My top 5 picks for best political cartoons the week….
This first one, by Kevin Kallaugher at, would be our heartbreaking equivalent of the “Dewey defeats Truman” newspaper headline. It was published the morning after House Democrat pro-lifers caved, clearing the way for a pro-abortion healthcare bill to become law…
cartoon 3-28 kevin kallaugher gocomics 3-23 abortion coverage stopped.gif
This next one, by Glenn Foden at, is pretty mean… but deserved?

cartoon 3-28 glenn foden larger.jpg
Another harsh one aimed at Congressman Bart Stupak and his bloc, by Chuck Asay at
cartoon 3-28 chuck asay gocomics 3-25 blood on their hands.gif
By Lisa Benson at
cartoon 3-28 lisa benson gocomics 3-26 exec order.gif
By Gary McCoy at
cartoon 3-28 gary mccoy larger.jpg

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