Abortion activist complains, “There aren’t enough of us”
On the Abortion Gang blog today activist Serena Freewomyn (pictured right) wrote a post entitled, “An appeal to the silent majority.”
At 1st I was confused. We’re not so silent. And what in the world could Serena want from us?
Oh, wait, Serena was speaking to her own peeps? She must not have gotten 2 years worth of memos showing more Americans are pro-life than pro-abortion. Actually, Serena got it half right. Abortion advocates may not comprise the majority, but since 1973 at least 1/3 have indeed been silenced.
But I’ll let that slide since Serena’s post was otherwise insightful…
… Dr. George Tiller’s… death has motivated many people, myself included, to become more active in the pro-choice movement. Many of us have become clinic escorts and web-savvy activists.
But there aren’t enough of us out there making a difference. We need more visible allies.
The upside is that the wing nuts who hassle patients at abortion clinics are in the minority. The sad part of this, though, is that they are vocal, well-funded, and extremely organized. They know how to make life miserable for women and the doctors who serve them. And it’s time to make them stop.
Our generation is considered to be apathetic…. 20- and 30-somethings who spend most of their time on social networking sites, tweeting about the latest American Idol contestant, and griping about oil spills in the Gulf. It’s not that we don’t care – we do. We’re just very busy with our own lives….
The generation of feminists who has gone before us is ready to pass the baton onto someone else, and we need to be ready to step up to the challenge.
If you are pro-choice but you don’t do anything about it, you need to get involved. Don’t just talk sh** about the wingnuts, get out there and do something about it….
Let’s out-maneuver the wingnuts. Since they spend their time making ridiculous posters and spewing lies, it shouldn’t be hard to do. But we have to make it a priority. Will you do it?
The problem is, Serena, abortion isn’t inspiring. Here, take a look.
Meanwhile we ridiculous wingnuts are inspired to stop it.
Of course, Serena, the other reason “there aren’t enough of us out there making a difference” and why old feminists are having such trouble finding young feminists “to pass the baton onto” is because they’ve been aborted.
[Photo of Serena via Queercents]

Wow, WE’RE the well-funded ones? Since when? My pro-life group runs on diddly squat.
Hmmm, I didn’t know I was a “wingnut” is that the new name they’re giving us pro-lifers? Makes me think of chicken wings and peanuts.
awwwwww…poor abortion activist…:(
Why is it Jill, that you refuse to stop the harassment and oppression of women in accordance with the doctrine and scriptures of a desert messianic cult from nearly 2,000 years ago.
Abortion gives women a real choice about what happens with their bodies and yet, you don’t care about them. You just care about the fetuses in their bodies. Once they’re impregnated, you don’t see them as people anymore, you see them as those cheap egg incubators that you can find in the back of issues of “Boys Life” from the 1990s.
Where can I tap into this fount of funding? All this time, I’ve been blogging for free . . .
When I was pregnant with my boys was that my body? Was that my penis?
Abortion hurts women.
And Jessica has totally ignored the picture of the brutally murdered child up above.
I happen to remember, Jessica, Jill offering a bedroom more than once to young pregnant women alone and in need, so how does that translate as not caring?
Why is it, Jessica Sideways, that your side likes to make up things about pro-lifers? Where is your proof that Jill – or any of us – don’t care about pregnant women? I do not see pro-choicers EVER offering free room and board, free maternity clothes (and baby clothes, too), free baby supplies, free daycare, free parenting classes, tutoring, help with job searches, etc. to pregnant women…and this is what pro-lifers do, and have been doing. Abortions are never free, yet pro-lifers always offer their services for free. Ever heard of a maternity home? Yeah, Jill and the rest of us really don’t care about pregnant women… >_>
And I forgot to add that I recently read an article online about how a pro-life group changed a young couple’s mind about abortion as they were headed to their appointment. Now they are throwing a huge baby shower for them.
Do pro-choicers collectively throw baby showers for those who choose life for their baby, or offer any kind of material support to pregnant women in need?
Jessica, abortion hurts and oppresses women. It kills unborn men and women and leaves the mother with feelings of guilt,suicide and many other mental and sometimes physical pains. While many prolifers are religious not all of them are. It is not a religious issue. It is a matter of saving a human life who is unable to save himmself/herself, or speak for himself/herself…….yet.
Jill, I am ardently pro-life. Your articles give me hope that one day this country will realize what a disgrace it is to state sanction the murder of babies. But the people who are going to read your post are probably already pro-life. Is it necessary to post that horrific picture? I was not ready for that, and it shocked and saddened someone whose heart already breaks for those babies. Please be a little more considerate!
Jessica, the belief that a fetus is a live, human being doesn’t just come from the Bible. It’s scientific. Pick up any Embryology text book and it’ll tell you.
Abortion gives women a choice about what happens. It also gives them something to regret for the rest of their lives. What about the women who regret the “choice” they made? Where’s your care for them?
I was very close to having an abortion myself. The day before my scheduled abortion, something happened that stopped me. I now have a beautiful baby girl. I didn’t even have an abortion and I’m still racked with guilt whenever I see a picture of an aborted baby and think that I almost did that to my baby. It’s because someone saw me and the life inside of me as equal people that I don’t have to live with even more guilt than I already do. Before that person intervened, I felt like the people at the abortion clinic saw me as a dollar symbol and other pro-choicer saw me as a way to make a statement. I didn’t have respect for myself or feel like anyone cared about my interests until someone actually took the time to talk to me and help me think through what I was about to do. I can’t thank that person enough for protecting me and my daughter. I truly love that person for what they did. In fact, I even married him.
I’ve never met anyone who’s had a baby and wished they’d had an abortion. But I’ve met too many women who’ve had an abortion and spend the rest of their lives wishing they hadn’t. Who’s really looking out for the women? It’s because of my experience that I really see it’s people like Jill, and I’m happy and proud to now call myself pro-life.
This generation has grown up seeing their siblings and cousins on ultrasound. They don’t buy into the “it’s just a blob of tissue” lie.
