Lesbian attempts “rape” by insemination
Well, this makes for a nice lesbian companion to my previous post, “TV star and ‘wife’ switch embryos.” In the Berkshire Eagle, March 12, located in MA where homosexuals can legally marry:
A woman who allegedly intended to artificially inseminate her wife with her brother’s semen has been charged with domestic assault and battery….
Jennifer Lighten, 33, told police that Stephanie Lighten [pictured right], her wife, was “all liquored up” when she returned to their… apartment, where the defendant then allegedly tried to use a syringe to inseminate her….
Jennifer told investigating officers that Stephanie “has been talking about trying to impregnate (her) for some time,” police said….
According to a [police] report… “Jennifer said that Stephanie had a ‘turkey baster and her brother’s semen in a sealed container.’ Jennifer said she told Stephanie that she didn’t want to get pregnant.” The device was actually a large syringe with a catheter tip, police said, and it was still in its original package when officers confiscated the item.
That’s allegedly when Stephanie threw Jennifer on the couch, grabbed at her clothes and threatened to impregnate her, police said.
Jennifer broke free….
Police also confiscated the container of semen and some aluminum foil, which was originally used to hold the semen. Nicholas Lighten, Stephanie Lighten’s brother, was the donor, according to police.
Detective Thomas Harrington said Jennifer Lighten declined “to go forward with charges of assault with intent to rape” because she did not believe “Stephanie was going to sexually assault her with the syringe.” However, Harrington informed the alleged victim that attempted rape charges could be filed if she changes her mind….
[HT: moderator Chris; photo from Lighten’s Facebook profile]
Homosexual attempted murder by having sex.
City officials are expected to release a report Monday showing 3 percent of the city’s general population has been infected with the virus. It’s the first time the city has done a comprehensive analysis of infection rates in the district.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the definition of an epidemic is 1 percent of the population. Washington’s rate of infection with HIV-AIDS is three times that.
When I read this, besides all the obvious bizarreness, in the end of the story you are left with the fact that she had some of her brother’s semen. Eeewwwww…
Gender confused. On one hand gays condem normal people and call them breeders. On the other hand they want children and parental rights. Gays also have incredibly high rates of domestic violence. (not luv is it)
Looks like they are confused at more levels than we know.
I will never understand the human race or the things we think we are allowed to do to one another.
Double wow! What will they think of next?
So much for all the lovin’ in homosexual relationships.
Ok, I’ve finally thought through things enough to compose an answer beyond “wow.”
I have an aquaintance who is a trans-woman. She was involved in a relationship with a woman who was very abusive.
She told me that lesbian rape and abuse is often brushed aside by mainstream counselors, but it is actually fairly common.
This type of thing needs to be called what it is-rape.
She was going to rape her wife. It is twisted and horrible, and I don’t even want to think about her having her brother’s semen. Women are capable of rape, and this story serves as a very sad reminder of that fact.
Hopefully the victim can get out of this abusive relationship, and the would-be rapist will be charged with a crime.
On one hand gays condem normal people and call them breeders. On the other hand they want children and parental rights.
Presumably, the homosexuals calling straight people “breeders” are not the ones who want children/parental rights. I mean, what if someone approached heterosexuals as a group and said, “On one hand they boast about being child-free, on the other they follow that Quiverfull philosophy.” There are many, many differing points of view in any group.
“So much for all the lovin’ in homosexual relationships.
Posted by: angel at March 16, 2009 1:07 PM”
I don’t know if you can call that “lovin”…
..and I don’t think GLBT “relationships” are even long-term ones anyway…
Hopefully the victim can get out of this abusive relationship, and the would-be rapist will be charged with a crime.
Posted by: Lauren at March 16, 2009 1:11 PM
I know alot of people will dump on me for this but I think what would be even better is if she got counselling for her same sex attraction.
Perhaps she’s in this kind of relationship because of other issues in her life.
..and I don’t think GLBT “relationships” are even long-term ones anyway…
Posted by: RSD at March 16, 2009 2:00 PM
Some are, some aren’t. Just like the rest of us.
I like how you put rape in quotes, both to delegitimize the rape and delegitimize the victim’s sexual orientation. You have the perfect amount of compassion for every situation.
This is disgustingly disturbing.
What a sick world we live in!
More depravity from gays and lesbians.
This will be the next thing Obama wants to use our tax dollars for…helping lesbians get pregnant…and it doesn’t matter by who, or “what”.
Just wait until Rosie O’Donell gets wind of this.
Angel @ 2:04 PM — you make a very good point.
“This will be the next thing Obama wants to use our tax dollars for…helping lesbians get pregnant…and it doesn’t matter by who, or “what””
What the hell Mike. You are ridiculous.
