Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN

  • Wesley J. Smith explains how single-payer health insurance and rationing go hand in hand.
  • Stand for Life shares the incredible story of a former Ms. Philippines Universe, who saw God’s hand in the most unexpected places when she sought an abortion in 1985.

  • Secular Pro Life disapproves of Apple’s decision to remove the Manhattan Declaration app from their iPhones.
  • ProWomanProLife refers to a National Post article which points out the restriction of free speech on college campuses like Carleton University in Ottawa and even in the Canadian Parliament. This is occurring despite polls that show most Canadians favor some restrictions on abortion.
  • Pro-Life Wisconsin notes the Salvation Army takes only a partial pro-life stance, with General Shaw Clifton stating, “There are situations in which abortion is the lesser evil, for instance in cases of severe deformities of the fetus, [or] rape.”PLW encourages readers to download and drop this note in the kettles this year.
  • Pro-Life Action League discusses those with quadriplegia and how their disability does not necessarily determine quality of life. Depression is often an ignored, but treatable factor in disabled persons.
  • Fr. Frank Pavone explains the history behind “Our Lady of Guadalupe” and why Catholics often portray her as the patroness of the pro-life movement.
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