Jivin J’s Life Links 11-9-09
by JivinJ
Palin didn’t mention President Obama by name, but did take a shot at him for opposing an abortion-related measure as an IL state senator and more than once mocked his catch phrase.
Apparently Martin doesn’t want to get into the details about President Obama’s opposition to legislation which provided protection to infants who survived abortions.
Stupak and his allies claim his Amendment doesn’t ban abortion from the Exchange because it allows plans to offer and women to purchase extra, stand-alone insurance known as a rider to cover abortion services. Hopefully the irony of this is immediately apparent: Stupak wants women to plan for a completely unexpected event.
Ummmm… isn’t that what all types of insurance are for? Finding ways of planning ahead to pay for unexpected events like car crashes, house fires, and unplanned physical conditions?
What do I mean when I say I love abortion? To me, there is absolutely nothing wrong or surprising with the supposed “controversial” statement. I love women, therefore I love abortion. Abortion is a part of women’s lives.

Wow that Abortioneers quote is crazy!
She didn’t understand why that would be controversial at all? ‘I love women; therefore, I love when women pay to have their children killed.’ ‘I love women; therefore, I love when women are manipulated and lied to.’ ‘I love women; therefore, I love when women go through trauma that causes them to experience post-traumatic stress disorder.’ Huh???
Abortion is a part of women’s lives.
To a point, I think this statement demonstrates how steeped we are in the culture of death these days….
it use to be that childbirth and families were a part of women’s lives
it use to be that women cared about others and taught their husbands and their children and society about sacrificial love
instead, many women’s lives are filled with death and killing sometimes on a massive scale….
I don’t buy it -yet. There are plenty of us women who abhor abortion.
just read the abortioneers blog: what a sadistic, disturbed blog about a woman so screwed up mentally, emotionally and every other way possible.
Little wonder she chose abortion. :(
I am wondering more about the response by the pro choice classmates….should you support it but not love it? Can you really say you love it and believe that you do? That is one warped sense of “love.”
Or maybe the classmates are into the “necessary evil” crapola.
Here is more proof the vote to ban abortion funding in the health reform bill was meaningless. The party of death is determined that the taxpayers will pay for abortions.
How very sad.
Truly heart wrenching.
How can you love women and advocate killing them when they are baby girls?
“I love abortion” = Deceived. Wicked. Spiritually dead.
She has no clue what she is saying. Like Abby Johnson, the lies they believe blind them to the truth. Thank God Abby’s eyes were opened.
That’s why it’s so important that America sees abortion.
“I love women. Especially the ones that die during their loving abortions.”
Posted by: Bystander at November 8, 2009 10:37 AM
“And Ken, have you noticed I never read, much less respond to your rants? Here’s a quarter, call someone who cares.”
You are so predictable.
You’re starting to behave just like ms. Pelosi when she was trying what to rememeber what she did NOT say and when she did NOT say it.
You ‘claim’ you do not read or watch people with whom you disagree, then you purport to be some kind of knowledgeable authority, not only on what you claim they have written or said, but on what on what they think.
With that kind of pscycic prowess you should consider pimping yourself out to gullible liberal humanists as a ‘curandera’.
You do have a both proclivity and an talent for fantasy.
yor bro ken
ps: You can keep your quarter. I can call on the ‘ONE’ who cares about me, even when I am wrong and HE does not even require a roaming fee.
HE even answers before I call.
Thank you responding to my musings about you by not responding to my musings about you.
Reminds me of the little girl who was complaining to her mom that her brother would not stop looking at her.
Her mom asked why she didn’t just close her door.
She said, Then I won’t be able to see what he’s doing.
Penny for your thoughts.
yor bro ken
“What do I mean when I say I love abortion?”
“I love women, therefore I love abortion.
Abortion is a part of women’s lives.”
So is cervical cancer and endometritis, but I do not know of any sane person, male or female, who ‘loves’ them.
yor bro ken
And cruelty has always been a part of humans but that’s no reason to devote a freaking blog post to it. That’s reason to step back and say, Huh…well I’ll be…it appears that cruelty- be it abortion or genocide or misogyny- has long been harmful to people. I should work to stop it.”