And I still don’t get how any abortion advocate can, with a straight face, consider all that prolifers do when they help a pregnant woman, compare that to “take her money, scrape her out, and send her on her way and if she’s puking her guts up in the parking lot, it’s not our problem” and think the ABORTION CLINIC is staffed by the people who really care.
No woman has ever left a CPC in a body bag.
“…the other reason ‘there aren’t enough of us out there making a difference’ and why old feminists are having such trouble finding young feminists ‘to pass the baton onto’ is because they’ve been aborted.” Brilliant point!!!
You too, Valerie: “I do not see pro-choicers EVER offering free room and board, free maternity clothes (and baby clothes, too), free baby supplies, free daycare, free parenting classes, tutoring, help with job searches, etc. to pregnant women…and this is what pro-lifers do, and have been doing.” Yes!!!
Jessica: I had an abortion 23 years ago next month. From my current vantage point I now understand that if the people at the women’s clinic I went to had really cared about me, they would have talked to me about the fact that there was a living human being growing in my womb who already had a heartbeat etc. and they would have told me that having that child sucked out of me could damage me internally so that I wouldn’t be able to get pregnant again (which it did) and they would have told me that my chances of becoming suicidal would be much, much higher if I killed my child (which also came true for me, although it took a couple of decades). And so on and so forth. If the women at that clinic had really cared about me, they would have told me about the long-term consequences to my body, mind, heart, and soul, rather than treat me as some “cheap egg incubator” that they could merely rid of its contents and then everything would suddenly and forever be OK.
And lies are we spreading exactly? I would like to know exactly the “lies” that we ‘wingnuts’ are spreading. I’m wondering if this person even knows what they’re talking about.
So, sidewalk counselors are “well-funded and extremely organized?” That’s right. They get all their funding from the SEIU.
A simple rule when engaging in battle: Know Your Enemy.
Serena is prepping for battle and she’s already failing.
Well funded? Is she joking? We give our own money to CPC’s.
“We’re just very busy with our own lives….”
Uh, so are prolifers, changing those nappies!
“The generation of feminists who has gone before us is ready to pass the baton onto someone else, and we need to be ready to step up to the challenge.”
Like who? They were aborted!
“Let’s out-maneuver the wingnuts. Since they spend their time making ridiculous posters and spewing lies, it shouldn’t be hard to do. But we have to make it a priority. Will you do it?”
Absolutely not. That is the whole point, avoiding responsibility.
Anyway, I found a group of bloggers who are pretty fun:
4 moms, 35 kids
In response to Ms Sideways, ABSOLUTELY, your body is YOUR body, and you have the right to control it in anyway you see fit. BUT once you share your body with another little human being,and another little beating heart, it is no longer just YOUR body. At that point, your body belongs to the both of you. And, you have the responsibility to be accountable to the other living little being in YOUR body. The thought of someone not caring about ripping their own flesh and blood apart, limb by limb, is beyond comprehension.
I am sorry.
The truth depicted of what an abortion does to an unborn human child is absolutely necessary. The truth hurts as it should. It should sadden and anger us that babies die like this everyday. It is in their honor that we continue the fight.
It breaks my heart every time I see the photos too but the truth must be seen.
This blog is read by prolifers that is true. But also by those that are not.
That “well-funded” comment is just…
I suppose this could be an insight into the pro-abort mindset, though. I had a relatively long ramble here that I won’t post, probably, but the short version is, I think this is one of the pro-aborts who has genuinely been propagandized into thinking she’s doing the right thing. So saying “She’s just displaying the typical pro-abort mindset!”–while true in all the essentials–doesn’t really answer the question of why she would leap to that conclusion.
Honestly, the more I think about it, the less I can understand why she would come to that conclusion. It was hilarious at first, but as I think on it, it’s just so odd that all I’m coming up with is “Bzuh?”
We are not the ones who say “you can’t” to woman. We give them a choice, hope and strength, by believing in them and supporting them. We don’t say “Give me money and we’ll eliminate your problem.”
I was just reading about crossroads. http://www.crossroadswalk.org
I wonder Jessica, would young pro-choicers have the determination, perseverance and resiliance to walk 5000km day and night for their cause? I don’t think so since the prochoice slogan is ME, MYSELF and I. (MY body, MY choice!) Perhaps pro-choicers are too busy with their lives to become an activiste, but pro-lifers aren’t. For some of the walkers, the issue is personal since they realised that they could have easily been aborted had their mothers listened to poor-choicers.
And pro-choicers wonder where are their allies……. eliminated.
How would you help a young, scared pregnant woman who doesn’t want an abortion?
I can’t wait to read Jessica’s response to all the amazing comments she was left to review… if she even tries to rebuttle.
Keli Hu @ 10:24,
Serena received her BA in Women’s Studies, according to her bio. Perhaps that’s where she received her exposure to the pro-life movement. Her studies were probably both fiction and fact.
Well, I think “Women’s studies” might be more fiction than fact. I mean take a look at Serena’s page, I found some weird things. According to Serena the pro-choice movement defends (among other things):
“The right of intersex children to not have surgery until their know which gender they are”
I mean it doesn’t make any sense, and it sounds weird; who came up with these “rights”?
Does she believe herself…if only my pro-life friends would be all active that would make a big difference …but you know what “the silent majority” do need to get involved and “make a difference”…the silent people like me 3 months ago,that i thought everybody has common sence and think that killing unborn babies is just sick,but i found out that i was wrong(seeing all those abortions and all those dirty fights from pro-abortion movement)…i got to know how evil they are and my life will never be the same…That’s what it needs to happend!
hahahaha…i can’t stop laughing, seing what a fool she made out of herself…JUST GO TO HER BLOG AND SEE HOW MANNY “SILENT SUPPORTERS” SHE GOT…don’t laugh to hard…you might disturb them…THEY ARE REALLY SILENT!!!
Jessica will never share ‘her’ body with a baby, folks. There’s a REASON why she mentioned “Boy’s Life” in her post.
Believe it folks, they are worried, and the tide is turning as the pro-life side is getting more support from science and technology.
