Jivin J’s Life Links 1-17-11
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- An article at NJ.com, which notes that three NJ Planned Parenthood affiliates may start doing abortions, provides more information about PP’s new policy that its affiliates must provide abortions:
The national group wants 1 abortion site operating in each of its 85 regions or affiliates by the end of 2013…. NJ has 5 affiliates, and 2 operate abortion clinics: The Central Jersey affiliate, at its Shrewsbury center in Monmouth County; and the Mercer County affiliate, at its Trenton and Hamilton facilities. That could mean 3 more abortion sites in the state, unless the affiliates convince the national office more are not needed.
- SecularProLife’s blog compares NARAL’s state rankings with the Guttmacher Institute’s state abortion rate data. Unsurprisingly, states with higher NARAL grades (and fewer pro-life laws) tend to have higher abortion rates.
- A car struck a pro-life protester in FL after a teenage driver took her eyes off the road. The protesters were protesting at the home of abortionist Phillip Waterman.
- NARAL’s 2011 “Who Decides?” Report gives our nation a “D” with regards to abortion legislation. The report is dedicated to Janet Napolitano who vetoed pro-life legislation when she was AZ’s governor. Too bad for NARAL, she didn’t stay governor:
After Napolitano was nominated to serve as President Barack Obama’s secretary of Homeland Security, her successor, anti-choice Jan Brewer (R), immediately released the flood of anti-choice legislation that Sec. Napolitano had held off. In just under 2 years in office, Gov. Brewer has managed to sign 8 anti-choice bills.
Jan.17, 2011 1:00 pm |
Blogs |
Good for Jan Brewer.
Janet Napolitano cost the lives of human beings in Arizona by vetoing pro-life legislation. In fact, I think the unhappy reality is that she cost more human lives with her vetoes in Phoenix than Jared Loughner cost in Tucson with his bullets.
Now, we have Napolitano as Secretary of Homeland Security. How secure is our homeland and how secure are our unborn children with politicians like Barack Obama and Janet Napolitano in power?
News Alert
“Iowa medical regulators have declined to punish a Planned Parenthood doctor for using a long-distance video system to provide abortion pills by remote control.
The Iowa Board of Medicine decision clears the way for Planned Parenthood of the Heartland to continue using the controversial method of delivering abortions in rural areas, which often lack abortion providers…”
NARAL’s dedicating of their report to Janet Napolitano is just plain goofy. It’s not a book for goodness sake!
I thought abortion was supposed to be ‘RARE‘, so why does NARAL and PP INSIST on MORE ABORTUARIES? They are proving time and time again that they are PRO ABORTION!
Cue The Bergermeister to tell us all about how restricting abortion results in MORE and not fewer abortions.
We’re waiting, Robert.
Oh, Mary Rose, everyone knows it’s the Catholic church’s fault that there is any abortion at all. Oh, and George W., it’s his fault too. And they both killed the dinosaurs. Lol!
Oh, Ninek, was that before or after they melted the polar ice caps and killed the economy?
they melted the polar ice caps and killed the economy?
MaryRose, perhaps all that cold water flowing down will wake the economy up. : P