Yale may censor abortion art
Read full story here.

Apr.21, 2008 6:22 am |
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From the article…
“But if the art opening does not continue, the University is likely to face criticism that it has restricted freedom of expression.”
So what! Since when did school become a democracy? There lies the problem with today’s world. Every nutty kid thinks they should be able to do whatever they want in school.
Kristen, that is so true. People like that really just do not understand what “freedom of speech” really means, not at all.
Does anyone really still care about this chick anymore?
If you’re that fascinated by other people’s bodily fluids I’LL entertain you. I plan to lick the backs of return address labels and affix them to outgoing mail. Later, a federal employee – sybolically dressed in blue – will pick them up and place them in a similarly colored bag.
It’s a rare piece of saliva-based performance art that none of you will want to miss!
Censorship from the liberal left (worried about their funding). One thing is certain. If the decision is between money and principles, for the liberals, money wins 100% of the time. The fact remains that at Yale, this student was permitted to carry out her perversion for about a year, and it was considered to be just fine.
Switching to a more interesting topic: I saw the following on the Huffington Post. Written by Bill Press:
“Pope Benedict XVI is back in Rome, after his razzle-dazzle visit to the United States — where he impressed everybody with his apologetic comments about the priest pedophile scandal.
Well, ALMOST everybody. He didn’t impress me, because — even though, for the first time, he expressed regret at the way the Church tried for so long to cover up the scandal — he still refuses to recognize what lies at the heart of the problem.
As long as the Catholic Church insists on only ordaining men as priests — and only accepting celibate men as priests — its sex scandals are never going away.
There’s nothing in Scripture or in the teachings of Jesus to support a male-only, celibate clergy. Those rules were added much later by misogynist, sexually-screwed up theologians.
After all, some of the closest and most loyal followers of Jesus were women. And most of the Apostles, including St. Peter, were married men.
Look at ministers, rabbis, or Orthodox priests. There’s no doubt a member of the clergy can marry and still function as a priest.
If Benedict is really serious about fixing the Church’s sex scandal problems, he will let priests get married. Then they won’t be so likely to prey on little boys.”
What’s a “self-induced miscarriage”?
Forget Shvarts – freedom of expression is currently suffering greatly at Yale!
Quick – call the CDC – Reality Oxymoronic Disorder ENTropy (RODENT) is spreading rapidly on campus and needs to be quarantined!
Good try in attempting to divert attention away from the pro-abort mentality.
This whole Yale “thing” is a microcosm demonstrating the dysfunction in the pro-abort movement. It’s simply sick beyond description.
C’mon NOW and NARAL, speak up for this “woman” for she is being harassed by authority for simply stating her opinions.
Nice try at CAtholic bashing SoMG.
Well, HisMan, the Women’s Centre at Yale gave it a go.
I think NOW and NARAL see this for what it is – expose of what proaborts REALLY think (I use that term loosely). After all, abortion is part of our culture of death so why not have ABORTION as ART!!
SOMG 9:58am
Also look at Buddhist monks and nuns and you will find religious people who function as well celibate as the married clergy you mention.
Ah SOMG, any “man”, priest or not, who preys on little boys is not a sex starved otherwise normal heterosexual male. Its more likely a homosexual child predator who will prey on children of the same sex no matter what.
Another thing SOMG, the Catholic Church is not the only one that ordains only men into the clergy. Do your research.
Even though there are passages to support celibate priests, we’re not bible only Christians. We also have sacred tradition.
I wonder if Yale is going to give out scorecards so we can all keep up with this madness?
Ah SOMG, any “man”, priest or not, who preys on little boys is not a sex starved otherwise normal heterosexual male. Its more likely a homosexual child predator who will prey on children of the same sex no matter what.
Agreed, however, allowing priests to marry or be married before ordination would draw more “otherwise normal heterosexual males” to the clergy.
Right. An instution which requires that its members conceal their sex lives naturally attracts those who have other reasons as well for concealing their sex lives.
And Patricia, pointing out this obvious fact is not “Catholic-bashing”.
