” are all like those Taurus/Michael T. strains, just can’t get along with with anyone besides their own.
Real accurate, right?
Could you explain what you meant by this?:
“the latter are quite aware of it; don’t like it; and don’t let blacks off for it).”
It’s nonsense like that where I feel has obligated Obama to nip it in the bud and bid sayonara to his congregation. And for the first time, I agree with him.
I’m guessing he’d rather be recognized for his anti-baby subliminals than playing the “I’m a black man” card.
Spare me.
Could you explain what you meant by this?:
“the latter are quite aware of it; don’t like it; and don’t let blacks off for it).”
Posted by: carder at June 2, 2008 5:46 PM
I think that Michael T waas quite clear.
“The latter” refers to Latinos. They are quite aware of Black resentment toward them. It’s obvious if one looks at the increasing violence level in Los Angeles between Latinos and Blacks.
That violence has also spilled over into the Penal system on a grand scale.
I thought that these comments were quite interesting. There are enough of these comments to state that the Archdiocese of Chicago should stand up and take notice.
I thought that these comments were quite interesting. There are enough of these comments to state that the Archdiocese of Chicago should stand up and take notice.
What would cause a white man, who is also a Catholic priest, TO ACT in the most strident way, as if he is a black man, all the while inciting listeners to further hate and villify white people?
Perhaps it is self-hatred on the part of Pflegger, i.e. he hates the fact that he is a white, caucasian American.
Perhaps it is just VANITY i.e. his emotional and personal satisfaction is dependent on the wild approval and adulation that he receives from the crowds.
Hopefully his play-acting is transparent to the black people he claims to help.