We are also winning the battle for the minds and hearts of our people.
Just as William Wilberforce took 50 years to effect change, so we will win if we persevere.
The grip of sin is strong but the grip of Christ is stronger.
The “revelation” Christ gives to those who seek him is, lay one’s life aside so that others may live.
The calling on one’s life to choose life over death is spiritually given and will not end until we see Him face to face.
That is why our side will prevail, not crafted by human desire.
Just some thoughts……
“Why is it Jill, that you refuse to stop the harassment and oppression of women in accordance with the doctrine and scriptures of a desert messianic cult from nearly 2,000 years ago.”
Post-traumatic stress disorder from abortion constitutes “Oppression of women”.
Increased placenta previa in future pregnancies from abortions women are hounded into by family and boy ‘friends’ constitutes “Oppression of women”.
40-95% increased risk of breast cancer from abortion constitutes “Oppression of women”.
The increased substance abuse and suicide in post-abortive women constitutes “Oppression of women”.
The ability to have sex with a woman, get her pregnant, and walk away whistling constitutes “Oppression of women”.
The inability to conceive arising from abortion constitutes “Oppression of women”.
The successful training of men to regard the life and welfare of the baby as the sole consequence and subsequent responsibility of a woman’s choice to keep the child constitutes “Oppression of women”.
The strings of failed relationships for women in the wake of abortion constitutes “Oppression of women”.
Increased rates of maternal mortality in all nations with widespread abortion constitutes “Oppression of women”.
The cause of all this is not some First Century carpenter in Israel. You need look no further than your own mirror.
The carpenter’s disciples promote a Culture of Life and a Civilization of Love. Why not end the rebellion against your sisters, your brothers, the most defenseless among us, your very nature, and join us?
We’re winning this war against life. My children will dance on the Supreme Court steps in 2073 on the centenary of Roe, celebrating its demise. They’ll be in their 70’s, but they’ll be there. It would be wonderful if your children could join them and remember together their parent’s life’s work in bringing down the greatest evil humanity has ever known.
Join us.
Lyra wrote: “I am ardently pro-life…. But the people who are going to read your post are probably already pro-life. Is it necessary to post that horrific picture? I was not ready for that, and it shocked and saddened someone whose heart already breaks for those babies. Please be a little more considerate!”
Lyra, I’m sorry the photo disturbed you. But to your 1st point, many people from the other side visit this blog. And for a post like this one, which focuses on one of their blog posts, even more will stop by. Most blogs and bloggers check to see where they’ve been quoted elsewhere, often by sending themselves google alerts any time their names pop up.
Also, I tweet links to my posts, and I made sure in this case to include “@abortiongang,” which is on Twitter, so they would receive notice of my post. I also added these hashtags to my tweet: #prochoice, #antichoice, and #reprojustice. These are all Twitter subject headings pro-aborts visit.
I include those hashtags for most of my posts, and I also include relevant names like @cecilerichards, @rhrealitycheck, @amandamarcotte, etc., when I post on specific pro-aborts or pro-abort groups.
So if you ask Jessica Sideways, for instance, how she stumbled on this post, I’d guess it was via Twitter.
Because I expected this post in particular would attract abortion proponents, I wanted them to see what they support.
Hope this helps, Lyra.
Why is it Jill, that you refuse to stop the harassment and oppression of women in accordance with the doctrine and scriptures of a desert messianic cult from nearly 2,000 years ago.
Abortion gives women a real choice about what happens with their bodies and yet, you don’t care about them. You just care about the fetuses in their bodies. Once they’re impregnated, you don’t see them as people anymore, you see them as those cheap egg incubators that you can find in the back of issues of “Boys Life” from the 1990s.
Posted by: Jessica Sideways at June 10, 2010 9:01 PM
funny how you brought up “scripture” since Jill made absolutely NO mention about religion at all in her post.
your bias and your problem.
This is about abortion and the rights of unborn babies to live.
Has absolutely nothing to do with religion.
And secondly it is BECAUSE we see women as people and not as a means to achieve a social reordering like you prochoicers do, that we really do care about women.
So much so that we are willing to tell them WHY abortion will harm them and we are willing to tell them the truth about abortion – that every abortion causes the death of a unique human person – their child.
Want to know if pro-choicers are so concerned with helping women then why don’t abortion doctors donate their medical skills for free?
I know of pro-life ob/gyns with BUSY practices who donate their time and skills to CPC’s and yet I have never heard of one abortionist donating his killing skills for free. Nope. When abortionists freelance they do so for money. And because they have no other flourishing practice. But its all about concern for women right? Pffft.
One of my employees was a women’s studies major. A raging angry man-hating lesbian who tried to argue the merits of anarchy but couldn’t explain why it would be wrong for me to steal from her if there were no laws. She made no sense.
Even though I got a kick out of her and I don’t think she was a bad person she was terribly short-sighted and misguided and as she found out after she graduated college being a women’s studies didn’t open any career doors for her. The ironic thing is she looks a LOT like this abortion gang blogger pictured. They must all take style tips from each other.
Sydney, many universities are killing their women’s studies programs.
They are underfunded now mainly because they have low enrollments.
Mostly they are nests for queer/man-hating fanatics.
The courses are irrelevant and filled with unbalanced, biased and inaccurate rabble.
Maybe we should all go to Serena’s blog (http://abortiongang.org/2010/06/an-appeal-to-the-silent-majority/) and introduce the not-so-silent MAJORITY!! She obviously needs a little education about what the pro-life movement really looks like in America.
Sere absolutely right. It’s not abortion that hurts women, but poverty and the lack of access to contraceptives. And yes,it’s making abortion illegal that hurts women,too.
The government has absolutely no right to try to own women’s wombs and to reduce them to baby-making machines. This is so demeaning to them.
Comparing abortion to slavery is just plain idiotic. The real slavery is when women cannot obtain safe legal abortions and are reduced to being vehicles for bringing poor and unwanted children into the world.And yes,not every child is wanted by any means.