There is a very poignant, appropriate and relevant Scripture that applies to this very situtation. What these people of depraved and reprobate minds do should not surprise any of us beleivers. They are desparately in need of Jesus Christ and I hope they find Him.
Romans 1:24-32 ” 24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.”
Verse 26 is especially tragic and terrifying, “26Because of this, God gave them over…..”. To be lost and separated from God should run shivvers down the spines of every living human being.
Is this ridiculous as well PIP?
Is this ridiculous as well PIP?
Posted by: HisMan at March 16, 2009 6:36 PM
More so.
Thanks, HisMan…
PIP: We also never dreamed that our tax dollars would be used for abortions, or that abortion would ever even be legal for that matter…or that we would ever have a president who didn’t believe in caring for babies who survive murder attempts on the, or that laws would be proposed to allow underage girls to have abortions without their parents knowledge or consent…so. NO! What I said is completely within the realm of possibility given the sad moral state of affairs of this country.
Get your head out of the sand.
I think PIP was wondering what’s wrong with tax dollars being used to help lesbians get pregnant.
There’s something wrong with tax dollars being used to help any woman become pregnant.
Say it ain’t so…. one lesbian raping another… with her brother’s semen… when’s the movie coming out? Has Jerry Springer called yet?
Good one Doyle ! Jerry Springer is probably the brother/father.
Posted by: Pansy Moss at March 16, 2009 12:38 PM
“When I read this, besides all the obvious bizarreness, in the end of the story you are left with the fact that she had some of her brother’s semen. Eeewwwww…”
“I have the heart of a child.
I keep it in a formaldeyde filled jar on my desk.” Stephen King
The operative word is ‘bizarreness’. ‘Gay and butch’ just don’t quite do the ‘alternative’ life style’ justice.
These ‘marching to the beat of a different drummer’ folk have not yet ‘come out of the closet’. This is little tidbit is just the flavored jelly on the tip of the butt plug.
There is a physician who works at the emergency room at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas. He has a box full of ‘collectibles’ that he has removed from the colons these misunderstood people.
One person’s pain is another person’s pleasure. It is all in the eye of the beholder.
It is folks like these who give homosexuality a bad name.
yor bro ken
Posted by: Doyle at March 16, 2009 9:50 PM
“Say it ain’t so…. one lesbian raping another… with her brother’s semen…
when’s the movie coming out?….”
Think of ‘Alien vs Predator’ or ‘Species’.
Or the musical, ‘The Producers’. The original version.
yor bro ken
There’s something wrong with tax dollars being used to help any woman become pregnant.
Posted by: Jon at March 16, 2009 8:23 PM
Okay Mike- I think it’s ridiculous that helping lesbians get pregnant is evil, and I find it more ridiculous that you think Obama would sanction rape in the process.
HisMan I don’t believe in your version of the bible; I’m sure we’ve established this several times before. I do think your interpretation is ridiculous. Don’t take it personally though.
PIP… I can see where you might disagree with his interpretation, or think that he is wrong.
What give you the right, however, to say that his opinion is ridiculous, meaning, deserving of ridicule?
Just because someone disagrees with you does not give you the right to ridicule him or his beliefs.
Not past junior high, at least!
ken @ 10:04 PM — regarding the dr’s “findings” — an important point, yet surprisingly there are people who will still defend sodomy as “natural” despite the trauma that results.
I don’t think you even know what the Bible says let alone any particulr version. And for the parts that you think you know you try to fit them into what you beleive. In effect, you are your own god and have shut the door to being transformed by the renewing of your mind, i.e. by God through His word.
Therefore, I think you just disagree with the Bible, not me since I just say what the Bible says.
Dissing God’s Word is idolatry.
A good example is your inability to believe the creation story because of your worship of false science and lack of faith that God will show you what you need to know about Him.
It is clear that Moses wrote about Jesus:
John 1:45
Philip found Nathanael and told him, “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”
Jesus expressed this concern when he said the following:
John 5:45-47
45″But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set. 46If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. 47But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?”
The crux of the mater is this PIP: Moses wrote Genesis. If you can discredit what Moses wrote, i.e., the literal account of creation, you can discount what he wrote about the Messiah. If you don’t believe what Moses wrote, you wrote believe in the Christ of the Bile. It will be another false Christ, one that won’t save you.
This is satan’s goal and you play right into it.
Perhaps you don’t know that it was not actually Charles Darwin who first introduced evolutionary theory into society and using very bad science at that. It was actaully an anti-God, anti-religion lawyer who knew nothing about science, Sir Charles Lyell.
You should read more PIP. Except remember this, your eye is the gateway to the heart and you shouldn’t be reading those who prejudice is to hate God and disprove HIs existence. This is extrmemly foolish as Proverbs says, “a fool says in his heart, there is no God”.
