Epilogue: Tiller found not guilty
UPDATE, 3/28, 10:15a: Although written a few hours before the Tiller verdict, this post by National Review Online’s Denis Boyles in The Corner, which should be read in its entirety, sums up what happened:
I’ve spoken to several people who are very close to this case, and the expectation is that Tiller will be acquitted.
The state’s lackadaisal case, one knowledgeable observer said, was “embarrassing.” The state assigned a single prosecutor to the case. Tiller has a 5-member team, including a former US Attorney. The state called one witness – Kristin Neuhaus, the doctor who signed off on Tiller’s near-birth abortions. She was given immunity by [pro-abortion Attorney General Steve] Six and, not surprisingly, was an extremely hostile witness….
The prosecution, over which Six can exert direct control, had available “reams of documents” dealing with the case and didn’t use them. Tiller’s accountant wasn’t even called. Ironically, as more than one trial-follower noted, the only thing that might convict Tiller is the statements he made himself when he was, perhaps unwisely, asked by his defense team to take the stand himself. There, he let slip that Neuhaus worked for him and was part of his “organization” — before quickly correcting himself.
Considering the defense requested (and was denied) that the case be tossed because an alternative juror slept through the trial, it’s clear his peers slept with their eyes open, not catching Tiller’s 2 one-liners convicting himself.
Or perhaps the fix was in and they were all pro-abortion. Neither the prosecution nor defense ever asked prospective jurors their sanctity of life inclination, but Troy Newman of Operation Rescue, who sat through it all, told me pro-lifers felt the need to out themselves without prompting and were dismissed.
UPDATE, 3/27, 2:22 p: George Tiller has been found NOT GUILTY on all 19 counts. Developing story…
3/27, 1:57p: Operation Rescue has twittered the verdict has been reached in the Tiller trial.
I’m sure they need time to assemble everyone who needs to hear the verdict.

I’ve got my fingers crossed.
Not guilty on all counts, according to the Wichita paper.
I’m waiting for the final Twittering on this Twit.
I’m not surprised.
Neither am I Heather.
Obama is president. Is it REALLY any wonder that Tiller will skate? Expect things to become much worse in America. Heck, anything goes these days. What next? Legalization of pedophelia?
Hi Lauren and Lyssie.
Well, none of us watched the entire trial. It might just be the prosecution didn’t prove their case.
I’m extremely disappointed in this jury. How on earth can they find him not guilty when he ADMITTED TO IT ALL ON THE STAND?!?!?!?!?!?! HELLO?? Aside from my views on abortion itself, he admitted to violating Kansas law. On the stand, under oath, in a court of law. Um, he made the case FOR the prosecution. DUH PEOPLE!!
I really do not like what is happening in this country. I’ve always believed in the guilty receiving their just penalty. I guess people who mass murder babies are exempt from all morality, decency, AND the rule of law. I’m disappointed and disgusted.
We live in a country where we tend to take a heck of a lot for granted. I used to play the blame game a lot myself. I am so thankful that I can go to my sink and run a clean glass of tap water if I so choose. Look at Africa!! However, we live in a country where we want gay marriage and legalized child killing. *note to self* Pray for these spoiled brat liberals tonight. *sigh*
What will it take before American’s open their eyes and see that Obamanation is here. He was the absolute wrong CHOICE! People are living in tents!!!! Again, what 1 GOOD and TRUE thing has Obama done yet?????
Heather, I’m quite sure that the economy would have continued to tank no matter who we elected in November. It’s a deep problem and it’s going to take a lot of time for both the citizens of the country and the government to begin to recover.
Erin, do you think we will ever recover? I do not think that we will.
Heather, I believe that it is going to be a very difficult year or two, but that we will eventually pull and be pulled out of this situation. Right now the best thing people can do is try and manage their finances as wisely and frugally as possible.
It was a pro choice prosecutor and pro choice Attorney general that filed the original case.
Heather, you are devoid of hope. We have the greatest country in the world, we can, and will, recover. Because of Obama or in spite of Obama, we’ll do fine. People living in tents is not something that started 60 days ago…..
Erin, I can agree there. I am not spending these days unless I have to.
Hal, I’m devoid of hope? Well, there are a few tent cities out there. Maybe you should ask them how much hope they have left.
Hal, when did all of these people begin living in their tents?
Hal, when did all of these people begin living in their tents?
Posted by: Heather at March 27, 2009 2:52 PM
Well, my town has had “tent cities” for at least the last five years. (they are invited to use church fields and parking lots for a few months, and then move to another one.) And homeless people, with or without tents, as long as I’ve lived here.