You know Robert, YOU are the one who is trying to reduce women. You act like carrying and birthing a baby is so…LOW. It is the greatest thing I have ever done! My body took one sperm out of millions from my husband and one of my millions of eggs and created a LIFE from that. Every day while I went to work and came home and made dinner and emailed and brushed my teeth and whatever, my body was knitting together an entirely new human body! It was HARD WORK and EXHAUSTING. Then I went through hours of labour and pushed my child into the world! I dare say you could never do that. You would probably cry and pass out cause we all know how most men handle pain.
So please don’t demean the act of being a “baby machine”. It is the thing I am most proud of. My son is a cute little boy and smart! He brings so much joy to everyone who knows him. He wants to grow up to be a helicopter pilot. He may save people with his piloting skills someday. No matter what he does or doesn’t do he is a human being. And I was privileged to carry him in my womb. I CHERISH that thank you very much.
“It’s not abortion that hurts women….”
My abortion hurt me deeply.
There. I just refuted that thought of yours, Robert.
Why do you hate poor, pregnant women so much? Why don’t you help them, Robert? Why don’t you offer them more than child killing?
Abortion hurts women.
I love being a pro-life “wingnut”.
Wichita, Kansas, where George Tiller was born, has a minor league baseball team called the Wichita Wingnuts.
Turn a wingnut 45 degree angle sideways and it looks like an “L”.
L is for LIFE.
Life is funny sometimes.
Sydney M,it’s easy enough for you to say those things,because you evidently were not in terrible circumstances when you had your baby.
You are apparently in circumstances where you can bring up your child without struggling to provide him with what he needs.
But many other women are not so fortunate. That’s why abortion must remain legal.That should read Serena;I left a couple of letters out accidentally.
Also, Robert. Every child is wanted by SOMEONE. My sister is in the position to adopt a baby girl due to be born any day. The family does not want this baby…doesn’t mean my sister doesn’t. SOMEONE somewhere will want a child.
And if NO ONE anywhere wanted a baby does that then give us the right to kill him? You act like it is necessary to be liked or loved by others in order to have worth. Do you advocate killing the homeless Robert? If we decide we don’t like you or want you Robert does it then follow we can kill you? That is the cold-hearted rationale you use.
Robert, you apparently haven’t read all of the responses written here, and you apparently don’t know much about real women who have had abortions. What you’ve written sounds like it comes out of a pro-choice manual of rhetoric. Get real, Robert: it is the pro-choice attitude that turns women into baby-making machines by treating their wombs as incubators that can simply be emptied without consequence for any reason they see fit. Abortion KILLS little defenseless human beings and, yes indeed, DEMEANS their mothers!!! It is totally disrespectful to teach a girl or woman that it’s OK to kill her child, or to lie to her and say there’s not actually a child in her womb. And you are absolutely wrong when you say that some children are unwanted. Even if a child’s biological parents don’t want him or her, there are many people who want that child and would joyfully adopt and love and raise him or her. I don’t want YOU, Robert, but does that mean I should have the right to kill you? Think about it!
HA! Robert, what do you know? My pregnancy was unplanned. My husband and I are POOR. The circumstances of my pregnancy were very very scary. We rented a small apartment. We didn’t know where we going to live. They also thought there were problems with my uterus at first and that I would miscarry in the second trimester.
We weren’t some financially comfortable couple in a nice home planning for a baby. The situation was very much stressful but that didn’t mean it was okay to kill my son.
My husband and I have both lost our jobs in the past year. So since things are tight financially do I have the right to kill my toddler?
I mean being poor seems to be your great reason to kill off children.
Robert Berger,
The abortion movement started in the poorest slums of New York – that’s where Margaret Sanger lived. Disease was rampant, good sanitation was non-existent. A large percentage of children didn’t live past five years-old. Many blacks were moving to the big cities, creating their own “cities within a city” to escape the oppression of the South. Overcrowding in the tenements was a given.
You seem content with abortion as the solution to these problems. I can think of so many other solutions that don’t require a woman to kill her offspring.
“Sydney M,it’s easy enough for you to say those things,because you evidently were not in terrible circumstances when you had your baby.”
I was in less than perfect circumstances when I had my first baby (circumstances weren’t so great when I had my next two either!)
Robert, Life circumstances are temporary. Killing children is permanent. HELP OTHERS in terrible circumstances, don’t advocate the killing of their family members. It doesn’t get more unloving than that.
Wow Jessica,
I hope you find peace after trying to find love everywhere else….
Robert Berger,
What’s this “lack of access to contraceptives” nonsense? What is PP getting millions in taxpayer dollars for and what are they doing with it? One need only go to the corner drugstore for condoms.
“Why is it Jill, that you refuse to stop the harassment and oppression of women in accordance with the doctrine and scriptures of a desert messianic cult from nearly 2,000 years ago.”
I assume that you’re talking about Christians. Not everyone in the prolife movement is Christian. There are prolife Buddhists, Hindus, Muslimes, Jews (some conservative and many Orthodox Jews are prolife), and atheist and agnostic prolifers. I’ve even heard of a Wiccan prolifer!
I’d like to ask Robert and Jessica what they currently do to help women and children who are in difficult circumstances.
Jessica claims she has plans to open a killing mill to further oppress our gender. Making big money off of distressed women appears to be a goal of Jessica’s. How does the continuing oppression of my gender benefit you Robert?
“Unwanted” is not a trait of a child, but an attitude of adults.-Randy Alcorn
Prolife Answers to ProChoice Arguments
This book is a MUST!! :)
I got pregnant with my fourth when we had no insurance and had to go on food stamps. Thank God for Catholic Charities who gave me prenatal care for $30 and a water birth for $500!! It is amazing what people can accomplish when others reach out in love. My fourth son is the only one with Daddy’s dimples and melts my heart.
I couldn’t imagine my life with him and now I can’t imagine my life without him.
You make me so sad, Robert. Your posts are always void of any compassion for those in this world that you should be helping. Love wins.
“I couldn’t imagine my life with him and now I can’t imagine my life without him.”
