Roe v. Wade “never under greater pressure than now”
Although the Roe v. Wade decision has been under attack since the beginning, it has never been under greater pressure than now. This year 80 new restrictions have been placed, at state level, on how women can access abortions. In the past decade the most introduced in a single year had been 34. These restrictions, the fruit of electoral gains last autumn by Republicans, have ranged from bans on terminations at 20 weeks to onerous rules on the type of parking clinics must offer.
Surveys, meanwhile, show that young people’s views on abortion are markedly more conservative than those of their parents. Activists on both sides of the debate sense a crunch point. According to Elizabeth Nash, of the Guttmacher Institute, a pro-choice think-tank, everything enshrined in Roe v. Wade “is on the table right now.”
~ The London Times, August 5
[Photo, via The Durango Herald, is of Lila Rose of speaking at a pro-life protest against Mercy Regional Medical Center in Durango, Colorado, on August 4, for continuing to give abortionist Richard Grossman hospital privileges.]

That’s the first picture I had seen from the protest. Thanks! I’ve been in, and supporting, the pro-life movement since 1992. It’s true that the pro-life movement is more effective, and the main reason for this is that there is more freedom of thought due to the internet, and the fact that youth and African-Americans are leading the way. We still have a long way to go, though.
abortion needs to be recriminalized! enough is enough _40 years of child killing. hasn’t done a bit of good
Glad they’re feeling the pressure and glad they feel Roe is in jeopardy. We must pray the day is fast approaching when Roe will be overturned, abortion will once again be called what it really is: the murder of a child. Lots of work to be done still to make that happen. Eyes must be opened, and hearts must be changed, and only God can do that, and it will require much prayer.
The London Times just called Guttmacher a “pro-choice think tank.”
I find that so refreshingly honest. :)
and look at how the abortion issue has changed
it used to be a sensitive topic and. now we have aborted babies drowning in toilets and getting their throats slashed
we have late night comedians like Chelsea handler and Sara. Silverman cracking jokes about it! they need to stop it now! would they make a sick joke about a pup?
also Sasha barren Cohen and Howard stern believe abortion is hilarious!
According to Elizabeth Nash… everything enshrined in Roe v. Wade “is on the table right now.”
And it looks horrible. Thanks to the work of the Center for Bio-ethical Reform for showing the truth. Children were meant to live in their mothers until ready for handling as babies, and never to be enshrined in their mothers or mummified, dismembered, or otherwise violated.
I think that many things need to be done before Roe v. Wade even *should* be overturned.
so glad the ripples are turning into waves! hoping that the tsunamis of truth will be washing across the shores of apathy and ignorance!
proud Generation Y, conservative, pro-life mother here! ABORTION MUST END!!!
The London Times just called Guttmacher a “pro-choice think tank.”
‘pro-abort skank stink’ would be more accurate and not refreshing….at all.
“A ‘rose’ by any other name would still smell as sweet.”
Love is a ‘rose’ but you better not pick it,
It only grows when it’s on the vine.
Handfull of thorns and you know you missed it,
Lose your love, when you say the word ‘mine’.
Some say love it is a hunger, an endless aching need,
But I say love it is a flower and YOU it’s only seed.
Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snow,
Lies a seed, that with the SON’S love, in the spring becomes a ‘rose’.
Cancion de Salomón 2:1-2
1 Yo soy la ‘rosa’ de Sarón, Y el lirio de los valles.
2 Como el lirio entre los espinos, Así es mi amiga entre las doncellas.
Song of Solomon 2:1-2
1 “I am the rose of Sharon, The lily of the valleys.”
2 “Like a lily among the thorns, So is my darling among the maidens.”
just read that Chelsea handler aborted at sixteen. perhaps the jokes are her way of dealing with the pain
and I’ve been meaning. to address this in another thread but i cannot find that book THE FORBIDDEN GRIEF ANYWHERE AND ID LIKE TO READ IT
did anyone hear? breast cancer stats came out for women under 40 yesterday. and they were staggering
it’s all because of abortion and contraceptives
h, I’m looking for a recent story on breast cancer statistics and can’t find anything. Do you have a link? Thanks.
hi Lisa i sure don’t. but i heard this on the news twice yesterday
Okay, thanks. If anyone here has a link to that story, can you post it? Thanks.
I found this from July….from across the pond….in Wales. Of course, they blame it on “diet and lifestyle”.
hi Lisa i looked at your link and you are right! They will never ever blame anything on abortion. even premature birth is blamed on everything. from obesity to nutrition excessive coffee intake race age etc Anything. but a prior abortion! they just want to dumb us down and unfortunately they have succeeded
Hi Heather, Amazon has Forbidden Grief, by Theresa Burke:
I’m amazed that it’s not on Ebay…
thanks. peg
What stats do you need on breast cancer?
Hi, Dr. G. I was just curious to see the new numbers that a previous commenter mentioned. Apparently there are new numbers out and she said they are “staggering”. I wanted to take a look.
Hope you’re well!
Are you saying that women sometimes get treated poorly and things should change or are you saying that we should use the unborn like bargaining chips?
It’s good that the Republicans have done so much now they need to make sure more than their base are aware of the differences between them and the Democrats on pro-life issues. And they need to have a serious vision for the economy that reaches out to all Americans without appearing to be weak. Of course doing good is the same as being strong but some people see goodness as weakness.
