Bryan Kemper found this May 15 post at the Dumps website, where one apparently goes for advice:
crying girl.jpg

I do not want children and after a long debate and a lot of crying (she wants children), I convinced my wife to get an abortion by basically saying that everyone is doing it because the economy is making it a bad time to start a family However, now after the abortion all she has being doing is crying upstairs for the past three days. She has not even eaten, the door is lock and I can hear her scream. When I come up to the door and try to talk to her all she does is call me a pig, and how could I? Which I think is pretty stupid because I did not force her to get and abortion, she did it voluntarily. I never held a gun up to her head and forced her. How is it my fault please help me understand my wife. What should I do now?

I can’t add much to Bryan’s excellent response, except to answer his question: Prepare for divorce.
This poor girl.
[HT: moderator Carla; painting: “Crying girl,” by Edvard Munch, circa 1907]

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