Ain’t that the truth! Beautiful Carla!
Yes, love wins.
Yes, love wins. Brilliant!
I have been called a “forced birther” by pro abortion fanatics. Interesting….didn’t know that.
And yes,not every child is wanted by any means.
Posted by: Robert Berger at June 11, 2010 9:46 AM
Mr Berger, at what point in my fetal development should I have been killed for the benefit of society? At the point in the first trimester when my birthfather told my birthmother to get lost? Or later in my development when my birthmom’s health problems made it apparent she couldn’t raise me?
I’d also like to know exactly how “unwanted” I was. Was I 50% unwanted because of my biological father? Or 100% unwanted because my birthmother couldn’t raise me? Or did I get partial credit, say maybe a 75% unwanted status, due to my birthmother’s desire but inability to care for me? Or would the drain I’d be on society until I was adopted bump me back up to a 100% fully and completely unwanted child in the eyes of society?
I’m curious, too, if the fact that my adoptive father wanted me partially or fully cancels out my birthfather’s 50%? If so, at what point did I get credit for that? Or do eugenicists factor adoptive families out of the equation?
Robert, when I try to do the math your way, I get confused as heck! But I hope you don’t mind my being here anyway. I’ve paid taxes for most of my adult life (Sorry, didn’t make enough money during my college years, but the state didn’t pay a single dime toward any of my degrees, if that’s any comfort). And I’ve spent most of my career providing health care and mental health services to the uninsured (and under-reimbursing government insured) in one of this country’s poorest neighborhoods. Is that enough payback in exchange for allowing a poor, unwanted bastard like me to live? Is there a eugenicist’s repayment equation too? Or do I go through life a perpetual and unforgiveable drain on society because of the money the state paid for me as an “unwanted” infant?
Awesome post prolifers. Pathetic so-called justification for abortion from Robert Berger as usual, “only babies from wealthy homes deserve to live”. You guys rock. I really laughed when he told Sydney M. she and her husband were “not is terrible circumstances” when they had their baby. What an idiot, who speaks when he doesn’t even know what he is talking about. Talking about PADS-Pro-Abortion Derangement Syndrome, he has definitely got it. Carry on. Like I said “You guys rock”. God bless you all.
Sere absolutely right. It’s not abortion that hurts women, but poverty and the lack of access to contraceptives. And yes,it’s making abortion illegal that hurts women,too.
The government has absolutely no right to try to own women’s wombs and to reduce them to baby-making machines. This is so demeaning to them.
Comparing abortion to slavery is just plain idiotic. The real slavery is when women cannot obtain safe legal abortions and are reduced to being vehicles for bringing poor and unwanted children into the world.And yes,not every child is wanted by any means.
Posted by: Robert Berger at June 11, 2010 9:46 AM
i get it.
So the solution to impoverished women is to kill off their children.
How does this help them escape the poverty Robert?
The real slavery is when women are told again and again that freedom is using BC and having abortions.
The ideal time to have a baby is when you are married and can have the help and support of the baby’s father who is committed to the welfare of his wife and children.
The real slavery is that men like you promote this crap to women when you KNOW it hurts women, kills their babies and perpetuates the cycle of poverty and abuse.
I was unwed and underemployed with my first. Nine months later, unemployed, husband unemployed, living off my in-laws and didn’t want a baby, but was pregnant again. Three years later, husband unemployed while he was in grad school, on food stamps and public aid, living in HUD housing, pregnant with twins.Certainly not ideal in any case. Fast forward almost thirty years. Oldest happily married to a wonderful husband, has given us five beautiful grandchildren. Son, a police officer, a veteran, and married to our wonderful daughter-in-law. Twins, Son – serving our country in the Air Force, dean’s list in college. Daughter – Also in college, accomplished classical vocalist, aspiring to teaching underprivileged youth and mission work. They all love each other, and they all love their parents. Abortion not only hurts women, it hurts society by depriving it of people who make it better.
Jessica and Robert would have escorted me into the clinic. Where would my grandkids be? Jessica and Robert would tell me “you can’t afford a child, the best solution is abortion”. Where would the young man that my policeman son prevented from killing himself be? Or the lives he saved from the drunk driver he arrested? Where would they be? How about the inner city kids that get the chance to learn music at the music camp my daughter teaches at? Or the parents of the soldiers who died in service to their country – what if they didn’t have my son to get them out of a hostile country so they could be flown home to their loved ones?
By the way – in the middle of those thirty years I finished my degree, mostly inspired by compassionate people caring for pregnant women, I became a labor and delivery nurse. Wouldn’t have met the women who inspired me had I aborted my twins.
……just sayin’.
“Sydney M,it’s easy enough for you to say those things,because you evidently were not in terrible circumstances when you had your baby.”
Robert, I’d also like to come forth as one of the women who were NOT in good circumstances when I got pregnant and had my baby. When we found out we were pregnant, my husband and I were unemployed. I got a job waiting tables (it made me feel ill every time I worked, and I spent my breaks in the bathroom getting sick, but it was WORTH IT) and my husband got a job delivering newspapers (in case you’ve never done this, it’s MISERABLE work for MINIMAL pay and it’s just awful!) I would go in whenever I could to help him. He then got an additional job as a flagger for a construction company that went out of business this last summer, leaving our family… well, let’s just say we qualified for just about any state program we wanted to be enrolled in. My husband got a job at a call center and I am working at a better restaurant now. We now have 2 boys. All of this happened in the last 3 years. Thank God for our local CPC, which helped us to afford the expenses we had, provided us with baby & maternity clothes, and offered numerous helpful classes. Oh, I forgot to mention that during this time, my mom lost a baby girl during her eighth month of pregnancy and I had to fly my boys out to NC for the funeral and the aftermath (thankfully, my sister’s friends at the Air Force Academy donated the plane tickets!). My husband couldn’t get the time off of work to join us.
My husband is now in a 6month technical program which, God willing, will help us move ourselves into a more stable position.
