Tim Tebow writes in his new book how his mother chose life
The pregnancy was difficult from the beginning, characterized by pain and bleeding. “A number of times they were certain they had lost me,” he writes. His parents went to the best doctor in their area of the Philippines who told his mother in a slow monotone that “An abortion is the only way to save your life.”
~Dave Andrusko’s review of football star Tim Tebow’s new book, “Through My Eyes”, National Right to Life News Today, June 3

Thank God for his mother’s strength and courage and commitment to her child. He’s a real blessing.
He’s slightly gorgeous, too.
The advice of not jumping to conclusions comes to mind (and believe me, we’re all guilty of jumping to conclusions at least ONCE in our lives–but doctors need to be extra careful about that, because they’re often dealing with more extreme situations rather than some of the more “every day” type things).
In the delivery room it looked like I lost more blood than I did. The doc had a nurse give me a shot right in the leg right during everything (I had an epidural, so I didn’t feel as much as I would’ve otherwise). Later he admitted, “It wasn’t as much blood as I thought.”
Not this bogus story again! Even if it were true, you’ll note that his mom had a choice. She was able to decide what she wanted. No-one forced her to do something she didn’t want to do.
Most people, not being doctors themselves, rely on doctors.
One of my relatives was given the ole’ “get your affairs in order, you haven’t got long” speech by his doctor. That was over 20 years ago. He literally got old and gray as he proved the doctor wrong.
Or as Cher’s character quipped in “Mask”: “If I dug his grave everytime doctors told me to, I’d be all the way to China by now.”
Didn’t Mark Twain say “reports of my death are greatly exaggerated”?
I like how anything that doesn’t agree with abortion supporters is automatically a lie. 9_9
My mom, who never heard of Tim Tebow before, saw him interviewed on Sean Hannity’s show and now wants to buy his book. I told her I want to read it when she’s finished with it.
I’m still amazed over how vehemently a lot of pro-choicers objected over his ad during the Super Bowl. God forbid that anyone be allowed to publicly talk about his own life!
Carder: I agree, and I’m not usually into guys who have football-player physiques.
Punk. Played for Florida. Punk.
I’m not surprised. The pro-death camp relies heavily on public perception and the ad was seen by a large viewing audience.
Us Floridians don’t think he’s a punk. ;)
Reality, she did have a choice, but many pregnant women do not. I have personally interviewed several women that were forced by their parents to abort their children. These people, now grown women, all have remorse, guilt, self loathing and contempt for their parents. In Ohio, a coach was able to procure an abortion after he impregnated a young girl on his team. How is that having a choice? She could not even legally consent to having sex.