Well, my town has had “tent cities” for at least the last five years. (they are invited to use church fields and parking lots for a few months, and then move to another one.) And homeless people, with or without tents, as long as I’ve lived here.
Posted by: Hal at March 27, 2009 2:54 PM yoy!
It’s just insanity. Scott Peterson sits on Death Row for the murder of his wife and unborn son. To Scott Peterson, Connor was unwanted on his part. George Tiller is a serial killer and he’ll be going home tonight.
Heather, he’d be going home tonight even if convicted. These were technical violations, misdemeanors. He wasn’t on trial for being a “serial killer.” Maybe that’s what you think is the insanity. I see your point. (don’t agree, but see your point.)
“I’ve always believed in the guilty receiving their just penalty.”
Don’t worry, they will…in God’s time. We just need to keep the faith.
As for those who voted for “Change”…well you can KEEP the change! (read it on a bumper sticker)
*also noticed a lot of Anti-Obama shirts popping-up…you can try googling it.
I’m bummed. . . .
This is sickening and I’m sure those pro-aborts are going to be popping the bubbly tonight.
remember the saying: “There is no justice in this world.”
Never was that proven the case like the Tiller situation.
He’s GUILTY in the eyes of the innocent children whose lives he destroyed.
Wow. I feel like I did when Obama was elected.
Clearly God is on Dr. Tiller’s side. :D
This is someone who hires people off the street to “care” for aborting women.
This is someone who doesn’t have the brains to call 911 until after 40 minutes of resuscitative efforts.
This the type of person you want set loose on women?
BTW, was God on OJ’s side too?
the only “god” on Tiller’s side is the Prince of Darkness: SATAN.
It’s official…. Kansas is the sewer of the nation.
Hi Heather,
Good to see you back!
Its “Bleeding Kansas” all over again!
YOu forget that Hitler was allowed for a time to do all kinds of horrific things and eventually ended up killing himself.
Tiller will have a similar ending.
It is a grave sin to imply that God is on a monster like Tiller’s side.
It’s official…. Kansas is the sewer of the nation.
Posted by: Doyle Chadwick at March 27, 2009 4:31 PM
You mean, it’s not New York or San Francisco anymore?
But hey, I guess we were overreacting to BHO’s nomination of Sebelius. Seems she has appointed some wonderful, truth seeking prosecutors and judges in KS. It’s not their fault they didn’t notice Dr Killer admit on the stand that Dr Bottomfeeder was his employee.
God loves Tiller but hates how he makes a living.
Where’s Paul Hill when you need him. Oh yea, the govenment killed him too, just like it does to unborn children.
So I guess Tiller will be back to baby killing on Monday. I’m so disappointed and cant imagine how he got away with it.
And for those who say its legal…. wasnt slavery legal at one time? I’m sure everyone would agree that is wrong.
Absolutely awful and I’m sure he will sleep fine tonight.
For those who don’t understand the message above, Jasper is advocating the murder of Tiller. Jasper’s hero Paul Hill murdered an unarmed doctor. Nice choice of “moderators”. Is it any wonder that “pro lifers” like Jasper are considered terrorists by law enforcement?
Mary, it’s nice to see you too. VERY nice!;]
I was wondering who Paul Hill was. Thanks Bystander.
I’m not surprised.
Hal, Jasper’s hero Paul Hill also murdered the doctor’s bodyguard, a retired military officer and shot and wounded the bodyguard’s wife, all at close range with a shotgun.
“Pro lifers” went to Florida to support Paul Hill as a hero at his trial and execution.
But, I hope he doesn’t get banned for that post.
who are you to judge Paul Hill? This was very difficult for him, he didn’t make his descison lightly I’ll bet. Stop being so judgemental of people!
prolifers do not support the murder of Paul Hill or any other abortionist for that matter
It’s nothing but hysterics to state such.
As Carla pointed out, we hate the sin but are called to love the sinner.
sorry I meant:
prolifers do not support the murders of abortionists nor do we support people like Paul Hill.
It’s nothing but hysterics to state such.
As Carla pointed out, we hate the sin but are called to love the sinner.
I like that from you jasper: stop being so judgemental! Hahahahahaha. Omg, almost chocked on my pizza!
ummm Pizza. Sounds like a good way to end the week. Have a nice night everyone.
Tiller has new ethics charges today.
The sleazy lawyers have no legal clout over the state ethics boards.
Hey dont tell people what to do and we wont tell you what to do right? Paul made a choice and thats his decision!
How could this happen? How could he get away with this? He’ll go home and toast himself and praise himself for his “awesomeness.” And he’ll tell the world how much that he has brought good into the world for the humiliation that he brought upon innocent children. I just don’t understand how, perhaps even tomorrow, he’ll be parading about the newspapers, calling himself a martyr who rose from the ashes and…back at work dehumanizing and humiliating. I’m depressed now.