What I’m saying is, my 4-person family lives on about 1600 a month, for rent, utilities, food, everything. And we think we’re doing pretty well, financially, compared to where we’ve been recently.
Never considered abortion, though. Praise God that I didn’t, or I’d be without the two most adorable and well-behaved boys I’ve ever met.
Justlookingon, MaryRose, etc.
Your beautiful stories bring tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing them. You are my heroes.
I am so humbled by these stories. Rock on.
Thank you for the stories!! I love reading them!!
I am thankful for those that reached out their hands to HELP and not offer abortion as a “solution” to difficult circumstances. Difficult not impossible.
Well, Robert it would seem that many of the women here have been poor and pregnant and managed just fine NOT killing their children through abortion.
I eagerly await your thoughts, Mr. Berger which have been soundly refuted by those that have lived the circumstances you described.
Love wins.
Fed up, Mary Rose, Justlookingon…thank you also for your awesome stories! It is so encouraging to read them and it makes me smile!
Ya know what Robert? Life ain’t always easy as our stories all prove. But killing others is never a solution to our little burdens. Life changes. Sometimes it gets better sometimes it gets worse. Life has ups and downs. How old are you and you don’t know this already Robert?
We all need a little help sometimes. Isn’t that why God gave us each other? To help our fellow man? Why permanently remove a child from the planet just because of temporary circumstances?
“The government has absolutely no right to try to own women’s wombs and to reduce them to baby-making machines. This is so demeaning to them.”
Posted by: Robert Berger at June 11, 2010 9:46 AM
I just love how anti-lifers claim that pro-life advocates want to “own” a woman’s womb and make them baby-making machines.
Please tell me, how could taking the time to actually speak with a woman going through a crisis pregnancy, offer her a REAL choice, and care for her by providing her with REAL assistance and help making a woman a “baby-making machine”?
Their logic is extremely flawed.
I love Robert’s comment. Only because of that fact that he’s alive to make it.
Robert, you are so very lucky that you were “wanted”.
Thank you for making this comment. It’s people like you, who say things like that, that remind me of what I’m fighting for. I’m not just fighting for those babies that will grow up to agree with everything I believe in. I’m fighting for the babies that will grow up to be the Roberts of this world, too. I’m fighting so that every baby, no matter unwanted attitude of the parent (thank you for that, carla) or not, can grow up to make choices, form beliefs and fight against me. Because that’s how deeply I cherish human life.
Reminding me of who I’m fighting for also reminds me to love more. Because I would have fought for Robert’s life had his mother decided he was unwanted, I’m encouraged to love him. I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t and I hope all the other pro-lifers here can show their love to him as well. It’s through love that we can win people like Robert over.
“Because I would have fought for Robert’s life had his mother decided he was unwanted”
And if Robert’s mother told you to mind your own business then what would you have done? If she said that she made an intelligent “free will” choice based on her circumstances and told you to get lost, what would you have done? If Robert’s mother told you that she had consulted with her pro-choice clergy person, how would you have argued that? (Perhaps Robert’s mother would have been a clergy person from a pro-choice religious group!!!)
And for all you folks who say that abortion might “kill” the next Albert Einstein, there’s the possibility that it eliminates the next Charles Manson!!!!
It’s the consistent lack of DETAIL, DATA, and ACCURATE RESEARCH that has become the hallmark of the Pro-Choice lobby. Their arguments become more and more NEBULOUS with each passing year.
What they LACK is huge numbers of happy, well-adjusted, eloquent, inspiring POST-ABORTIVE pro-choice women eager to talk about their abortion experiences in detail.
I think that is their real problem.
When I was a teenager, my little brother, who was maybe four at the time, developed a habit of banging his head against other people’s heads, including mine. Of course he always got yelled at, and of course he did it again. But then one night while standing next to me on a stepladder at the kitchen sink and helping me to wash dishes, he wacked his head against mine. It hurt so much I skipped yelling and just burst into tears. My brother jumped off the stool and ran down the hall and up the stairs to his room. He never wacked me or anyone else in the head again.
Why do I tell this story? It wasn’t my or anyone else’s scolding that changed my brother’s behavior. It was his own heart. It was seeing and feeling my pain, which he had caused.
When I hear and read comments such as those made
by Robert, it breaks my heart on two levels: (1) it reminds me of the profound harm that the pro-abortion attitude did to me, and (2) it scares and angers me that there are still so many women being harmed because of people who share Robert’s point of view, who can’t or won’t let THEIR hearts be broken–by the beating heart of the unborn child that is stopped by abortion, by the truth of what abortion does to women.
My own mind and heart were changed, rescued, by a friend who loved me and didn’t hide his anger and pain over my abortion and my pro-choice attitude. I refuse to hide my anger and pain from people who think that abortion harms no one. To me, such honesty and authenticity are love.
“And for all you folks who say that abortion might “kill” the next Albert Einstein, there’s the possibility that it eliminates the next Charles Manson!!!!”
The vast majority of people being killed by abortion are not the Albert’s and the Charlie’s.
Their the you’s and the me’s.
If Robert’s mother told you that she had consulted with her pro-choice clergy person, how would you have argued that? Posted by: Vanessa at June 11, 2010 5:54 PM
I would address the clergy directly. If it were Christian clergy, I would ask how abortion is consistent with the command Jesus told us was the 2nd greatest of all: Love your neighbor as yourself. I would have asked how a woman who aborts her child honors this command.
If the response is that a woman’s unborn child is not her neighbor, therefore the command doesn’t apply to her, I would point out that this “non-neighbor” view of the unborn child places it among the very “least” of the Lord’s brethren. As such, what is done to the least is done to the Lord himself according to his own word.
If the clergy were Jewish, apart from the obvious “Thou shalt not kill” commandment, I would ask what disqualifies the unborn as neighbor (Leviticus 19:18) and for an explanation of the way in which abortion demonstrates loving God with all one’s heart, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy 6:4-5).
Robert: Lack of access to birth control? Wha???
