UPDATE, 3/28, 10:15a: Although written a few hours before the Tiller verdict, this post by National Review Online’s Denis Boyles in The Corner, which should be read in its entirety, sums up what happened:

I’ve spoken to several people who are very close to this case, and the expectation is that Tiller will be acquitted.


The state’s lackadaisal case, one knowledgeable observer said, was “embarrassing.” The state assigned a single prosecutor to the case. Tiller has a 5-member team, including a former US Attorney. The state called one witness – Kristin Neuhaus, the doctor who signed off on Tiller’s near-birth abortions. She was given immunity by [pro-abortion Attorney General Steve] Six and, not surprisingly, was an extremely hostile witness….

The prosecution, over which Six can exert direct control, had available “reams of documents” dealing with the case and didn’t use them. Tiller’s accountant wasn’t even called. Ironically, as more than one trial-follower noted, the only thing that might convict Tiller is the statements he made himself when he was, perhaps unwisely, asked by his defense team to take the stand himself. There, he let slip that Neuhaus worked for him and was part of his “organization” — before quickly correcting himself.

Considering the defense requested (and was denied) that the case be tossed because an alternative juror slept through the trial, it’s clear his peers slept with their eyes open, not catching Tiller’s 2 one-liners convicting himself.
Or perhaps the fix was in and they were all pro-abortion. Neither the prosecution nor defense ever asked prospective jurors their sanctity of life inclination, but Troy Newman of Operation Rescue, who sat through it all, told me pro-lifers felt the need to out themselves without prompting and were dismissed.
Thumbnail image for breaking.jpg UPDATE, 3/27, 2:22 p: George Tiller has been found NOT GUILTY on all 19 counts. Developing story…
3/27, 1:57p: Operation Rescue has twittered the verdict has been reached in the Tiller trial.
I’m sure they need time to assemble everyone who needs to hear the verdict.

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