Stop being lukewarm PIP, or be vomited out of God’s mouth.
“Just because someone disagrees with you does not give you the right to ridicule him or his beliefs.”
I think you read too much into what I have said. I’m sure you think many beliefs are ridiculous. You probably think the Westboro Baptist Chuch’s beliefs are ridiculous. It doesn’t mean you or I would go out of our way to demean or ridicule them.
your God seems to be an angry guy.
No, I think that Phelps and his extremist beliefs are sad and worthy of much prayer.
“I just say what the Bible says.”
Fortunately HisMan, you have to take the Bible more than just face value. You have to look at context. While you believe that posting a few verses, claiming these to be easily interpreted by modern standards is sufficient, I believe that there is more to the Bible than that, even if at the surface it seems to contradict what is laid out at the surface.
whoops that sounded weird. “what is laid out.”
Well Elisabeth, I’m sorry if I offended you, I never realized ‘ridiculous’ was such an insult. If HisMan thinks my views are ridiculous, then I don’t think he should be terribly surprised that I feel likewise.
As long as no one attacks Simon and Garfunkel we’re all cool, right?
Koo-koo-ka-choo Hal!
LOL Hal, of course ;)
“I just say what the Bible says.”
Fortunately HisMan, you have to take the Bible more than just face value. You have to look at context. While you believe that posting a few verses, claiming these to be easily interpreted by modern standards is sufficient, I believe that there is more to the Bible than that, even if at the surface it seems to contradict what is laid out at the surface.
Posted by: prettyinpink at March 17, 2009 6:06 PM”
Wow PIP:
How can you say that you moral relativist?
The whole context of the book of Genesis is Creation and you tell me I don’t use context? What is so difficult about, “In the beginning, God….” and he used the terms day, season, etc, differentiating bewteen periods of time.
I know why, because it conflicts with a currently flawed theory about what really happened and you haven’t experienced enough of life to realize that people have agendas and are more than willing to suck you in whether they represent truth or not.
Tell me this: Have you ever personally witnessed evolution in any way shape or form. Has anyone who has ever lived experienced evolution? No, no and no is the answer.
The basic premise of science is observation. Evolution has never been observed and is therefore, not scientifically provable. And we’re teaching this crap to kids as if it were indisputable fact. This is a crime. I will never allow my children to learn about the theory of evolution unless they have an equally taught view of Creationism. Every parent on this site should do the same.
And if I presented a huge discourse on a theological subject here, which I could do (I would just cut and paste from the numerous papers I have written), would you read it? I mean I doubt if you ever look up the verse that I quote and read the context. If you did, you would see that they are right on the money.
In fact, I dare you to give me one example where I have not properly used a text in context and that it doesn’t apply to a modern situation. Modern means nothing by the way, since 100 years from now, what we do now will be old-fashioned. Give me principle instead.
Have you ever read where Jesus or Paul quoted the OT? I mean that was their Bible. They used simple verses all of the time to express ideas. Your thesis and suppositions about my use of the Bible are all wrong.
What you fail to realize is that scientific theories change all the time where God’s word is eternal and has survived the test of time.
The theory of evolution given proper scrutiny will disappear eventually and I am certain of it unless they turn it into forced propaganda for good, like the communist manifesto or Mao’s red book. Your problem is that you over contextualize the Bible or should I say try to fit it into your box and because of that fail to see the big picture.
Solomon said it well, “There is nothing new under the sun”. Sin is still sin, hate hate, love love, murder murder etc. etc.
“The flower fades, but the word of God shall endure forever”.
“The whole context of the book of Genesis is Creation and you tell me I don’t use context? What is so difficult about, “In the beginning, God….” and he used the terms day, season, etc, differentiating bewteen periods of time.”
HisMan, context includes the culture it was written in, where it was, what were their main issues at the time, what were their customs, what was the intention of the writings etc. We can’t read the story of Moses and Isaac and put it in the context of today’s time, or the intended sacrifice is horribly barbaric. However, taken in the context in which it was written, it will find meaning in the larger sense.
Proof-texting, and using the Bible as a club are not my style. I don’t want to get into another evolution debate with you, it is incredibly obvious that you have no desire to read anything on the subject of evolution from its source, and it is just a frustrating ball of wax that I don’t want to (nor have the time to) get into. You can believe what you want, HisMan. My only problem with creationists is that they try to fool people to believe that their ideas are “science” when they have to admit that they are not. Otherwise, live in your world man and have a good journey.
Actually, we can’t read the story of Moses and Isaac at all.
It was Abraham and Isaac. Moses came waaaaaaaaaay later.
Weekend question
With news this week 2 more Planned Parenthoods have been added to the list of those covering up child rape comes this question from reader yor bro ken: If a minor female is not mature enough to consent to sex…