Then there are those who actually work to legalize it…
I think the original pioneers of feminism would beg to differ with the “loving women = loving abortion” meme.
“When we consider that woman are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit.” -Elizabeth Cady Stanton
“When a man steals to satisfy hunger, we may safely conclude that there is something wrong in society – so when a woman destroys the life of her unborn child, it is an evidence that either by education or circumstances she has been greatly wronged.” -Mattie Brinkerhoffn, The Revolution, September 2, 1869, pages 138 and 139.
“Child murderers practice their profession without let or hindrance, and open infant butcheries unquestioned…Is there no remedy for all this ante-natal child murder?…Perhaps there will come a time when…an unmarried mother will not be despised because of her motherhood…and when the right of the unborn to be born will not be denied or interfered with.” -Sarah Norton,
Woodhull’s and Claffin’s Weekly, November 19, 1870
“Guilty? Yes. No matter what the motive, love of ease, or a desire to save from suffering the unborn innocent, the woman is awfully guilty who commits the deed. It will burden her conscience in life, it will burden her soul in death; But oh, thrice guilty is he who drove her to the desperation which impelled her to the crime!” -Susan B. Anthony, The Revolution
Ken 1:45, lol!
The Democrats are truly the Party of Death.
Even some pro aborts would agree that the taxpayers shouldn’t pay for abortions.
I’m SO GLAD the Republicans voted in favor of the Stupak amendment rather than vote “present,” although this apparently allowed Cao to vote in favor of the final bill. However, I’m confident it’s not going to pass in the end anyway.
“I love women, therefore I love abortion. Abortion is a part of women’s lives.:
Abortioneer forgot to say “Abortion is power. I hate men.”
I love women. That is why I tell them the truth about abortion.
She loves abortion? I tell my girls not to declare love for something that will never love them back.
Janette @ 1:56 p.m. Awesome quotes from true champions of women’s rights.
The house bill now has the support of the national Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Bobby, do you support the current Bill? If not, where do you think the Bishops got it wrong?
read the Abortioneers blog.
It’s quite illuminating. Here’s a woman who had an abortion because
1. she was separated from her husband and
2. she was having an affair with another man
3. she doesn’t know WHO the father is
4. things are starting to look up for her and her husband again, so to get a second kick at the can she kills her baby
5. despite her lover wanting the baby and loving her
6. she’s on anti-depressants
blah, blah, blah
Betcha dollars to dimes, this dame has more than one abortion…..
interestingly, she believes in heart that she was pregnant with a boy
I aint the bambino, but here my ‘two trillion dollars worth’.
2,000 plus pages, over one trillion dollars in additional spending.
The word ‘shall’ appearing over a thousand times in those 2,000 plus pages. (Liberty might be compromised just a little bit by all those ‘shalls’.)
GOD has unlimited resources.
Americans and the Catholic Bishops do not.
This bill if it becomes law will worsen the existing problems in this country. There will less resources available to care for the ‘poor’ and to contribute to charitable causes, one of which is the catholic church.
yor bro ken
Ken, I think the Bishops were aware of all that.
“This bill if it becomes law will worsen the existing problems in this country. There will less resources available to care for the ‘poor’ and to contribute to charitable causes, one of which is the catholic church.”
“yor bro ken”
Posted by: kbhvac at November 9, 2009 2:50 PM
Ken, This is so true. I haven’t read up on the USCCB response, but it makes no sense that the Bishops are supporting the current house bill. We need incremental reform, not 2,000 plus pages.
Here’s the conclusion of their letter:
Our Bishops’ conference has been working for many years to support health care reform legislation that truly protects the life, dignity, health and consciences of all. Adopting this amendment will help move us move toward this essential national priority and moral imperative.
Bishop William Murphy
Diocese of Rockville Centre,
Chairman, Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development
Cardinal Justin Rigali
Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Chairman, Committee on Pro-life Activities
Hal @ 3:07PM,
Thanks, I was just about to post that. That does not mean they are supporting the bill, only that the House is closer to one that might be acceptable to the USCCB, IMHO.
