Eduardo Verástegui hosts L.A. benefit to open free pregnancy care medical center
This Sunday, May 23, actor, producer and human rights advocate Eduardo Verástegui will headline the first ever Latino United for Life Family Congress at the Los Angeles Convention Center from 8a to 7p.
“The funds raised… will be used to open a medical center in Los Angeles that provides free, high-quality care for pregnant women and their preborn babies,” stated Verástegui in a press release.
“The Guadalupe Medical Center will be located in an area that has 10 abortion facilities. Therefore, our center will be an oasis of life in the midst of a desert of death,” Verástegui continued….
The “special focus” of the center will be to “restor[e] honor and dignity to Latinos,” according to the statement. More from the release:
The United for Life Congress [click on poster, right, to enlarge] is a project of Manto de Guadalupe, an international aid organization that promotes human dignity throughout the world and brings relief to those suffering extreme poverty. Manto de Guadalupe’s includes building homes, delivering food and medicine, and providing lifesaving assistance to impoverished pregnant women.
The line-up of entertainers includes singers Emmanuel and Alexander Acha, Mariachi Sol de Mexico, impersonator Gilberto Gless, and actress Karyme Lozano.
Speakers include former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson and the vibrant young Australian actor Nick Vujicic. Vujicic was born without limbs, but inspires people throughout the world with his powerful witness to the goodness, dignity and beauty of life. He and Verástegui co-starred in the award-winning short film, The Butterfly Circus.
Jason Jones, founder of the Human Rights Education and Relief Organization (HERO), will speak as well….
For more information about the event go to Order tickets at WAN Tickets.
I checked with organizers, and they’re developing an English version of the website now, but it isn’t ready.
I also asked about making donations. Do that here. Instructions for mailing or wiring checks is in Spanish but can be figured out. The “Donate” button for online giving is in English!
I don’t know the others but think the world of Eduardo, Jason, Abby, and Nick and so appreciate their heart for pregnant mothers and preborn babies.
What a great idea to open this life-giving medical center in the heart of L.A., surrounded by death.
[HT: mods Carla (pictured left with Eduardo!) and Suki; Jason]
Great picture Carla..of him too!
Something about his eyes are just awesomely awesome.
He is dreamy. *sigh*
Met him a couple of years ago at the March for Life in DC…he kissed my hand, I nearly asked him to marry me. Then I remembered he was much to young for me!
Missionary Heidi Baker in Mozambique talks about taking in orphans abandoned in dumps who are accostumed to eating dirt to keep their stomachs filled. She says it’s pointless to try to reason with them the dirt will make them ill, with worms, and so on–instead, they put fresh bread before them.
Heavenly Father, May this center be the fresh bread set before those accostumed to the self-destroying filth the abortuaries offer. In the name of the Bread of Life, Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
It should be illegal to be that handsome. *gazes*
Wow! This is exciting! Surely many, many young women in Los Angeles and their babies will be saved through this new center. Thank you, Jesus!
And I have to agree with the other ladies. He is quite dreamy. The eyes… I hope some very lucky lady snatches him up quick.
I clicked on the link for The Butterfly Circus, and was delighted to be able to watch the entire movie (about 15-20 min.) I think it should be shown in schools.
Break out the smelling salts There’s women swooning all over the place!!
Sure he’s good looking, swarthy and virile, but can he play the National Anthem on a kazoo??!!
Seriously, this is a great thing, and a desperately needed center. Wish I could be there to lend my support.
ok, at least I’m not the only one who wants to leave a comment about Mr Eduardo’s looks :))))
More importantly though – the work he’s doing. Handsome, smart (apparently) and – pro-life! Now that’s a catch!
I won’t leave a comment saying how exceptionally handsome he is or how he makes me weak in the knees for loving our faith and OLG (which isn’t very romantic at all when you can’t even stand while feeling like you will pass out) OR how he has “My future husband” written all over him. No, I would just like to comment that it sounds like a great pro-life event that we need to donate to and support. What an awesome line up of great speakers and singers. Hearts will be changed.
AMEN, Klynn73! :) LUCKY duck! *wink*
Eduardo is a good man..
He rocks. He is MY boyfriend, ladies.
