Tuesday night The Daily Show’s liberal host Jon Stewart was truly appalled by the behavior of nationwide ACORN employees caught in a video sting expressing willingness not only to help a supposed pimp and prostitute get a mortgage but also to provide cover-up tips for sex trafficking of minor girls from El Salvadore.
Stewart then slammed the liberal press for letting amateurs on a shoestring budget get this scoop. Bear with the slightly coarse language for Stewart’s humorous take on this scandal…

Did you hear how UNCOMFORTABLE the audience sounded? As if it was saying, “Wait. Jon’s going after a group that Republicans criticize, rather than the Republicans themselves? And he’s indirectly complimenting people from FoxNews?! What’s happened to Jon?”
Honesty is way too shocking for most uber liberals to handle….. therefore any “ordinary liberal” who sinks to honesty must be mentally ill…..
Even a rabid pro-abort Liberal like Jon Stewart evidences an “outrage” button in his heart at least in regards to the revelation of prostitution, tax evasion, and child sex slavery promotion by the same group that really is the life blood of and “lie and deny protocol” practiced by the Obama administration. Oh, the hilarity of the Wilson/Stupak dichotomy revealed. How much longer can we conservatives take this? I mean have you ever had a colonscopy without anesthesia?
Do any of us really believe that Obama and his wife are not intimately connected with ACORN as they were with Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers and all the other thugs and ideological miscreants that he surrounds himself with and then disses and separates from at their embarrassing exposure? Yes, the apples do not fall far from the tree as the saying goes.
The Obama’s are the vine and ACORN, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers and the 1,000’s of yet-to-be revealed criminals are the branches. What these video exposes reveal is the very fruit of Barack Obama from his cabinet members to his czar appointments to his Rham Emmanuel type hacks. Yes payback is a b–ch and also very expensive to the taxpayer. The cast of characters presented in this Greek tragedy, in plain view of a willing and compliant propagandist media, exposes the common mindset that can justify theft, lying, wealth redistribution, confiscatory taxation, and cover-up, as well as what only God knows, over seemingly justifiable outrages for things that happened hundreds of year ago. Uh, do two wrongs make a right after all? Barbara Streisand, Barbara Walters, Whoopi, where’s the insane expression of outrage that you so liberally and willingly expressed as the OMG, water boarding of Islamic terrorists?
And we want this guy to take over health care? Over my dead body. One who does not possess the character of conscience that would motivate even the most rabid of pro-aborts to at least vote for the protection of born alive infants targeted for abortion, cannot be trusted with any portion of governance. I wouldn’t allow Obama to pick up a dead dog on my street. Obama’s election can only be judged as a huge mistake by the American voter, a voter who is consumed with self and thought Obama’s slick executive, Power Point, temple staged, style was the solution to their shrinking and shriveling wallets. I mane, I even had so-called Christian friends fall for his ruse.
Since Barack Obama has not demonstrated a faithfulness even in little things, I can only see his installation as President as a guardian of “bigger things’ to be an act of judgment that will only be remedied by a complete repentance from the godlessness that Liberalism has unleashed on our country over the last 50 years. The free ride is over. The “Me”, the “Woodstock, Cheap Tricks”, the “Age of Aquarius choke-on-a-ham-sandwich” generations are over. It’s time for reaping now and it ain’t pretty as you baby-boomers now ask a younger generation to wipe your incontinent a-r-s-e-s. Good Luck. I mean, you brought up this godless lot and your terror is justified.
You allowed the murder of over 53,000,000 caregivers that were your cover, your gift from a Divine Provider. Yes, you not only bit the hand that was appointed to feed, take care of and pay for you in your old age, you killed it, you suctioned it, you mutilated it, you poisoned it and then you convinced yourself that it was a “good” thing or just chose not to really think it through. What a crock of s–t. The divine Provider has willingly taken your human refuse back into His Bosom as they are now seated as a “Great Cloud of Witnesses” to your great folly. In Act II, in your typical self-deceived and twisted character you then said to yourself, “we’ll just allow illegal citizens in to clean our bed pans” not realizing that they coveted what you worked so hard to possess and whose only desire was to take it from you. “Remember the Alamo” or, “I live in east LA”.
What they did instead was to go along with your offer, pose as citizens, buy homes, refinance homes, abandon homes and then walk back to their southland paradise, retirement cash in hand, laughing all the way to the banco leaving you to foot the bill. These people make Wall Street look like the Salvation Army.