Bystander, 7:06PM
…and people demonstrated in support of the rapist that killed 4 police officers in California. That proves what??
People cheered on and supported OJ before and after his trial. That proves what??
He is not celebrating. The new charges from the Kansas state board of Healing Arts are much more difficult. He will not have 3 lawyers in on this case.
You’re right, Mary, that the actions of one individual do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of a whole group.
I think that Bystander was pointing out that Jasper, a frequent Pro-Life commenter on this site, was suggesting that he supports the murder of an abortionist. Because Jasper is a moderator here, a position of authority on a website or blog, his views carry more weight and suggest that they reflect the views of the blog’s creator, his fellow administrators, and its supporters.
Maybe this is true and Jill does condone violent protest. It would seem so, since she keeps Jasper in a position of authority despite his questionable comments and his tendency to swear and call those who disagree with him names.
I appreciate that you understand my point.
I know Jill does not condone violence of any kind. I personally do not condone what Jasper said.
BTW, it was the National Right To Life Cmte that tried to keep Hill and his sick fantasies off of national media and protect lives. It was a news program of some sort several years ago that insisted on having him on as a PL “leader” which he most definitely was not. They wanted a nutjob like him to “prove” the PL movement was violent. They only succeeded in feeding his sick fantasies and the rest is history.
I’m aware that Hill was seemingly not right in the head and his views and actions are not typical of Pro-Lifers. That is why I’m surprised to see a moderator here apparently approving of what he did.
It’s a case of “one bad apple” spoiling the image of a group that has honorable motives. It seems as though Jill’s blog has its own bad apple.
Just think Jill, Tiller the Killer won’t have to appeal all the way to the majority Republican appointed US Supreme Court to find favoritism to get off for his crimes of murder. But, if he did, here’s who he’d have in his corner;
Roberts – Pro abort, appointed by Bush
Alito – Pro abort, appointed by Bush
Stevens – Pro abort, appointed by Ford
Scalia – Pro abort, appointed by Reagan
Kennedy – Pro abort, appointed by Reagan
Souter – Pro abort, appointed by HW Bush
Thomas – Pro abort, appointed by HW Bush
Breyer – Pro abort, appointed by Clinton
Ginsburg – Pro abort, appointed by Clinton
NOT ONE current U.S. Supreme Court justice believes a child in the womb is a person. Until Christians in the pro-life industry get that through their thick heads, Christians will continue to get used by politicians for their vote and National Right to Life for their benevolence.
It’s time for the community to stop bowing down to man’s law and put this murderer in shackles and make him walk a mile in Death Valley heat for every child he slaughtered for profit and his own lust for killing.
Hey Christians! It’s not a justice system that Tiller the Killer is protected by, it’s “just a system.”
That same “just a system” has made even our Bible illegal to publish in Colorado, as of June 2008. It has made even speaking out against homosexuals and child killing a crime of discrimination, as of June 2008.
It has a church in court for practicing religion, displaying religious symbols, and teaching religion in its own building, because the church fell for the money carrot known as 501(c)(3). Coming to your town and church soon.
Wake up and act, or be silenced like the unborn.
“Maybe this is true and Jill does condone violent protest. It would seem so, since she keeps Jasper in a position of authority despite his questionable comments and his tendency to swear and call those who disagree with him names.”
I don’t condone what Paul Hill did or violence in general. What Paul Hill did was illegal.
How about the thousands of lives that are aborted every day legally in this country. What gives you pro-aborts the right to de-humanize them?
Do you pro-aborts ‘condone violence’? Do you support bloodshed?
take a look in the mirror.
This is for Jill, a true watchmen, and all she does:
Jeremiah 6:15-17
15 Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination?
No! They were not at all ashamed;
Nor did they know how to blush.
Therefore they shall fall among those who fall;
At the time I punish them,
They shall be cast down,” says the LORD.
16 Thus says the LORD:
“ Stand in the ways and see,
And ask for the old paths, where the good way is,
And walk in it;
Then you will find rest for your souls.
But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’
17 Also, I set watchmen over you, saying,
‘ Listen to the sound of the trumpet!’
But they said, ‘We will not listen.’
I was pretty sure this would be the outcome. This guy has far too many friends in high places.
Why do you assume I am pro-abortion, Jasper? I am not.
Chill, dude.
Also, if you don’t agree with Hill and what he did, why did you even bring him up in the first place? You even stated that we “needed” him and defended him to other posters.
Seems to me you definitely DO condone his actions.
He was probably, I dont know, being sarcastic?
