Pro-life blog buzz 1-16-15
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
- 40 Days for Life shares a compelling story from a woman who justified her work at Planned Parenthood as “I’m just the bookkeeper” until the day she received an invoice that pricked her heart:
“The invoice was to Planned Parenthood from the local morgue. It was for $350.” As she scanned the invoice to see what it was for, the reality of abortion hit her. She continued, “The service listed was in bold letters that pierced my heart: CREMATION SERVICE FOR 150 POUNDS OF MEDICAL WASTE…. [T]he question I had to ask myself as I stared at that invoice was what first got me involved in the pro-life movement. The question that pierced my heart was: How many babies have to be aborted to add up to 150 pounds of ash?”