USCCB Position on Health Care Reform
In our Catholic tradition, health care is a basic human right. Access to health care should not depend on where a person works, how much a family earns, or where a person lives. Instead, every person, created in the image and likeness of God, has a right to life and to those things necessary to sustain life, including affordable, quality health care. This teaching is rooted in the biblical call to heal the sick and to serve “the least of these,” our concern for human life and dignity, and the principle of the common good. Unfortunately, tens of millions of Americans do not have health insurance. According to the Catholic bishops of the United States, the current health care system is in need of fundamental reform.
No where do the Bishops say that government-provided healthcare is a basic human right. If the government via our Congress can make incremental reforms, great. To take away our individual liberties in the process is not the government’s right.
The Bishops there say that they support the Stupak amendment. They also explicitly state that they support reform which ” truly protects the life, dignity, health and consciences of all.” The House bill doesn’t include any conscience protection wording, nor does it center on upholding life and dignity. It centers on cost-control and rationing. It will lead to encouraged euthanasia and disrespect of the weakening and sickly elderly. Because of the many problems surrounding life issues in the bill which don’t adhere to the qualifications the Bishops said they would like to see in health reform, I doubt the Bishops support the bill in its current form.
I doubt the Bishops support the bill in its current form.
Posted by: Scott at November 9, 2009 3:22 PM
Well, this article disagrees:
The AARP and American Medical Association supported H.R. 3692, the Affordable Health Care for America Act of 2009, but a careful analysis of the media coverage demonstrates that it was the U.S. Catholic Church that provided the winning margin. Yet, the liberal media are failing to raise the issue of the alleged separation of church and state.
Contrary to some media reports, the U.S. Catholics Bishops never opposed a national health care scheme. In fact, their main objection was to a provision for federal funding of abortion. Once that provision was eliminated, the Catholic Bishops embraced the bill.
On Saturday, after Catholic lobbyists had finalized a deal with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the most prominent Catholic in the U.S. Government, the Politico reported that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops had “delivered a critical endorsement” to Pelosi “by signing off on late-night agreement to grant a vote on an amendment barring insurance companies that participate in the exchange from covering abortions.” The anti-abortion amendment by Rep. Bart Stupak, a Catholic Democrat, passed. Hence, the Bishops are now officially in favor of a bureaucratic plan that could spell the end to freedom of choice in health care and financially bankrupt the U.S.
“A half dozen lobbyists for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops joined negotiators in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office to come to terms,” reported the Christian Science Monitor.
Which part of the Bishop’s letter stating that they support “health care reform legislation that TRULY protects the life, dignity, health and consciences of all” don’t you understand ??
That is what one calls “media mis-reporting.” There is no solid evidence that the Bishops support the bill in its current form. It only provides a misunderstanding of the Bishop’s statement about health care reform in general. The Politico article that your article references does not include any hard evidence that the Bishops are backing the House bill. Sorry, but the all-too-often anti-Catholic media is a bit ahead of itself on this one.
Perhaps you’re right. I didn’t see anything on the official website specifically backing the current bill. Maybe we’ll hear more in the next few days.
I doesn’t appear that they opposed it, however, once the abortion controversy was resolved.
Hal @ 2:35,
Why are you spreading misinformation about the USCCB?
***Please post a link to your article @ 3:28PM.
Janet, I’m not trying to spread misinformation. Google News USCCB and you’ll find lots of similar articles.
The consensus out there seems to be that the Bishops support the current version of the Bill. I suppose we’ll know soon.
Scott is right that you should be verrrrry skeptical of about 98% of any sort of religious reporting that the MSM does.
I think that once abortion is out of healthcare, the bishops won’t have any problem with the reform. They won’t necessarily OFFICIALLY endorse it, but I think they are happy to support healthcare reform, as it seemed to me in a letter of theirs a while ago. Catholics can have many different and legit opinions on the best way for healthcare to work, and I see no reason why government run healthcare would be excluded from that. Just some thoughts.
Hello, Hal. How are you?
Carla: I don’t know if you’ve checked the comments on your blog, but I commented, so this makes sense if you’ve read it: I’m adding in a nice saxophone line in with that shoe song. :)
The “consensuss” means nothing. Are you allergic to links? I never see one from you.
