Jivin J’s Life Links 4-13-11
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- Politico has an article on National Right to Life’s decision not to take a position on the Continuing Resolution. Here is a letter from NRLC leaders to US Senators regarding the resolution and upcoming votes on Obamacare and defunding Planned Parenthood.
- Palm Beach Post columnist Frank Cerabino thinks Planned Parenthood has the same goal as pro-lifers. It’s amazing how all these pro-PP columns always include the 3% number but never the 332,278 number. Or the fact that more than 25% of US abortions are performed at PP. They also never note how dramatically PP abortions have risen in the past decade. It’s like their column research consists solely of PP press releases.
- Archbishop Charles Chaput (pictured left) writes on politics, science, abortion, evil and human dignity:
The moral and political struggle we face today in defending human dignity is becoming more complex. I believe that abortion is the foundational human rights issue of our lifetime. We can’t simultaneously serve the poor and accept the legal killing of unborn children. We can’t build a just society, and at the same time, legally sanctify the destruction of generations of unborn human life. The rights of the poor and the rights of the unborn child flow from exactly the same human dignity guaranteed by the God who created us.
Of course, working to end abortion doesn’t absolve us from our obligations to the poor. It doesn’t excuse us from our duties to the disabled, the elderly and immigrants. In fact, it demands from us a much stronger commitment to materially support women who find themselves in a difficult pregnancy.
All of these obligations are vital. God will hold us accountable if we ignore them. But none of these other duties can obscure the fact that no human rights are secure if the right to life is not. Unfortunately, abortion is no longer the only major bioethical threat to that right in our culture. In fact, the right to life has never, at any time in the past, faced the range of challenges it faces right now, and will face in the coming decades.
- Legislation has been introduced at the Pittsburgh City Council to pay a pro-life protester $10,000 to settle a lawsuit after he was wrongly cited for trespassing.
[Chaput photo via blogs.nd.edu]
“It’s amazing how all these pro-PP columns always include the 3% number but never the 332,278 number. Or the fact that more than 25% of US abortions are performed at PP. They also never note how dramatically PP abortions have risen in the past decade.
It’s like their column research consists solely of PP press releases.”
You think?!?!
Part of it is just lazy and sloppy ‘journalism’. But the biggest part is a shared wHorldview with the whores at PP.
“Here is a letter from NRLC leaders to US Senators regarding the resolution and upcoming votes on Obamacare and defunding Planned Parenthood.”
There is little doubt it will be a short hop from the mail slot to the ’round file’ in most democRAT senators’ offices.
The only question will be whether the envelope the letter came in will have ever been opened?
your bro ken,
I’m behind on some of this political stuff…..I recently discovered “Republicans for Pro-choice”. Planned Parenthood honors one of these politicians each year. WHY do they continue to be re-elected? Do their constituents not know their views on abortion or don’t they care? I’m afraid they’ll be throwing NRLC’s letters in the circular file too. I recently emailed one of them asking them to de-fund PP. The joke was on me, I guess. I did receive a cordial letter back, with all the poor reasons abortion needs to remain legal…
Here’s a link:
Speaking of the 3% figure…. I recently spotted one of the pro-abort groups using the 5% figure..I was surprised. It may have been NARAL (?) but I’m not positive about that. Unfortunately still nowhere near the truth.
unfortunately in some heavily dmocratic leaning areas people have never really been ofered a pro-life choice. Now the tea party is running candidates in some of these primarys and running a true conservative candidate up against the RINOs.
democRATs are my favorite objects of disaffection.
The democRAT pary is a target rich environment [relax HAL, it is just a metaphor. Even the crazies know that.].
You can throw a rock in any direction and hit several slinking dogs who will howl like they have been scalded with boiling oil.
Being a pro-life democRAT is like being a male lesbian.
There may be one or two out there but they are extremely rare.
Republicans are a bit more problematic. While the democRATs are proud to be a member of the ‘dead babies r us’ mob, pro-life republicans tend to avoid the subject.
The spirit of Jezebel has co-opted their manhood and most suffer from chronic and accute ‘testes absentus’ and/or ‘cajones gones’. [Pardon my spanglish]
So which is worse: The true believers who wholeheartedly and unabashedly promote and provide for a whorehouse like PP or men who know better but are too hen pecked [there is another two word term which I believe more accurately describes their condition but deference to modesty and polite conversation restrains me from appropriately applying it to the girly men.] to offer any substantial resistance?
This just in from Ann Coulter:
And then, totally by accident, Republicans stumbled onto the Democrats’ Achilles heel. Among their specific defunding proposals, Republicans had suggested taking mere peanuts away from Planned Parenthood.
All the Republicans had to do was threaten to cut federal funding for abortion, and they won $40 billion in spending cuts overnight.
I don’t think Republicans did it deliberately. I’m pretty sure they just wanted to cut funding for Planned Parenthood. But, holy cow, [sacred golden cow]did they find the Democrats’ weak spot!
Thank you ms Coulter.
“It’s amazing how all these pro-PP columns always include the 3% number but never the 332,278 number.”
If the average cost for an abortion is two hundred dollars, then the proceeds from 332,278 abortions would be Sixty six million, four hundred and fifty five thousand and six hundred dollars [$66,455,600].
Of course that total would be based on the ‘cash paying’ customer. If PP qualified their victim for a tax funded abortion [and PP could qualify Paris Hilton], then the price for the elective surgery would be much higher and there would be lots of extras added on to PAD the bill which will be presented to the tax payer.
And don’t forget all those cancer screenings and mamograms which democRAT appologists claim PP provides at a ‘nominal fee’. Somebody has to pay that bill as well.
If PP does not actually provide those services but bills the taxpayer for them, then that is pure profit except for the labor requird to enter the data and press the print/send button.
When real doctors do it, it is called Medicare/Medicaid fraud.
Somebody should ask Abby Johnson about that.
Maybe she can get a plea bargain from a federal prosecutor in exhcange for her testimony against PP.
Wait. What was I thinking?
On second thought, unless ms Johnson has the equivalent of a ‘blue semen stained dress’, implicating the POTUS in the fraud, then it would be wiser for her avoid the subject.
Other wise she might find herself in front of the firing squad [HAL, this is not a metaphor.] and the recipient of a 21 gun sendoff from enraged feministas at PP and b o would be issuing the executive order to fire at will.
Ignore the headline, some good news: “D.C. Abortion Funding Ban Begins To Rear Its Ugly Head” http://dcist.com/2011/04/abortion_funding_cut.php
I just wish that some of the funds raised could be used to make the womens’ and childrens’ lives better.
Thanks for the article link, Matt. The comments are the same nauseating baloney as we see drive-by trolls (& some “regulars”) give here: Is Boehner going to adopt the 28 children slated for death? And so on…