SoMG, 11:26: Right. An instution which requires that its members conceal their sex lives naturally attracts those who have other reasons as well for concealing their sex lives.
The priests coming out of the seminaries today are making a sacrifice of love for the Church and God by being celibate. They are not ALL homosexuals, nor do ALL homosexuals abuse young boys. These priests are not hiding behind the Roman collar. They are some of the holiest priests we have seen in a long time. Change is coming in more ways than you can imagine through the Catholic Church’s members which will bear great fruit in this world. The Pope’s message was one of Hope. Christ Our Hope. You can express your negativity all you want, it doesn’t matter. It is falling on dead ears.
I think this is a tempest in a teapot … or maybe a tampon … one or the other – I honestly could not possibly care less.
I think this is a tempest in a teapot … or maybe a tampon … one or the other – and one way or the other, I honestly could not possibly care less.
Yeah, SoMG, just like your idea that women’s pelvis’ are not made for giving birth – that’s soooo obvious too.
Keep trying to bash the Catholic church – it’s NOT working.
BTW, you can’t seem to focus on the topic at hand?
Yeah, SoMG, just like your idea that women’s pelvis’ are not made for giving birth – that’s soooo obvious too.
Keep trying to bash the Catholic church – it’s NOT working.
BTW, you can’t seem to focus on the topic at hand?
Posted by: Patricia at April 21, 2008 12:56 PM
As I said, have you thought about Xanax? Or maybe Ativan? It might help –
NONE of the priests coming out of the seminaries today are likely homosexual. There is a very rigorous screening process. I have a friend whose son is in the seminary here in Canada. He had to undergo considerable psychological testing and a rigorous background check.
The difficulty in the seminary is for the older priests and instructors who are now in the minority with their liberal views. The vast majority of candidates for the priesthood are solid Catholic men, faithful to the Church’s teachings and who can hold their own against the liberal theology any of their instructors might spout.
A couple of years ago when my family went to Mass at the Oratory of St. Philip Neri in Toronto we were amazed at the young seminarians. The Church makes incredible “real” men out of it’s priests when the process is done properly.
TR: I highly recommend xylazine. You should try it!!
I agree with you completely, I reread my post and realize I didn’t say what I wanted to very well at all! Thank you for your well-composed post!!! God bless your friend and all men in the seminary, and all of our priests as well. We get many newly ordained priests coming through our large parish, and we are truly BLESSED by their presence! God bless you, Patricia.
Thank you Janet! I need a few blessings. And, I wasn’t being critical of your post either. It’s wonderful to see these guys. They wear the long black soutane and this fellow I know is so prayerful, happy and at peace. He is very young = I think maybe 24 or so. But he hasn’t forgone life experiences so to speak. He’s dated.He is trained as a dancer! And he travelled throughout the US with some kind of theatre troupe that presents the faith through the arts. He as a degree in philosophy and now is getting his theology part. Awesome. He rocks for God!!
Patricia, you wrote: “NONE of the priests coming out of the seminaries today are likely homosexual.”
Really? “NONE” of them? Not even one? If you believe this, you are an idiot.
“There is a very rigorous screening process. ”
No screening process is perfect. A screening process might screen out (some) PRACTICING homosexuals, but what about those with homosexual orientation who have abstained up until being screened?
What about those homosexuals who have not yet admitted their homosexuality to themselves at the time of their screening? I know homosexuals who in the past sincerely believed themselves to be heterosexual.
Janet, you wrote :”The priests coming out of the seminaries today … are not ALL homosexuals”
No one ever said they were ALL homosexuals.
TR: I highly recommend xylazine. You should try it!!
Posted by: Patricia at April 21, 2008 1:14 PM
I dont need drugs. But if thats what youre taking then Id suggest you see your physician. Its obviously not working. Your manic hysterical ranting and delusions are growing more profound.
Patricia, you wrote: “Yeah, SoMG, just like your idea that women’s pelvis’ are not made for giving birth – that’s soooo obvious too.”
