Jivin J’s Life Links 9-6-11
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- Britain is now embroiled in an abortion controversy. Some members of parliament want a conscience vote on legislation to require abortion counseling be performed by organizations who don’t perform abortions. Now, Nadine Dorries, the MP behind the legislation, claims there’s a covert whipping operation underway as Prime Minister David Cameron is opposed to the legislation and fears if passed it could hurt his coalition.
- In other UK abortion news, the Telegraph reports that statistics from a sample of clinics show abortion providers may be lying about how many women forego abortions after undergoing their counseling:Just one in 10 women who book consultations with Marie Stopes and the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) decide against having an abortion, according to figures from a sample of clinics.
This is half the proportion regularly cited by the charities, who have claimed that one in five women who have consultations decide to keep their baby.
- Ramesh Ponnuru comments on Mitt Romney’s (pictured left) answer during a recent debate on abortion and the 14th amendment:
What does Gov. Romney think of the effort by Congress and the president to ban partial-birth abortion during the last decade? The Supreme Court had already struck down state laws against partial-birth abortion. Was it “constitutional chaos” for Congress to ask it to reconsider the question?
And on what constitutional ground does Romney think Congress acted? Does he believe that Congress was regulating interstate commerce? Or does he see that it was attempting to vindicate rights of unborn persons to have the same protection from having their skulls punctured and vacuumed out that other human beings enjoy?
- At Public Discourse, Mark Leach discusses the Institute of Medicine’s recommendation for free prenatal and Down syndrome screenings:Buried in the IOM report is the recommendation for no-cost well-woman visits; these visits include prenatal care—and thus prenatal testing for “genetic or developmental conditions.” The regulation was issued as part of the PPACA’s coverage of preventive services. This prompts the question, how does prenatal testing prevent Down syndrome?
The IOM report defines preventive services “to be measures . . . shown to improve wellbeing, and/or decrease the likelihood or delay the onset of targeted disease or condition.” Down syndrome occurs at conception. Prenatal testing simply identifies whether a pregnancy is positive for Down syndrome—a prenatal diagnosis after which most women choose to terminate their pregnancy. A prenatal test does not decrease the likelihood of Down syndrome in a person; it does allow for a decreased likelihood of a person with Down syndrome surviving beyond the womb. If this is how HHS is justifying prenatal testing for Down syndrome as preventive care, then HHS has ushered in a program meant to target future children [with DS].
[Photo via concurringopinions.com]

I hope the Brits can pass this new legislation prohibiting aborion providers from providing counseling services. Their example could help our legislatures in their fight to defund Planned Parenthood.
Down’s Syndrome occurs at conception? This is then going to be a tough thing to stop – the testing for it early on.
Romney answers questions like he gives speeches. Shifting from foot to foot, eyes darting back and forth, hoping he doesn’t offend anyone.
We’ve had it with “compassionate conservatism”. We need a candidate who proves that true-blue conservatism is in and of itself the compassionate way in the long run. Enough with the mealy-mouthed “I don’t want to upset the apple cart!” platitudes!
Hans, may be that such “standing on principle” means that Obama wins, next time.
I have a little more faith in our country. We took a gamble to make ourselves feel better. But if ever a president didn’t earn his second term, it’s this one.
Don’t be so afraid of that pendulum. Reagan was supposed to nuke the world, remember? Bush said Christ was his favorite philosopher. Where’s that theocracy?
A new president with tea party support only means it’s time to sober up. The party’s over. And these bad things have got to end.
So the government will pay for prenatal testing. Why stop at Down Syndrome?
“The Human Genetics Commission (HGC) [United Kingdom], a government advisory committee, has already given the green light to preconception genetic tests saying that there are no specific ‘social, ethical or legal’ reasons that stand in the way. The UK National Screening Committee will now consider this advice as it decides whether widespread screening should be introduced in GP surgeries, family planning centres, IVF clinics or pharmacies.” http://www.thebereancall.org/node/9388
See Wikipedia for a list of genetic diseases. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_genetic_disorders
Would being female be included? How about being a homosexual if that could be proved to be genetically caused? Where would it stop?
In good v evil, the devil is trying to cause population control in Heaven … or perhaps, hell, as hell is surely overcrowded. Would think that by now the fire has been put out and the heat is body heat alone.
Hi Jill. I just wanted to make sure you received this. It’s not in the right spot here, but I wanted to see that you got it:
October is National Pregnancy Loss Awareness Month, and I know that many mothers would be blessed if you could mention a new website, one that gives support THROUGH the process of loss–not waiting until after it’s all over with. The site walks the mother through the process, from compassionate and accurate explanations of terms, to being able to see a real photo of a miscarried or stillborn baby (photos have been donated by mothers of lost children), printing out a real birth plan tailored to her situation, and farewell celebrations. The website offers support for family and friends, covering things like what to say or not say, dealing with their own grief, and, because I’m a doula, it even lists doulas of each state willing to offer free support. This website is so tremendously valuable, but it’s important to help spread the word about it so that moms can get it when they need it. There’s even business cards available to have at OB offices and ultrasound rooms, so that if there is bad news, the medical personnel can simply tell the mother that her baby has died, and offer to the mother that if she wants, she can go home and view the website in her own privacy, and then the office can call her the following morning to discuss her questions and plan. I created this site because I miscarried in April and felt very much alone and invalidated. My doctor told me that I probably already flushed my baby (called “products of conception”) and not to worry about it, that I was only having a heavy period. My baby was 12 weeks along, fully formed, easily identifiable. After the baby was born, we had a proper burial. It was not a period. It was birth. I would really appreciate it if you could help shield other women from being treated so poorly. Here’s the website: http://www.stillbirthday.com. Thank you so very much.
Heidi Faith
Patty: the devil is trying to cause population control in Heaven … or perhaps, hell, as hell is surely overcrowded. Would think that by now the fire has been put out and the heat is body heat alone.
:) :) Ahahahaaa!!! Patty, that is great!