Read backstory here.

The Susan B. Anthony List is certainly wasting no time, bless their pro-abort pickin’ hearts.

This morning SBAL announced  it will immediately begin targeting  3 vulnerable Democrat US senators who yesterday voted to continue funding Planned Parenthood.

SBAL is launching radio ads featuring former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson aimed at this feckless trio (pictured below, L to R): Bob Casey of Pennsylvania and Ben Nelson of Nebraska, both professed pro-lifers, and Claire McCaskill of Missouri, a pro-abort. All 3 are up for reelection in 2012.

I’m sure Harry Reid is getting an earful right about now. He allowed yesterday’s vote to happen just to save PP’s $363 mil in taxpayer funding, when he obviously understood one major reason Republicans wanted the vote was to draw out turncoat sheep such as these for the political slaughter.

SBAL’s previous “votes have consequences” effort in 2010 took 15 of the 20 politicians it targeted. I’m not sure who Casey and Nelson think they will turn to now for help. Despite their vote, neither PP nor pro-aborts are going to support them. And Nelson is already anathema to pro-lifers in his state.

Here’s hoping that although Obama and Reid may have won this PP battle, they’re going to lose the Senate.

This recently conducted SBAL poll is also germane. It found that 54% of Americans oppose funding “family planning” groups that commit abortion, including 26% of those calling themselves “pro-choice.”

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