I never said that woman’s pelvis is not made for giving birth. I said that IF it was designed for that purpose by an intelligent designer, then the designer wasn’t very good at his job or else he was a sadistic bastard.
The human female pelvis could have been designed in such a way that birth would be very much less dangerous (why do you think there is an obstetrics industry?) and very much less painful. Do you dispute this? Most animals suffer less, and die less often in childbirth, than humans.
TR: I highly recommend xylazine. You should try it!!
Posted by: Patricia at April 21, 2008 1:14 PM
That may explain a lot – youre using medication intended for cattle and horses …..
Ray, 11:25am
Gays and child predators marry. While I have no issue with priests marrying and think they should be allowed to, its naive to suggest that all married men are heterosexual, that none are child predators and somehow marriage will filter them out.
SOMG 11:26am
Does this apply to Buddhist monks and nuns as well? Is this true of the Dalai Lama? Why has no issue ever been made of his celibacy?
Pedophiles gravitate towards positions where they come in contact with children and have some measure of authority over them. The priesthood would have a natural attraction for them. I THINK The Canterbury Tales makes some reference to a priest and choirboy but I could be wrong. The embarassment for the church wasnt ONLY that these pedophiles were priests – its also in the fact that so many people worked so hard to protect them and cover up for them and showed absolutely no concern for their victims for so very long.
Mary, you wrote: “Does this apply to Buddhist monks and nuns as well? Is this true of the Dalai Lama? Why has no issue ever been made of his celibacy?”
Maybe because Buddhist monks have not been caught molesting children? Or covering up for child molesters within their organization?
Mary, you wrote: “Does this apply to Buddhist monks and nuns as well? Is this true of the Dalai Lama? Why has no issue ever been made of his celibacy?”
Maybe because Buddhist monks have not been caught molesting children? Or covering up for child molesters within their organization?
Posted by: SoMG at April 21, 2008 2:58 PM
Ive certainly never heard of it if it does happen …
“If you’re that fascinated by other people’s bodily fluids I’LL entertain you.”
I have a story. I drank a huge amount of fruit juice then my pee smelled like fruit. Yay!
I know I’ve never heard anyone coming out about abuse in Buddhism, Judaism or any other religion. Why?
I apologize for inferring that. You are right, you did NOT say all priests coming out of seminary are homosexuals.
Everyone, please ignore my poorly written post at 12:07, too much ambiguity!
Jess, you wrote: “I know I’ve never heard anyone coming out about abuse in Buddhism, Judaism or any other religion. Why? ”
I can think of only two possible hypotheses: 1. Maybe child-abuse isn’t as common in other religions as it is in Catholicism, or 2. Maybe the other religions are better at covering it up.
I tend to favor the first reason. The news-reading public is clearly drooling with desire for more sensational news about religion and illicit sex, and it would be very difficult to cover it up if a lot of Rabbis were molesting children. The victims would come forward.
Here’s a good article by a NON-CATHOLIC that says:
“1) Most American churches being accused of child sexual abuse are Protestant. Over the past ten years an average of 70 churches per week have been accused of child abuse.”
Hmm…I guess they ARE better at covering it up.
I also read an article that said 1.7% of priests were accused in the sex scandal BUT 10% of protestant ministers were accused during the same time. Admittedly I can’t seem to find the article now and I don’t know the numbers but the percentage is much higher.
To all Protestants out there; please don’t take my post to mean that I think your ministers are child predators. I just wanted to rebut somg.
Or maybe because celibacy does not in itself cause child molestation.
I’m sorry to derail a bit, I’ll give sound bites only so as to not hijack the thread completely.
Women are designed perfectly well. Unfortunatley, the highly profitable OB industry in the US has convinced women wrongly that they are defective.
US maternal and infant mortality rates are some of the highest of all industrialized nations. IE, we have more women and babies die in birth than in the vast majority of developed nations.
The C-sections rates in our country are insane compared to Europe and Japan where most births are normal vaginal deliveries facilitated by midwifes, and the women and babies have better survival rates than in the US.