Oliver’s right. Jasper was using sarcasm and obviously, as he has subsequently commented, he doesn’t condone violence. Move on, sharks.
Hmm.. Death threats as “sarcasm”? That ought to play out well in the courtroom.
Many have noted Jasper’s increasingly angry and threatening posts. Should he be a “moderator”?
A little historical context is in order.
A black slave was not allowed to testify against his white master or any other white person who was alleged to have committed a criminal act, against said black slave or any one else.
Most americans though uncomfortable with slavery were not motivated to end the practice.
In fact most americans were not displeased enough with British rule to motivate them to action to rid themselves of their oppressors.
The civil rights movement was comprised of mostly people of color, but predominantly ‘christian’ and a minority of other faiths and ethnicities. Most black americans were not motivated to act. It took a while but they forced the majority to act.
It has always been a minority that ‘forced’ the american majority to act. In most instances the minority was predominantly ‘christian’.
Humans are stupid. They learn slow and forget quick. If the injustice cannot be shown to impact the individually directly, then the individual will just go with the flow.
Unfortunately, all the ‘christians’ I have ever known or known of were ‘human’.
A little helpful syllogism for the logic impaired.
If humans are stupid and all christians are humans then christians are stupid.
Because we humans are stupid and we learn slow and forget quick then we have to be constantly reminded what it was we just learned.
Then there are the stupid humans who refuse to learn. They choose to believe what ever it is they want to believe because it seems ‘right’ or ‘good’ to them.
When you cross paths with this kind of human, give her/him a wide berth. Becasuse they believe reason and loigc are simply matters of ‘choice’, then their actions are completely unpradictable. Be wary while you are in close proximity. Even stupid human christians are a danger.
Walk circumspectly at all times. You never know who is about to enter your ‘space’. (It would be helpful if they wore those ‘Obama’ buttons or displayed an ‘Obama’ bumper sticker on both their front and rear bumper.) Do not assume anything. Be careful.
But I digress.
If you are ‘called’ to be an advocate for pre-natal humans then resign yourself to the reality that you might not see the resolution in your lifetime. Do not let your well doing weary you. Enjoy your family, enjoy your friends, enjoy your work. Keep reminding yourself there is a GOD and you are not GOD.
Rejoice in the individual victories: Each child that survives to birth and survives birth to adulthood.
Rest in the knowledge, that there are many children alive today who would not be if you had not acted.
Grieve that some of those children are now working against you.
But rejoice that are alive to do it.
For there is still yet hope for the living. The dead have no such hope.
If your are ‘pro-life’ then it is inconsistent to wish death or even harm for your opponent. Bless those who curse you and pray for those who who mistreat you in word and/or deed.
Forgive early, forgive often, when in doubt forgive.
yor bro ken
I’d recommend Jasper take some Communications courses then, if he has that much trouble articulating his thoughts. Maybe he could check with his local community college. Perhaps they have some Anger Management courses he could look into as well.
It is difficult to convey sarcasm on the Internet. Jasper’s death threat, combined with his volatile posts in the past, don’t look like “jokes” to me…
Jill should be careful about who she chooses to represent her and her cause.
Jasper, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, and I’m sure you were being sarcastic, but I don’t think the comment is appropriate.
You’re correct, it was inappropriate. I wasn’t serious, I was just frustrated after the Tiller decision. The injustice….
I have a feeling you are have been here before using a different name… Your IP is the from same location as G’s Mom…do you know her?
Jasper, I understand that. As you know, I’ve said some things that I later regretted. I know you weren’t being serious.
IF no one was not making money off of the killing of the unborn then it would be wrong.The government makes to much money off unborn. makes a killing in taxes and people that does abortions does too.One day it will change when god sets his wrath on the earth that’s when it will change. If they found tiller guilty then they would have to over turn roe v wade. roe didn’t even want abortion. The lawyer wanted to make it legal.
I am assuming you mean Gingli’s mom? No, I do not know her. Interesting that she is near.
I think I understand Jasper’s frustration.
We have abortion and abortionists being supported by judicial system, even in situations where an abortionist is acting in direct contravention of the law and/or women die.
Abortion was legalized with the “ideal” that legal abortion would be safe for women. This has not proven to be the case. Women continue to die and continue to be maimed. Millions of babies continue to die.
But proaborts don’t care. Their mantra is that some women must die and babies will always die for the sake of reproductive freedom and the right to promiscuity without any responsibility.
It’s one thing to have abortion “legal” but quite another to protect doctors like Tiller who prove that legal abortion is no better than illegal abortion.
You can bet if this was a CPC offering shoddy care, they would have been closed years ago.
I understand jasper’s frustration too.
A good examination of Tiller’s aquittal is found here…