Of course he does. They’re so much easier to nail. But I digress.

Last week the Florida State University Republicans invited the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform Midwest to set up its Genocide Awareness Project display.

FSUNews.com later called the 2-day event “polariz[ing],” quite the understatement.

In reaction to the GAP display the pro-abortion group F-Word waged a counter protest to try to drown out CBR’s right to free speech as well as shield the truth about abortion from public view.  Here’s footage, with a touching testimony in the middle proving that showing abortion stops abortion…

About the GAP display FSU College Democrats President Joseph Schweitzer said, according to FSUNew.com:

Women are going to be in situations in which they need to have a procedure done regardless of how many signs, how many pictures of blood they put up. It’s sick, but if you were to outlaw something like [abortion], it would just happen illegally. The pictures skew the argument. That could be an appendix removal that I’m looking at; it’s not, but it could be. I could frame an argument in the same way, that, ‘This is sick; look at that blood. Kill all surgeons; they are sinners and we need to outlaw surgery. Look at the blood.”…

You need to look past the images of the procedure and talk about why it’s necessary or why not…. Just showing you an image, a really bloody image, is not the right way to have a discussion….

They’re taking pictures of a bloody mass during a surgery. That’s going to be sick no matter what. You’re not arguing an issue here; you’re arguing an image. It stops being an argument between what’s right and what’s wrong. You can fight the most noble war in history, but if you’re showing pictures of bodies, then everybody is going to want you to stop the war.

CBR’s Mark Harrington responded, according to FSUNews.com:

Successful social reformers have always used images of injustice to make their point. Whether it be civil-rights activists, anti-war protestors, anti-child labor activists-all throughout history, these types of images have been central to outlawing injustice. So, what we’re doing is nothing new. The reason why people get all worked up about it is because it takes the veil off of what many consider to be a constitutional right. It shows what’s being chosen and, because of that, people get very upset. It’s very hard to defend abortion in light of the photographic evidence.

More video…

CBR Midwest continues its FL GAP tour yesterday and today at Florida International University. On February 23 and 24 its international team from 4 countries will display GAP at Florida Atlantic University.

Donate to continue this important work here. I believe in this so strongly I”m a monthly donor.

[Photos via FSUNews.com]

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