Sorry, I had a button hit.
Elizabeth G. (who trained as a midwife with an 18 months state approved academic course plus internship, assisted in various stages around 100 births, caught nearly 20 babies and is preparing for her second all natural midwife attended homebirth with her perfectly well designed pelvis)
The premise of Shvartz and the point of her project at Yale (loosely called art) is that their is no particular purpose to the design of the female body.
Perhaps in her view, the construction is random and not even a matter of design.
The project displays a complete disregard for humanity, femaleness, and I’ll repeat one more time:
The Only reason Yale objects to it is that it was caught allowing another whacked out activity on its campuses, and fears the loss of funds.
Shvarts is the archetypal pro-abort, in that she divorces the design and potential of the female body from the life giving function. They ought to make her “Pope” of their crazy religion.
Elizabeth G,
You are absolutely correct about the insane C-section rate in this country. There was a time when a C-section rate of 5% in a hospital meant a major investigation. Now women have them to prevent vaginal tears.
Why is it celebrities cannot deliver babies normally? They all seem to have C-sections.
I don’t know about you E.G. but I’ve noticed that with epidurals women expect totally painless childbirth. I was told to keep an epidural going on a fully dilatated woman! I asked if she shouldn’t start pushing. I was told she might have some discomfort. Excuse me but that happens with childbirth. In my day when you were fully dilatated you pushed and popped out a baby! Believe me, you didn’t need anyone to tell you to push! We ended up sectioning this woman and since the baby was so far down in the birth canal, the doctors ended up breaking the femur of her baby in the process, as well as tearing her uterus to get the baby out. The woman did fine but it knocked a few years off my life.
COLOMBO: Two Buddhist monks and eight other men were arrested on Wednesday, accused of sexually abusing 11 children orphaned by the island’s 19-year civil war, an official said.
Investigations revealed that the children, aged between nine and 13, had been sexually abused over a period of time at an orphanage where the men worked, said Prof. Harendra de Silva, head of the National Child Protection Authority.
“There are maybe more who have been abused and we are continuing investigations,” de Silva said, after a special police unit attached to the authority arrested the suspects.
The men, including the saffron-robed monks, will be produced before a magistrate and held in custody for further investigation, he said.
Child abuse in Sri Lanka is a non-bailable offense and with a maximum 10-year prison sentence.
The children’s home where the suspects worked was established to care for thousands of children from all over the country who lost their families during the war.
Buddhist monk commits suicide after court sentences him for child sex abuse”
(AP, May 17, 2005)
Colombo, Sri Lanka – A monk drank poison and later died after becoming the first Buddhist clergyman to be convicted of the sexual abuse of a child in Sri Lanka, court officials and police said.
Monk Bellana Panniyaloka was found guilty of grave sexual abuse of a 16-year-old girl in 2001 and was given the maximum 20-year penalty, court official N.K. Siripala said.
Soon after the sentence, Panniyaloka drank from a bottle he had concealed in his robes and collapsed, Siripala said. He was rushed to a hospital, where he later died.
“He had consumed a large quantity of insecticide and died of poisoning,” said Hector Weerasinghe, director of the Colombo National Hospital.
The priest belongs to a temple in Nugegoda, just outside the capital Colombo, where the victim was a Sunday school student, Siripala said.
Yesterday’s conviction came a day after a senior Buddhist monk was arrested on charges of sexually abusing a teenager in another Sri Lankan temple, officials said.
The monk, who heads a temple in the coastal town of Matara, 80 miles south of Colombo, allegedly abused a 15-year-old girl, said Dimutu Galappatti, spokesman for the National Child Protection Authority.
Reports of child abuse by Buddhist priests have increased in recent years, but Panniyaloka’s trial is the first conviction of a monk on abuse charges.
About 70 percent of Sri Lanka’s 19 million people are Buddhists, and monks hold a tremendous influence in this Buddhist-majority country. They play a major role in molding the island’s political and social fabric.
Perhaps we don’t hear of Buddhist sexual abuse because most of the monks don’t live in the US.