I will put this delicately, for the mixed audience: I was nervous, but I knew with $20 in my pocket, I could afford what I planned to get at the local drugstore. I had a little part-time job paying minimum wage. The box included 12, and a couple boxes could be purchased with that $20.
What I spent on chocolate, cologne, and stuffed animals was part of the whole deal, along with the handful of dollars the box of 12 cost me.
I used them properly and they served their purpose. No PhD needed. Just a few dollars which we can all attest always seems to be avaiable when we are motivated. Enough for a couple cups of coffee, a couple movie tickets, a stuffed animal, a bottle of perfume or cologne.
“Lack of access to birth control” is a facade.
Robert: if things are that bad in this economy for ya, hit me up and I will take care of the raincoats.
No surprise that Serena’s comment moderation doesn’t allow for any pro-life comments. None of mine have gotten through but she’s had a RESOUNDING 2 comments by pro-abortion advocates.
Oh, the passion is overwhelming! ;)
Addressing something tangental first:
“According to Serena the pro-choice movement defends (among other things):
“The right of intersex children to not have surgery until their know which gender they are”
I mean it doesn’t make any sense, and it sounds weird; who came up with these “rights”?”
That actually makes a lot of sense; intersex children are born with ambiguous genitalia, and a lot of parents want to pick a gender and have their little kid surgically altered to that gender. However, even if a kid has ambiguous genitalia, they still have a brain that’s wired to belong to one gender or the other. So if you give you little intersexed kid surgery to make him/her a girl, for example, there’s a decent-sized chance that the kid has a boy brain and isn’t going to be happy in a girl’s body. And from what I understand, doctors can only do one major surgery on someone’s genitalia. You can’t get another surgery and physically become a boy if you’ve already had one surgery when you were a little kid and didn’t get to pick.
Major lolz at “well-funded.” We’re not the ones getting government money.
Thank you so much, everyone who shared their stories about both regretted abortions and raising kids in less than ideal circumstances. People need to understand that abortion isn’t a painless problem-solver, and although it’s not easy, it is by no means impossible to raise a baby if you’re poor, unmarried, et cetera – and be so, so glad you did.
LOL. I’m guessing you’re not from Wisconsin.
Here the guys skip the chocolate, cologne, and stuffed animals and put any extra money toward beer.
However, I think there may be a correlation between amount of beer bought/consumed and product failure.(:
“And if Robert’s mother told you to mind your own business …. If she said that she made an intelligent “free will” choice based on her circumstances…..” -vanessa
Then we wouldn’t have Robert making these pro-abort comments he’s making today. If YOUR mother made the choice to abort you, you would also NOT be here today making these anti-Life comments.
Thank your moms for giving you life…or in your skewed understanding…”for letting you live inside their wombs and be a parasitic clump of cells”
While I was growing up my family would have unwed mothers stay with us. They’d stay through their pregnancy, go and have the baby, and stay through recovery. Just about every one of them thanked my parents for letting them come.
One such unwed mother wrote to me years later in response to a letter I sent asking how she was (we had struck up a friendship during her stay) and she said she was grateful to my mother for talking her out of having an abortion, that now she was happily married with children and was glad she had NOT had that abortion. My mother didn’t “own” that woman’s womb, she merely counseled her against having an abortion and this woman was grateful!
I have had women tell me they regretted their abortions. One such woman suffered so bad. She said she wouldn’t wish the results of abortion on her worst enemy.
So what does this tell you, Robert, about women’s wombs being “owned”? They’re not “owned”, pro-lifers are seeking to protect women and the pre-born children.
But you’d rather a woman have the option to suffer health risks, suicidal thoughts, depression, possibly being sterile afterwards (which can and DOES happen as a result of a woman having an abortion).
Seems to me you’re on the wrong side.
“And if Robert’s mother told you to mind your own business then what would you have done? If she said that she made an intelligent “free will” choice based on her circumstances and told you to get lost, what would you have done? If Robert’s mother told you that she had consulted with her pro-choice clergy person, how would you have argued that? (Perhaps Robert’s mother would have been a clergy person from a pro-choice religious group!!!)” -Vanessa
I would try my best to spare her from the pain she would experience later in life as a result of her abortion. Vanessa, have you ever been a woman in that situation? It’s so easy to lie online, so you might say you have just to make a point. But I have been in that situation. That “intelligent, ‘free will'” choice you’re talking about? It doesn’t exist. Women don’t walk into abortion clinics because they’re calm and logical. Women walk into abortion clinics because they’re scared, panicked and have rushed into a decision based on time restraints (I’m talking about the time before they start showing or actually have the baby, not time restrictions in the law). Women don’t make “intelligent” decisions to have an abortion. They make it based on the emotions they’re experiencing now. The problem is, those emotions go away but your decision remains.
So, I would try to get Robert’s mother to look at more than just the next nine months. When I went to a CPC, one thing they said really stuck with me. The nurse I met with told me that one of the girls who came to them and later decided against having an abortion said that she thought about which decision she’d be proud of in 20 years. Obviously that was no having an abortion.
For every one person you know that doesn’t regret their abortion, I bet I could find at least 20 that regret their’s. It’s not an intelligent choice and you’re fooling yourself if you believe it’s based on anything other than fear and/or selfishness.
“It’s not an intelligent choice and you’re fooling yourself if you believe it’s based on anything other than fear and/or selfishness.”
How true Jennie. Many proabort women can see how women are oppressed by some men. However, they cannot see the role they continue to play.
It is not enpowering to be filled with fear and/or selfishness.
Ashley: Seriously. Oh no! Not more poor kids! Whether you’re worthy of life TOTALLY depends on how much money your parents do or don’t make!
Praxedes wrote:
LOL. I’m guessing you’re not from Wisconsin.
Here the guys skip the chocolate, cologne, and stuffed animals and put any extra money toward beer.
:) Hey, hey, now… not ALL of us with y-chromosomes in Wisconsin are cads, y’know! We math geeks are pretty chivalric, when you can get our noses out of our graphing calculators…
Seriously, though: I’m humbled and edified by the beautiful comments on this thread. God bless you all! (I wish I had gads of money, myself, so that I could shower it your way! Um… well… any of you need free math tutoring over e-mail? :) )
My thoughts are that a child that is killed before he/she is born cannot be either exploited or make the choice to protest.
