(Prolifer)ations 7-2-09
by intern Anne Marie D.
Spotlighting important information gleaned from other pro-life blogs…
Some pro-life groups, including the Southern Baptist Convention and the US Council of Catholic Bishops, take issue with the unwanted pregnancy prevention action portion of the “common ground” plan primarily because it routes federal tax dollars to contraceptive distribution and comprehensive sex ed….
Says American Papist:
For the White House, the decision about which tack to take is largely a question of whom it feels more comfortable alienating: religious groups like the Catholic bishops, which it has been trying hard to win over, or abortion rights groups, a key part of the Democratic base that it doesn’t want to lose.
Touted by some as a sign that the White House is conceding ground, the release of the plan could prove a step forward for the pro-life cause.The release date is slated for sometime this summer, so stay tuned.
According to the article, Connecticut Gov. Jodi Rell (pictured left) signed into a law of piece of legislation restricting the use of ultrasounds without medical reason or authorization by a physician. This law directly affects pro-lifers in particular, as pregnant women who will not be convinced by word alone are more likely to choose life after seeing the baby inside them.
The reason Gov. Rell passed such a law? “Rell claimed she signed the bill because she is concerned about the health and safety of mothers and unborn children. However, no studies have revealed any negative health effects for either by viewing an ultrasound.”
Effective July 1, the law comes after a 2004 FDA statement discouraging the use of ultrasounds for “entertainment,” in the form of prenatal portraits, videos, and CD-ROMs, as the long-term effects of such exposure are unknown. For the majority of pregnant women in the state of CT, the use of ultrasounds as entertainment is ludicrous, but the effects of this new law will doubtless be felt by pro-lifers across the state. This new legislation proposes little in the way of helping either the unborn or their mothers, and stands to potentially harm a great many.
The Journal of Oral Implantology reports a study conducted in goats found that adult stem cells can be cultured to produce the additional periodontal tissue needed to insure the success of dental implants. Periodontal tissue plays a role in dental implant success by anchoring and supporting the implant. Bone marrow-derived mesynchymal stem cells (BMDSC) were used during the study.
While admittedly less serious than some ailments, the success of adult stem cells in yet another facet of medicine suggests the potential for their ever-broadening use in treating even greater numbers of diseases and disorders.
[Photo attribution: cooljustice.blogspot.com]

That adult stem cell thing is AWESOME, considering I was born without three of my adult premolars…the baby teeth that I still have there are not going to last forever and I’ll be needing implants in those three spots…Or I’ll just have to hide my toothless smile forever. I still have a while before these little baby premolars are supposed to fall out, but when that happens, this breakthrough could really help me. :) At least they’re not my front teeth (whew!).
This whole “abortion reduction” plan just sounds like an excuse to expand the federal government and role back welfare reform.
I actually think that any plan to reduce abortion through either abstinence or bith control is good. It saves lives and helps improve the situation for women and children. Though abstinence isn’t included in this, hopefully birth control and (with luck) encouragement of abstinence can come together to make a well-rounded education and prevention program.
That’s awful about the ultrasound restriction. Thanks for the heads up, Anne Marie!
Next thing you know, some proabort legislature and governor will outlaw photos of live, healthy unborn children, on some equally phony pretext.
Can’t risk letting those women change their minds!
Ann Marie, a few days ago, I made a suggestion for the Prolife(rations) column and it seems it was over-looked. Over 30 Things You Can Do To Be a Catalyst for Life, which has over 30 ideas and a variety of approaches for pro-life activism. Would you please consider adding it to this weeks above column or next week’s column? Thanks!
Mods, I have a pending post in moderation que, please approve at your earliest convience. Thanks!
Rachael, I’m not finding your comment, and it’s not in the spam folders, either. Hmmm… can you resubmit?
Ah, ok. Looks like someone got to it before I did. :)
Mwahahaha! I strike again, Kelli!
LOL, you two are too funny! :D
Rachael C., can you post that link one more time, please? Not able to click on it for some reason.
Sure! I may have html coded wrong and that’s why the link is working right. Rachael’s Reflections – Over 30 Easy Things You Can Do to Be A Catalyst for Life, the address is http://rsnider.livejournal.com/69753.html
Ok, I re-posted the link and it appears it went into moderation.