MK, 8:33PM
…and they’re not Catholic priests.
Sexual abuse at school: court favours monitoring system
Staff Reporter
Bail plea of a schoolteacher accused of sexually harassing a girl dismissed
MADURAI: The Madras High Court has stressed the need to establish a confidential and independent monitoring system in government and private schools to prevent sexual abuse and harassment of girls.
Dismissing a bail application filed by a schoolteacher accused of sexually harassing a 13-year-old girl, Justice K.N. Basha said:
First local study on child sexual abuse ready
Staff Reporter
TOWARDS CHILD SAFETY: Andal Damodharan of the Indian Council for Child Welfare, Tamil Nadu, and Chennai Collector N. Murganandam release a workbook on child personal safety in Chennai on Thursday.
CHENNAI: The first comprehensive local study on child sexual abuse was conducted and presented by Tulir
OH TR; I don’t use horse medication but I thought you might need it.
All the neighing you do around here is getting tiresome…
53% of kids face sexual abuse: Survey
Our Bureau
Emotionally too children were at the receiving end. Every second child reported emotional abuse.
Hyderabad May 8 A national survey on child abuse, the largest empirical in-country study of its kind in the world, has found that two out of every three children are physically abused and an equal number reported facing corporal punishment.
The States of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar and Delhi, have reported high rates of abuse in all forms, when compared to their peers.
The study, which was conducted in 13 States, was taken up by the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development and UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund).
The study was aimed at assessing the magnitude and forms of child abuse and profile of the abused children and the social and economic conditions leading to their abuse.
It found that 53.22 per cent of children reported having faced one or more forms of sexual abuse. The four States mentioned above topped this list as well. Confirming other studies, the survey found that half of the victims were abused by people who knew them very well.
They were so vulnerable that half of them could not complain about the abuse to anyone.
Sexual assault
The four States also had the dubious distinction of subjecting the children to severest sexual assault. Children on streets, at work and in institutional care reported the highest incidence of sexual assault. More than 72 per cent of them didn’t report the matter.
it’s pretty unlikely that ANYONE is going to get through the gauntlet set up these days.
Iknow because my brother has a friend who has been trying to get into the seminary for NINE years without success.
They don’t touch anyone with any hint of a problem.
Unfortunately once again the moderators have ALLOVED you to hijack what was a very good post. Too bad.
What say you moderators? How long will you allow the CAtholic bashing to continue unabated?
Never fear, MK is here.
Well actually I do carder. Because the moderation is very poor, quite frankly.
You don’t see anyone complaining about 400+ women and children who are trapped in a life of sexual abuse and polygamy do you? ONly the Catholic Church gets bashed on this blog.
Bethany and I have been working on something all day and I really haven’t been attending to the site properly, but honestly, if I delete all of the “anti catholic” posts, it would make us look like we were trying to hide something…
Which we aren’t. We know the priest scandal happened…we know the cover up happened. Unlike PP we aren’t denying it.
It happened. It sucked. It’s over. We’re sorry. As sorry as we can be.
If some people can’t come up with anything legitimate to complain about and feel it necessary to harp on old news, then it speaks volumes.
I mean, if this is all they can come up with for 2000 years…well. Gosh, I’d say we’re doin’ pretty good.
America would be lucky to have leaders like JPII and PB16. Obama/JPII….hmmmm….Hillary/PB16….hmmmm…
Yeah, I feel like WE have something to be ashamed of … not.
“They don’t touch anyone with any hint of a problem.”
That’s Christian.
But MK, the post was about something else. Not the priestly scandal.
It’s not about debating the scandal. People should have been encouraged to stay on topic.
What’s the point of debating the post if it’s not on topic.
And it happens over and over again by the same people.
I for one am NOT ashamed of the Catholic Church.
Jess, do you have something to say about the post?
that’s true Patricia.
I need to talk to Jill about how she wants to do this. We’re growing so fast, and the blog is getting so big it’s hard to know where to go sometimes.