Funny how proaborts think that children protesting other children being killed is exploitation but then they will turn around and fully support young girls’ access to PP which covers up sexual abuse by adult males.
Have you ever heard of the Children’s Crusade in Birmingham, Alabama, on May 2 and May 3, 1963? Where these kids being exploited too?
As a firm prolifer, I consistently tell young people the difference they can make in stopping the abortion holocaust and support their voices being heard.
Peace Ashley.
I looked… and with all due respect: the effort needed to weed out your flawed starting assumptions would far outweigh any benefit from attempting to “fisk” your post. You especially lost me when you decry “having children at anti-abortion protests” as “child abuse”, when at the same time you airily shrug your shoulders at “death by abortion” without dignifying it with the title of “child abuse”. The irony therein is high-quality (if unintentional); I’ll give you that much…
“We math geeks are pretty chivalric”
Sorry Paladin. I’ve have heard that you Wisconsin calculator guys go all out and buy Boone’s Farm because you realize it is more cost effective than beer. (:
“No 8-year-old boy is going to think of making a ‘don’t kill your baby’ poster on his own.”
Ashley, I wouldn’t bet on it. Children “know what a baby is, and they know it is wrong to kill a baby” (Frank Pavone). And as another man I know who is the father of ten children says, children are naturally pro-life; they have to be talked/taught out of their understanding that abortion is anything other than the killing of a baby. This may have at least a little to do with the fact that it wasn’t so long ago that they were babies themselves.
I know several women personally who told me that it was their own children who pushed them into becoming actively pro-life, by indignantly asking them, “What are you doing to stop it?!”
Sorry Paladin. I’ve have heard that you Wisconsin calculator guys go all out and buy Boone’s Farm because you realize it is more cost effective than beer. (:
Ack! :) Touche!
(How’s this for sad: I actually had to look up “Boone’s Farm” on the internet, to see what you were talking about!)
Sorry… off-topic rabbit trail…
Ashley, I have put “Abortion is Mean” t-shirts and “former embryo” t-shirts on my son since he was a baby. He gets lots of stares and comments all positive. The reason I do it is to get people to THINK. My son was a chubby baby with blonde wispy hair and blue eyes…he looked a lot like the Gerber baby. A good looking infant if I may say so myself (although there isn’t a mother alive who thinks HER baby is ugly). When people beheld my little boy cherub and saw the shirt it made them think exactly WHO isn’t allowed to come into the world when a woman has an abortion. A fetus? NO. A CHILD. And thats MEAN.
We all were embryos once. Once a child is conceived that child exists whether you or anyone else cares to acknowledge that truth. That is the ultimate form of child abuse. By standing up and saying my son was ALWAYS a person from the moment he existed and that it would have been MURDER for me to kill him in my womb that is not child abuse!
But you pro-choicers always grasp at straws.
“cute demonstration” Kids, including unborn kids really are cute, aren’t they Ash?
“hardcore pro-lifers”?
You either believe life begins at conception and should be respected and allowed to live or you don’t. Nothing too hard about it.
“that everyone else thinks they’re nuts.”
I will refrain, I will refrain, I will refrain. . .
So letting your kids get arrested at a protest is a cute demonstration against the “abortion holocaust.” Got it. I love how it never occurs to the really hardcore pro-lifers that everyone else thinks they’re nuts.
(*sigh*) Ashley, for the love of all that’s true and right: do you seriously not see how crazy and troll-ish you sound, here? “Killing children by dismemberment = good, manifestation of woman’s–*cough*–‘freedom’; children being arrested = bad, manifestation of child abuse.”
Y’know, I can even sympathize with part of your view: that children shouldn’t be pushed into civil disobedience serious enough to merit arrest, without knowing what they’re doing (though I’d caution you not to underestimate children on this point)… but your split-mindedness is beyond the pale. Give up your support of abortion, and I’ll be in a much better position to support your idea.
I would make a comment here about how we pro-lifers know according to the nonsense Ashley has posted on this blog who really is nuts here (even giving details about her personal, sex life), but that would be too obvious wouldn’t it? You are in need of some serious help. I hope you get it soon.
I don’t mind being considered crazy, Ashley. I used to be pro-choice, and there are plenty of other women (and men) like me as well. We’ve lived on both sides of the fence, and this side makes a LOT more sense and is totally worth being thought, and called, crazy for. So, go ahead. What you think and say doesn’t have anything to do with the truth, and most certainly doesn’t hurt my feelings.
A lot that’s been said here you don’t respond to. I know, what can you say? It’s exhausting shouting over that voice in your head that says maybe we’re right. Been there, done that. I hope someday you will give yourself a break and let the voice of truth win. Yes, it’s scary. I’ve lost friends. But I’d rather be hated than contribute to the deaths of any more babies and the broken hearts of any more women.
“Or directing them to get arrested and be taken to jail.”
Do you have proof that prolifers are directing their children to get arrested?
Coming from an adult who claims that her parents “make” her attend Mass and who listened to her mother and aborted her child because the child would be “just like him” it seems to me that you should focus more on directing your own life and less on children who have been taught to love all humans even to the point of arrest.
I don’t condone sexual abuse in any church or environment. Planned Parenthood would be wise to learn from the fall of those involved in the RCC scandals and stop covering up for sexual abuse in the name of $$$ and killing innocents.
These same people that say this is unapropriate for and 8 year olds will not complain when that same 8 yo.s school is handing out condoms and talking about sex and sexual orientation ect.
“Maybe we should all go to Serena’s blog (http://abortiongang.org/2010/06/an-appeal-to-the-silent-majority/) and introduce the not-so-silent MAJORITY!! She obviously needs a little education about what the pro-life movement really looks like in America.”
I wouldn’t. The worst thing for a blogger to receive is silence. The more traffic a site gets, the more influence it has.