Hi, guys:
I have some news on Baby Jaxon. He’s had the surgery and his stomach is now closed. My friend has been discharged, which is wonderful, but Jaxon is still in the hospital because he’s bloating a lot. My sister said that he’s hooked up to a lot of tubes, and it’s terrifying. But, fortunately, the doctors said that his prognosis is good. There’s still a considerable amount of worry in the air, but the doctors are apparently pretty positive, so that’s good.
Thanks so much for your prayers/good thoughts. When they come home from the hospital, I’m hoping to get Jaxon something.
What interests a newborn baby? Do they cuddle with stuffed animals or would it just be best to get him a nice blanket?
High contrast… babies love to look at high contrast items… like black and white checks, but BIG so they can run their eyes around the edges. They especially like people’s faces.
Maybe a better gift would be something mom and dad can use with Jaxon. The book “Slow and Steady Get Me Ready” has fun learning activities, one for every week of life from the time baby is born until they turn five years old to get them ready for school and explore the world around them. Lots of fun and most of the activities can be done with nothing more than normal household supplies.
The “consensuss” means nothing. Are you allergic to links? I never see one from you.
Posted by: Janet at November 9, 2009 5:43 PM
I used to post links, got all caught up in the moderation.
“I used to post links, got all caught up in the moderation.”
Your lucky day – It doesn’t appear to be a problem anymore. Link, por favor?
Hal, here’s a statement made today by Cardinal George, head of the USCCB.
I see no reason why government run healthcare would be excluded from that.
Posted by: Bobby Bambino at November 9, 2009 5:25 PM
What about the principle of subsidiarity? Seems like it gets lost in the focus on abortion and end of life care.
“The Catholic bishops came in at the last minute and drew a line in the sand,” said Laurie Rubiner, vice president for public policy at the abortion-rights advocacy group Planned Parenthood. “It’s very hard to compete with that.”
Democratic leaders had hoped that a narrower compromise merely prohibiting the use of federal funds for abortions might win over antiabortion lawmakers, whose support was vital to passing the House bill. When the bishops made it clear in the final hours that they wouldn’t support the compromise, and would oppose the entire bill if it were adopted, more Democrats took notice, according to Rep. Mike Doyle (D., Pa.), who participated in the negotiations.
“They command respect because they have a good social-justice record,” said Mr. Doyle, a Roman Catholic who said he spoke regularly about the issue with his local bishop. “They actually wanted to pass the bill. That’s why they had status. Other groups that had similar views on abortion weren’t interested in passing the bill.”
Thank you for the link to the the WSJ article. After comparing it to Francis Cardinal George’s statement of today, I would not change my prior comments.
Fed Up @ 8:03PM,
Great links. Thanks!
At the end of the day, looks like all the prolifers have been had.
Mr. President stated that in not so many words.
Vannah, so glad to hear that the doctors are optimistic about baby Jaxson and that the surgery was able to close the hole in his stomach. I’ll keep on praying for the little fella.
Another option for Jaxson’s gift is a tummy-time mat. One Step Ahead has a really nice one that was developed by a mom who happened to be a pediatrician also – http://www.onestepahead.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=534920
Hope that helps.
Wow, I really shouldn’t follow links I find at Abortioneers. This utter lack of logic makes me want to pull my hair out. From a linked blog:
“All the calm – – albeit nervous – – . determination to “just ignore them” evaporated. Sorry, but when you threaten my child, all bets are off. Mess with my child? Seriously? Really? Really????? Shiva, The Lioness, and Mamma Polar Bear all reared up in me. I totally lost it. I was screaming, shouting, cursing, so loud and so long that before I knew it, we had pushed him out of the way and were inside the entryway. I was still yelling at him. My daughter, my calm, sensitive, centered, intelligent, beautiful, loving daughter said, “Mom, it’s okay. You can stop shouting now. He’s gone. It’s okay. You can calm down now.”
WAIT-WHA-HUH?! You have that much of a sense of “protection” for your daughter, but not your grandchild you’re escorting your daughter in to have killed? Really? You’re “protecting” your daughter from some guy who’s begging your daughter not to go in and kill your grandbaby. YOU FREAKING HERO, YOU! HOW DO YOU DO IT? PIN A FILPPING MEDAL ON YOUR CHEST RIGHT NAO!
Sounds to me less like “protecting” and more like guilty conscience.