I recently wrote about liberal priest Michael Pfleger’s connection to pro-abort Barack Obama’s campaign. I picketed Pfleger’s St. Sabina’s Church on Chicago’s south side in 2003 when Pfleger hosted pro-abort Rev. Al Sharpton to preach from the pulpit. I also went inside the church to hear them both speak.
Yesterday came news that Obama’s Trinity United Church of Christ invited Pfleger to speak on May 25th, and Pfleger let loose with more of the same racism from the pulpit that those like Rev. Jeremiah Wright have been known to spew.

Obama quickly distanced himself from Pfleger, learning his lesson after foot-dragging to distance himself from Wright. Obama appeared to feign surprise in his statement…

As I have traveled this country, I’ve been impressed not by what divides us, but by all that unites us. That is why I am deeply disappointed in Father Pfleger’s divisive, backward-thinking rhetoric, which doesn’t reflect the country I see or the desire of people across America to come together in common cause.

That’s just as impossible as Obama claiming not to know Wright’s racist, anti-American beliefs after listening to Wright from the pew for 20 years. But here’s more corroboration, from the Chicago Sun-Times in 2002.
pfleger wright.jpg
Read the entire Sun-Times article below.
Two points:
1. Clearly the relationship between Pfleger, Wright, and TUCC is long-standing.
2. Six years ago Wright hosted a conference on the legacy of slavery in the midst of a front page, racially charged stand-off between Cardinal Francis George and Pfleger. Wright invited Pfleger to speak while defending him to the Cardinal, and Obama was oblivious?
[HT for Sun-Times article: Ann Scheidler of Pro-Life Action League]
Pfleger to church: ‘I am not quitting’
Publication: Chicago Sun-Times
Date: February 24, 2002
Author: Dave Newbart

A defiant Rev. Michael Pfleger on Saturday dared the Chicago archdiocese to kick him out of the Catholic Church, telling a crowd of 400 people on the South Side, “I am not quitting.”
“You are going to have to have the balls to fire me,” Pfleger said, sending a message to church leaders. “If you want to fire me, fire me.”
Pfleger made his remarks at a conference on the legacy of slavery. The mostly black audience gave him a standing ovation.
His comments came after he told how a Catholic vicar, Bishop Joseph Perry, visited his St. Sabina Church and left a message saying that Pfleger should leave to start his own church, which the Sun-Times reported Friday. The “bishop came to St. Sabina and said [I should] quit so as not to disrupt the Catholic Church,” Pfleger said. “I find it very difficult not to take it personally when the bishop tells me to leave.”
Asked later whether he thought the church would fire him, Pfleger said, “I don’t know. If that’s what they want, then that’s what they’ll do.”
Archdiocese spokesman Jim Dwyer said Saturday night that the archdiocese had no plans to oust Pfleger.
“Nobody is trying to fire him,” Dwyer said. As for Pfleger’s remarks, “We are not going to respond to something until we have talked to him.”
Dwyer said he could not confirm Bishop Perry’s remarks, but he noted that Perry and Pfleger have not spoken directly about Pfleger’s future.
Two weeks ago, Pfleger announced that Cardinal Francis George had told him that he could not stay on as pastor at St. Sabina, the predominantly African-American church where he has served for 18 years, because of church rules limiting the tenure of priests. But later George agreed to extend Pfleger’s term by a few years while a search for a successor is conducted.
Pfleger told the crowd at Gwendolyn Brooks College Prep Academy that the tenure issue is a smokescreen. “It’s not about tenure, it’s not about terms, it’s not about church rule or policy,” he said.
Pfleger, who is white, said the real issue is how poorly Catholic leaders treat blacks.
“We want African-American culture to be embraced completely on equal grounds, and not just tolerated,” he said. “We want the Catholic Church to understand what Nat Turner tried to make America understand: The slaves aren’t happy being slaves. We are not just going to be satisfied being on the fringe.”
Pfleger said the cardinal had declined to meet with the entire 21-member leadership cabinet of St. Sabina, which wants Pfleger to stay.
Last summer, Pfleger was at the center of a months-long controversy when he accused the Southside Catholic Conference athletic league of racism after the largely white league voted against admitting all-black St. Sabina. He said Saturday that he was later told by a church official that he had given the church a “black eye,” and that he should not use the word “racist” when talking about the incident.
“I resented we were being blamed for an incident that the white Southwest Side did,” Pfleger said. “Everybody wants to say there is racism, but no one wants to say there are racists.”
The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ, which organized the conference, said he wrote George a letter supporting Pfleger.
“The cardinal should let him stay despite what the rules say,” Wright said.
Copyright 2002 Chicago Sun-Times, Inc.

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