When we were smaller, we’d go off topic all the time because we were like a little family…Only about 30 of us and we were all getting to know each other…but it’s so big now.
Jill is out of town, but when she gets back we should probably have a meeting.
The other post was hijacked by people complaining that this appears to be a republican website…no democratic pro lifers allowed…
I’m tellin’ ya, my head is starting to spin.
And Patricia,
I for two am NOT ashamed of the Catholic Church.
She rocks!
High five!!!
well, I for one will be passing this blog by when the Catholic bashing starts.
I notice many of the other Catholic posters vanish into the woodwork and I’ll be doing the same.
It’s too bad, because the original post by Jill had some merit.
I don’t blame you Patricia. And it’s true. Janet sticks it out, and me. But we’re pretty much on our own. You can bash me, but when you bash my sweet, beautiful church, you really tick me off. And I feel compelled to defend her.
It’s getting old tho, that’s for sure.
As for the original post, banning her is not enough. Yale should be held accountable. I read somewhere that the actual exhibit is supposed to go up next week(?) I’ll be curious to see what happens…
Well, I guess the love children and hippies from the sixties are now running the universities, so we have to wait until these losers retire.
But I fear the next batch will be even worse.
When I went to university in 2005/06 it was bad -in Canada at any rate – students NEVER gave an opinion in class. UNLESS they were proabortion – that was totally acceptable.
I wonder what it will take to bring back a culture of life?
I wonder what Shvarts parents think?
I’m going to call it a day. God bless MK!
My son had to go to a gay bar to pass his social science class. How nuts is that?
I’m going to bed now, sooooo sleepy, but I’d like to know what her parents think too. I just assumed everyone would be sickened, but was shocked to find people actually standing up for her right here on Jills blog.
I don’t know. Something in our world broke in 1973. I wonder if we’ll EVER be able to fix it.
No one’s bashing the Church, we bash the actions and attitudes of certain individuals within the Church.
Catholics are just human beings like the rest of us. Like all human beings, you’ve sometimes got to question their judgment:
Brazil priest carried aloft by balloons missing
updated 1:48 p.m. PT, Mon., April. 21, 2008
SAO PAULO, Brazil – A Roman Catholic priest who floated off under hundreds of helium party balloons was missing Monday off the southern coast of Brazil.
Rescuers in helicopters and small fishing boats were searching off the coast of Santa Catarina state, where pieces of balloons were found.
Rev. Adelir Antonio de Carli lifted off from the port city of Paranagua on Sunday afternoon, wearing a helmet, thermal suit and a parachute.
He was reported missing about eight hours later after losing contact with port authority officials, according to the treasurer of his Sao Cristovao parish, Denise Gallas.
Gallas said by telephone that the priest wanted to break a 19-hour record for the most hours flying with balloons to raise money for a spiritual rest-stop for truckers in Paranagua, Brazil’s second-largest port for agricultural products.
Some American adventurers have used helium balloons to emulate Larry Walters — who in 1982 rose three miles above Los Angeles in a lawn chair lifted by balloons.
A video of Carli posted on the G1 Web site of Globo TV showed the smiling 41-year-old priest slipping into a flight suit, being strapped to a seat attached to a huge column green, red, white and yellow balloons, and soaring into the air to the cheers of a crowd.
According to Gallas, the priest soared to an altitude of 20,000 feet (6,000 meters) then descended to about 8,200 feet (2,500 meters) for his planned flight to the city of Dourados, 465 miles (750 kilometers) northwest of his parish.
But winds pushed him in another direction, and Carli was some 30 miles (50 kilometers) off the coast when he last contacted Paranagua’s port authority, Gallas said.
Carli had a GPS device, a satellite phone, a buoyant chair and is an experienced skydiver, Gallas said.
“We are absolutely confident he will be found alive and well, floating somewhere in the ocean,” she said.
“He knew what he was doing and was fully prepared for any kind of mishap.”
There’s a ubiquitous psychological condition: Freud would have called it Catholic-envy.
Everyone has a secret desire to be Catholic. We are just that cool.