Sorry, Linda.
Yo hablo espanol and you don’t.
Communication is key…
Eduardo has quite the testimony. I love that he’s a celebrity and he is using it for God’s glory. :)
And I agree with the ladies who have posted here. I’d have to be dead not to… :D
I love proactive pro-life!
Awesome! We need more pro-life places for women and their babies :-) God bless Eduardo and his efforts :-)
You guys crack me up.
Gee, if I weren’t already married… I would go and take a refresher course in Spanish. Hasta años que hablar el español. :p
Seriously, though, I think he is exceptionally handsome. I am so glad he doesn’t ruin his good looks by being “rotten” on the inside – you know, full of himself, hostile towards God, pro-abortion, etc. I’m glad he uses his looks and celebrity to do good in the world instead of having an “it’s all about ME” attitude. He certainly will be a good catch for some lucky lady – as good on the inside as he is on the outside.
Here you go.
An amazing testimony
It has been 2 years since that picture was taken and still Eduardo hasn’t called. sniff
What a wonderful event to counter the Culture of Death! Wish I still lived in L.A.or I’d be there with bells on.
Yeah Eduardo must get a lot of heads turned- could any woman dating him feel “secure”? Haha
Even Grandmothers swoon!
We should have a prolife calendar just featuring HIM!!!
sIGH . . .
PL’s nuclear option!
Man…this is too much swooning over the guy…Ok Ladies, behave.
Here’s a question: If our pro-life women folk fall head-over-heels over this guy and his “crusade”…what do you think the pro-abort women folk will say when they hear the truth ?
Can we recruit him as a Sidewalk Counselor? (specially in the Hispanic area where PP operates)
Eduardo tells a beautiful story of the time he was protesting outside an abortion mill and saved a baby’s life. The mother ended up naming the child Bella (I think this is when he was still working on the film) and I think he and the mother are still in contact. It is wonderful. God love you.
Here is the story
They named the baby Eduardo but there are quite a few little girls named Bella after their abortion minded mothers watched the movie and chose life. :)
This is about the fifth time I’ve returned to this site to stare at his picture.
Jill, if I get fired from my job, IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!
Eduardo is an inspiration. He has an amazing story behind this. I’ve been a fan since his early music career and soap operas. Now to hear him speak and hear his mission, it makes him the more unbelievably gorgeous! He is absolutely beautiful inside and out. God bless him always!
He is a WONDERFUL guy! God Bless Eduardo Verástegui!
Not only is he Catholic, pro-life, and incredibly sweet, he also believes in chastity! I heard from a friend of his that his last girlfriend DUMPED him because he wanted the first time he kissed her to be on their wedding day. Her loss, some incredibly lucky lady’s gain!
You know I think we may be onto something ladies a “Real Men are Pro-life” Calendar to raise funds for CPCs men like Eduardo, Todd Palin, the Fl. state politician running for U.S. Senate (forgot his name), Sean Hannity, Albert Puljols (he married his wife who was a single mom with a special needs child), Tim Tebow (Heismann Trophy winner, whose parents were told to abort him), A.C Green (called Ironman of the NBA for not missing a game for years and who stayed abstinent until married in his 30s). Jill and other prolifers probably have many other candidates. The pictures could be wholesome and their stories would be unlifting, God honoring and would tell why they are prolife. What do you think?
I’d buy and sell some!
Hey Praxedes sounds like a great idea doesn’t it? I am so tired of MSM promoting pro-death so called “men”. Real men are PROLIFE and PRO-FAMILY. They help out at home as much as they can. They are not afraid to change their baby’s diaper. They treat their wives and mothers (like in Tim Tebow’s case) with love, dignity and respect. They are not prudes, wimps and geeks that no woman would ever want. They are lovers of God, lovers of their wives and children. They take responsibility for their actions and the babies that they father. Real men are pro-life and they ROCK!
If he’s not already taken I wonder what the catch is…
Why couldn’t I have paid attention in Spanish?
Yeesh! Yeah he’s very good looking and smart. And a man of integrity. But seriously ladies, what if he’s called to be a priest and not to marriage? John Paul II was an actor as well and a very good looking man. Just a thought.