And the AZ governor, Janet Napolitano, who was the poster child for “immigrant compassion syndrome” is now the wolf guarding the hen house. Perhaps a Charlie Gibson type new-hire or Walter Cronkite School of Journalism newbie here at ASU can do just a little, tiny, itty bit of research, like 10 minutes worth and find some stuff on this hack job. Yes, a Governor who was willing to trade votes for “wink-of-the eye driver’s licenses”. Yes, the ultimate dine and dash, chew and screw scam winked at by the people we paid to prevent such outrages. And who was your Pied Piper? A filthy mouth Barney Frank who conducted this great theft of American wealth scheme. At least Bernie Madoff, well, you know. We deserve everything we’re getting right now.
And these same jokers now scramble in NY to find the very terrorists they allowed in and are threatening to blow up the subway system. Can you imagine the egg, no the omelet, no Ostrich farm, on Janet Napolitano’s face when it is determined that the very ones who will ultimately do significant and untold damage to many innocent people in our great country came in from Mexico, over the Arizona border during her watch. Hey Jano, you should have made 51 foot ladders illegal. Oh, the unwritten pages on history books yet to be written scream and salivate at the thought of having her total incompetence, treason and compromising revealed.
Yes, it’s time to call out the lumberjacks, i..e, the American voters and cut down this rotten tree called Obamanism that threatens to poison the orchard of American progress and prosperity. It starts in 2010.
Our job as pro-lifers is to find and push the “abortion” outrage button that I suspect is there in the Liberal heart of misplaced and unprincipled compassion but lost and covered over with all the Planned Parenthood lies and semantics twisting and really, really bad seeds that were planted over the last 36 years since Roe v. Wade.
The choice is to help them realize this through economic deprivation (affliction) or self- examination (willing repentance). Yes, famine has a way of changing people’s hearts. Perhaps they will be swallowed by the whale of utter financial devastation before they willingly agree to change their tune on abortion and make the connection of what’s happening to us now and God’s wrath. Which I do not know will work since the heart callous thickness is not known.
We pro-lifer’s must do a better job and it and somehow I think the unrelenting graphic abortion photos and videos do the trick. Of course, Jill Stanek’s unwavering tenacity is our example. May God protect her and bless her.
Let’s not ever be pressured into letting up on this method of exposing the lie of legalized abortion and all the other outrages that will slowly and inexorably be revealed to even outraged Liberals and Independents but that we Conservatives already knew and warned the world of by our discerning hearts.
Hey Letterman, where are the corresponding ACORN jokes? You mean you want Stewart to beat you in the ratings’ game? And Charlie Gibson, were you just too busy making guitars and refrigerators to notice that ACORN is a perverse and utterly corrupt organization promoted, nourished and funded by the very President you supported? I mean, where’s your balls man?
Let’s start with some very basic 101 Principles:
“If a man does not work he should not eat”
“Abortion is murder every time under every circumstance and those that support it, promote it and perform it are better thrown into the sea with a millstone around their necks than to have been born”
“Do not favor the poor over the rich”
“Do not favor the rich over the poor”
“God does not recognize marriage other that between a man and a woman”
“Prayer changes things for the good and a government that in any way suppresses the expression of prayer has committed national suicide”
“Lawyers should be banned from politics”
“Cowards shut up, heroes speak up”
“As long as a person breathes, repentance from Liberalism is always possible and certifiably recommendable”
Wow…awesome post, Hisman.
Ditto. HisMan, a little glimmer of hope which proves your last ‘101’ “As long as a person breathes, repentance from Liberalism is always possible and certifiably recommendable”:
That was a good bit, but it shouldn’t be surprising. Jon lambasts anyone and everyone and he definitely loves to make fun of how shameful the media in this country is!
That’s not HM. How low will some people stoop?
Posted by: Phil Schembri is HisMan at September 17, 2009 4:46 PM
“And we want this guy to take over health care?
Over my dead body.”
I could not help but laugh out loud when I read these two sentences.
That is exactly what B.O. wants. He wants to take over health care which will result in your dead body and millions of others.
“Bring out the dead. Bring out the dead.”
Remember the world is overpopulated and americans are consuming too much [never mind they are still producing much more than they consume] and in the B.O. scheme of things death, lots and lots of death, will solve the problem.
yor bro ken
Yes it is me.
The post that was removed? :/
I have no knowledge of any post hat was removed.
Please clue me in.
It was all caps and used a racial slur, and the person who posted it claimed to be you.
No that wasn’t me. Did they verify the IP address?
I’m not sure. :(