I think the focus on the Catholic church alone is a bit ridiculous, but I do understand why that Church alone was focused on. The organization and coverup is more what did the damage than anything else, and it was on such a large scale that the focus was pretty easy to zoom in on. I think in my previous town alone there was something like 5 ADMITTED victims of 1 priest, and several other suspected victims. Yes, the Church was definitely guilty and COMPLETELY mishandled the situation, and I personally do harbor some resentment over that, esp since the church has always at least tried to do good in the world and help people, but covering up illicit sex with children is just…ugh.
MK, you are right it is everywhere, and jokes about the Catholic Church/priests and the scandal really does tick me off to no end. It’s pushed people to make generalizations and statements that are not only untrue but offensive, regardless of whether or not I consider myself a practicing Catholic. The things people say about it is ridiculous.
Though, I kinda have to echo JJ’s sentiment though about how you can’t really heal the wounds within the church without actually taking some time to talk to victims and/or their families. There needs to be at least some of that to help begin the healing process within the Church itself, not to mention the outside community and attempting to regain some of its lost reputation. Ugh.
“Though, I kinda have to echo JJ’s sentiment though about how you can’t really heal the wounds within the church without actually taking some time to talk to victims and/or their families.”
they have Dan.
I’m referring more to the current Pope than anything else. It was said before coming to the US he was going to address the scandal and try to heal wounds, but NOT meet with families. If I missed some development where he did I apologize, but I dont think wounds can truly be healed until the head honcho, or at least someone close by, begins taking on most of the responsibility and begins personally speaking to and/or apologizing to families in some way.
The Pope did meet with some families and victims. I wish I knew more about it right now – the meeting was unscheduled as I understand it. So much went on last week during the Pope’s visit, I’m still trying to catch up on details!
Not to point out the obvious or anything, but the reason people like SoMG are bringing up the Catholic church and its well-known child abuse cases is because…. JILL HAS BEEN BLOGGING ABOUT THE POPE.
MAYBE if she was blogging about Hindus or Buddhists or Muslims or whatever, we could discuss other child abuse cases. But it’s ridiculous to call yourselves victims of Catholic-bashing as if it’s come out of left field when obviously it’s been the topic of the week.
So when Jesus comes to visit the U.S., you can bet we’ll do some Christian bashing too. And then when Mohammad visits, we can do some Muslim bashing.
Besides, every day is pro-choicer bashing, Democrat bashing and liberal bashing, so who cares if this is an all out hate fest?
There’s a ubiquitous psychological condition: Freud would have called it Catholic-envy.

Everyone has a secret desire to be Catholic. We are just that cool.
Posted by: kb at April 21, 2008 11:17 PM
Oh Yeah…he’s the man!!!!
That story is a RIOT! I mean I hope he’s okay, but what cojones!
Do you have a link?
The post by JIll was NOT about the Catholic Church. It was about a stupid woman named Shvarts.
Therefore, comment on the post, NOT on the Catholic Church.
The post’s about the CC, then comment on the CC.
IT’s not rocket science.
Between standing up for Bethany over those disgusting pictures and now standing up for the church, my “respect-O-meter” for you has skyrocketed.
What an amazing young man you are.
Here is a video of the victims that met with the pope.
It wouldn’t be so hard to take the criticism if people would also (like you) acknowledge the amazing good that the church has done…
Catholic Relief is there first everytime there is a tragedy whether it’s hurricane Katrina or the Tsumani…
Some very bad people did some very bad things…no one denies that. But after centuries of doing good, you’d think we’d be shown some compassion.
Just look at how JPII approached the guy that tried to assassinate him. Mercy if our forte, but it doesn’t seem to be a two way street.
Thanks for you kind words.
MK, pray for me. I’m literally going insane. I have so much work to do, and I can’t handle it all. *cries*
Oh baby (Lyssie) I’d tell you to email me, but you don’t have time.
Ask Him to schedule your day. You’ll be amazed at how everything falls into place.