All these new State abortion laws are going to get killed in the Supreme Court. These are state laws and cannot stand up against a federal law. Soon we will start seeing lawsuits against these laws from women whose federally protected rights have been denied. Also the Supreme Court has said that Roe v Wade is standing law that has been in practice for over 40 years now and they have no intention of revisiting that decision.
To make a long story short… Tea Party Lunatics elected a bunch of Tea Party Lunatic politicians on the grounds of their fiscal stance on the debt and the size of government, but they were back-doored by this Pro-life agenda. The Tea partiers are idiots that cannot do the simplest math “like if you keep subtracting you will end up with zero” and want the entire country to be zapped back to the 1950’s “which minorities just loved”.
Just remember that every single state law you guys have got passed can be wiped out in a second with a federal mandate “2012 election talking point for Obama”…. and Cecile Richards is in the white house every ten minutes talking to the president and his wife.
Enjoy your school yard games “and free birth control”, when the Tea Party children get too annoying the adults will step in and fix your immature mistakes.
Biggz….Biggz….Biggz. I will pray for you.
This is what the Supreme Court has said. From
MY declaration, MY voice, MY story was heard and filed as a friend of the court brief.
The Supreme Court is listening!
More than 3 decades after the Supreme Court legalized abortion-on-demand, the tide has turned. It’s the beginning of the end of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton.
Upholding the federal ban on the horrific and gruesome “partial-birth abortion” procedure, the Supreme Court cited The Justice Foundation’s Amicus Brief (also known as a friend of the court brief) in its ruling. The brief was filed on behalf of Sandra Cano, who was “Mary Doe” of Doe v. Bolton (the companion case to Roe v. Wade), and 180 women of Operation Outcry hurt by abortion.
Citing sworn testimony that The Justice Foundation presented, and acknowledging the argument that “abortion hurts women,” the Court recognized that “some women come to regret” their abortions. “Whether to have an abortion requires a difficult and painful moral decision” and is “fraught with emotional consequence,” the Court said. The Court also noted that “severe depression and loss of esteem can follow” an abortion.
Biggz: “The Tea partiers are idiots”
And you’re a generalizing bigot who labels entire groups of people then imagines they’re not individuals who vary one from another.
One difference between my characterization of you and yours of them — yours was a bigoted generalization. Mine is an empirically warranted observation.
rasqual says: August 8, 2011 at 9:43 pm
“One difference between my characterization of you and yours of them — yours was a bigoted generalization. Mine is an empirically warranted observation.”
I second your conclusion.
That is why I have renamed her/him/it to biggotz.
yes biggz and the supreme court is made up of human beings who will die with innocent blood on their robes
You are complaining about a movement that seeks fiscal responsibility (aka living with your means) and call them Lunatics??
They seem to be the type of people that are credit-worthy and law-abiding; unlike the US government which acts like it borrows money with no intention of repaying (in some circles, this is called “fraud”)
Yes I am frustrated with the Tea Party right now. They don’t seem to understand that we actually need to have a government.
Trying to get our fiscal situation in order sure didn’t seem to matter when the Bush administration decided to start 2 wars with borrowed money! He flat told Americans that he was going to borrow all the money to pay for those two wars and nobody said a word about the debt then.
Now we are in a economic meltdown and still in those two wars and the Tea Party that was SO happy to be out killing brown people is all of a sudden worried about the debt?
Wouldn’t it make more since to address our debt in a couple years when our economy is a bit stronger?
America was downgraded because of the Tea Parties antics. We were not downgraded because of our debt, we were downgraded because of the childish fighting in our government right now which is being caused by the Tea Party. That’s what S&P said was the reason.
The Tea Party has nothing to do with fiscal responsibility and everything to do with “Get that damn black guy out of office” you can try to claim that it is not racially motivated but we all saw the signs of Obama as a witchdoctor with a bone in his nose and many other very racist signs at Tea Party Rallies. Yes you got too much bad publicity from those and have since told your members to leave them at home but the truth was there in plain sight right from the beginning.
Lastly Bigot is a racial term not a political one. How can I be a bigot against the Tea Party when they have no ethnicity that I know of? I know they are racists because of the things they have done but what race have I claimed to be better than?
Biggz, you’re an incompetent troll. You’re transparently wrong on so much that few will be offended at the stridency of your rants.
For example, “bigot.” The Wikipedia disambiguation page says this: “A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own or intolerant of people of different political views, ethnicity, race, class, religion, sexuality or gender.” sez a bigot is “a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.” sez it’s “one who is strongly partial to one’s own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.” See other sources as well.
So it’s not a principally racial term, Biggz. You’re just semiotically incompetent.
Personally, I use the word “bigot” when I see unwarranted generalizations as a basis for intolerance. You generalize without warrant, Biggz. The hilariously fun part is that I can be really self-righteous in conversation with you on this point, because my own accusations of you are empirical observations with precise proof, whereas your generalizations are just careless rants that convey infinitely more about how you feel about others than they convey about the targets of your invective.
Meanwhile, S&P officials are likely to testify in the Senate. Should we see how ridiculously wrong you are about that too, Biggz? Good grief.
Don’t know how much, if any, really, real difference the Standard & Poors credit downgrade will make.
The credit markets vote by buying and selling, and it’s amazing to me that entities – other countries, people, corporations – will buy our very long-term debt, at the current rates. What in the heck are they thinking? : P