Glenn Beck did NOT sit here
Last night the United Republican Fund hosted RightNation2010, a conservative convention on the northwest side of Chicago featuring Glenn Beck.
An email went out asking if anyone had a stool that Beck could sit on, and I responded, sure! I was excited to think that forever more I could point to my bar stool and say, “Glenn Beck sat here!”
Well, my bar stool made it on stage, but Beck never sat down. Oh, well, it at least had a brief moment of fame. You’ll have to look closely though, lol. Click the photo to enlarge….

Well, whether his tush touched the bar stool or not, you still can never get rid of it now!
What’s with the background on that stage? It looks like plastic bags. Strange.
Backdrop catastrophe.
I was just about to say, Cranky.
Looks like a blue wedding dress.
Or something from Gone With the Wind.
Sharing the stage with Glenn Beck is pretty cool too!
Bizarre backdrop. Looks like spray-painted frosting or papier-mache.
Could it be the opening scene from The Little Mermaid?
My sis-in-law worked on his show. She is a flaming liberal and Obama idolizer so its kinda funny. Apparently he is a little high-strung…but I figured that just from his show and the blackboard and what not.
I know quite a few people who work in some capacity on Glenn Beck’s show and others like it, who don’t agree with the politics. Right or wrong, everyone needs to be lit and mic’d, and everyone needs to get paid. :)
What I’d really like to know is who the designer was. That backdrop…intereseting choice.
Funny post, Jill.
Looks like a flock of red and blue bats in the background. :) hehe