I’m rootin’ (and prayin’) for ya. You can do it. You can do it. You can do it…
“Grow pregnancies”?
Sometimes that kind of stuff sounds awkward. Lately I’ve been hearing stuff about “growing your business,” rather than making your business grow.
I guess it’s just what you’re used to, same with being “in the hospital,” or the more British “in hospital,” which I’ve also been hearing on American TV lately.
MK, pray for me. I’m literally going insane. I have so much work to do, and I can’t handle it all. *cries*
Lyssie, ****hugs**** I know you can do it. I am so sorry that it’s all overwhelming you. I know the feeling! Things will get better and come into place little by little. it’s hard to believe right now but it will work out!
“Grow pregnancies”?
Doug: 8:07: Sometimes that kind of stuff sounds awkward. Lately I’ve been hearing stuff about “growing your business,” rather than making your business grow.
I guess it’s just what you’re used to, same with being “in the hospital,” or the more British “in hospital,” which I’ve also been hearing on American TV lately.
I remember President Clinton used to always talk about “growing the economy”. That was the first time I heard the word “grow” used that way. It always sounded funny, like he was talking about a field of corn. I guess it’s an easy generic word to use?
You are in my prayers! I don’t know if you are Catholic but know that Mary will take all of your prayers to Jesus! God bless you!
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.
Lyssie, here’s hoping your days grow long enough for you to get everything done that you want to.
P.S. “Grow your days long enough” just wouldn’t have sounded right.
P.P.S. Only 3 animals were harmed in the making of this post.
There’s a ubiquitous psychological condition: Freud would have called it Catholic-envy.
Everyone has a secret desire to be Catholic. We are just that cool.
Posted by: kb at April 21, 2008 11:17 PM
Cool is now synonymous with delusional?
Here’s a good article by a NON-CATHOLIC that says:
“1) Most American churches being accused of child sexual abuse are Protestant. Over the past ten years an average of 70 churches per week have been accused of child abuse.”
Hmm…I guess they ARE better at covering it up.
I also read an article that said 1.7% of priests were accused in the sex scandal BUT 10% of protestant ministers were accused during the same time. Admittedly I can’t seem to find the article now and I don’t know the numbers but the percentage is much higher.
Posted by: Kristen at April 21, 2008 4:18 PM
Obviously if its REPORTED it HASNT been covered up. The issue isnt just the abuse – the real issue is how these people werent reported, arrested and kept away from the young girls and boys in the church.
OH TR; I don’t use horse medication but I thought you might need it.
All the neighing you do around here is getting tiresome…
Posted by: Patricia at April 21, 2008 8:58 PM
You really do seem to have a problem with comprehension of the world around you. Why would anyone with any intelligence *recommend* a large animal sedative to a person? What ‘neighing’ do I do? I must admit you tend to bray and bleat often enough. I say point out things you really dont want to hear. Im not surprised you’d rather keep your fingers in your ears and whimper ‘lalalalala’
Why would anyone with any intelligence *recommend* a large animal sedative to a person?
Iva, maybe because they really, really couldn’t sleep?
“Go drop a rhino on yourself.”
Patricia (and anyone else) –
I hope I am not too late …. I know I’m not around much, but for the most part I try to check my e-mail many times a day. If anything goes on and you feel you need some help on something or something needs to be addressed, e-mail me and let me know what I can do to help or where the problem is.
I’m here to help, even if you don’t see me!
And I won’t pass on the Catholic/or any religious bashing as I feel that any of that is uncalled for. There are ways to say things respectfully and ways to be rude. (Some here may say I can loose my respectability, but that is just my charm, right?)
Lyssie –
Lyssie, you better keep working. : )
Great pic of Pope Benedict in his shades.
Reminds me of a poster used in recruiting for vocations, styled after that Matrix film, I guess.
The Church is getting media savvy. Check out Cardinal Arinze on youtube. He really kicks butt, (which in my parlance is a compliment).
TexasRed, you gotta get out more, among real people, because all that time with your two dimensional viewing material has made you BO-RING!
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