Jivin J’s Life Links 10-6-11
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- Here’s some horrid humor from the Abortioneers blog as Desembarazarme discusses how she joked about the possibility of aborting her friend’s planned pregnancy:
Her pregnancy was incredibly planned, and I knew it was in the works. When she disclosed her expectant status, I screamed and hugged her, and she told me, “I’m scared. I’m not sure I’m 100% happy.” And I hugged her again and made a bad joke about how she has until the third trimester to change her mind (she smiled), and I told her I understand, because I do.I guess if your job is helping to kill unborn human beings, you’d find it funny to joke about the possibility of aborting your friend’s child.
- The New York Times has published an editorial by Katie Stack (pictured left), attacking crisis pregnancy centers. Stack is an abortion proponent who was one of the two post-abortive women who appeared with Markai Durham in a post-interview segment of MTV’s No Easy Decision special. Stack was the woman who began crying after explaining how she went to a hotel after her abortion so she wouldn’t have to go home and see her sister’s baby. During the special, she said acknowledged her child as “a baby” and saw her decision to abort as a “parenting choice.”The editorial has the kind of reasoning I used in junior high (“me and my friends all think it’s true, therefore it must be true”):Since then I’ve talked with dozens of women, including my best friend and my younger sister, about their own experiences with these centers. Regardless of our views on abortion, our conclusion about crisis pregnancy centers is the same — they don’t help women.
- Justice for All is displaying graphic images of abortions at the University of Colorado-Boulder. The ignorance of pro-choice students who were interviewed or who’ve commented on the article is saddening:“I feel like this is incredibly disrespectful,” she said of the display.(Elena) Schmeising said the gruesome images were a flawed argument because partial-birth abortion is already illegal. She also said the group was deploying scare tactics and said she worried that it could be upsetting to young women who were considering abortions or have had the procedure.
Apparently, Elena is so ignorant of abortion techniques she thinks all of the photos used by Justice for All are of children aborted by partial-birth abortion. She also accuses pro-lifers of scare tactics for showing images of something which is happening on a daily basis while the group of counter demonstrators she joined held “posters that included warnings that outlawing abortion would lead to dangerous, back-alley procedures.”
- Rebecca Taylor and Wesley Smith discusses the human cloning/stem cell breakthrough that wasn’t. Taylor writes:These researchers went beyond just cloning human embryos and destroying them. They intentionally created human embryos with triploidy, a genetic condition where a person has 3 copies of each of the 23 chromosomes instead of two. While triploidy is often fatal, some children with triploidy do survive to birth and beyond. I cannot emphasize this enough. These scientists intentionally created human lives that they knew would have a devastating genetic condition and then destroyed them for cells that they knew could never be used to treat anyone. This is beyond morally offensive, it is downright evil.Smith notes how the researchers had to pay women for eggs.
Clearly, this is another case of scientists who could care less about curing disease or treating patients. They just want to be the first ones to do something and could have cared less about the morality of what they were doing or the usefulness of their experiment’s results.
[Photos via katiestack.com and advancedfertility.com]
Regardless of our views on abortion, our conclusion about crisis pregnancy centers is the same — they don’t help women.
Another classic from the New York Slimes.
As if someone who is pro-life would really be against the abortion alternatives that CPCs offer. Sure.
What is this obsession with CPCs? They don’t help women? They don’t help women ABORT. That’s really what they mean. They help women, oh yes they do.
Please take a look at Katie Stack’s website. I just want to cry.
Ms. Stack, you are flat out wrong. I was helped by a CPC. They were nothing but kind, compassionate and helpful. Your problem is that you wanted to kill your baby. Since they don’t offer child dismemberment services you feel they’re not helpful. But to the majority of women who want to carry their babies but have situations that make it difficult to do so appreciate the financial and emotional support CPCs give them.
Isn’t that funny? While I ran a CPC, I had several clients who considered abortion, and we gave them the information they needed. At least one still chose abortion, but others did not.
One in particular came back after she had aborted, bringing two of her younger teenage friends. She told me that she really appreciated that I gave her all the facts, and that even though she decided to abort, she knew I’d be straight with the girls she brought in about how important abstinence is. I guess she didn’t want them to have to be in a position like she found herself in.
Oh, and btw, we (and most other CPCs) offered post-abortion counseling for women who later regretted their abortions. So, yeah, we just don’t help women AT ALL. Not with diapers, or maternity clothes, or housing, or formula, or parenting education, or baby and children’s clothing, or carseats, or cribs, or free ultrasounds, or, or, or….
Katie, grow up. Maybe you could talk to the women who had their babies and find out some things you clearly know nothing about.
What do you expect from someone whose major is purely pro-abort propaganda? Ironic given her article’s title isn’t it?
Her website is very sad, Courtnay, you’re right. She blames her post-abortion difficulties in being around her nephew on “anti-choice propaganda.” Uh huh.
And she says she’d abort again, and that abortion made her a better and more compassionate person.
Yeah, paying someone to kill your offspring is super compassionate. Because ya know, the kid would have been impoverished or unfortunate or something. Just like Katie’s unplanned nephew, born to her younger sister, who has a name and who is loved by his family – you know, the child who she complained was encouraged to be placed for adoption by CPC counselors? Yeah, that one. Amazing how she can think that it was horrible for adoption to be suggested regarding her sister’s pregnancy, but she thinks her own abortion was actually an awesome thing to do. Unreal.
Oh, and P.S. – she admits to being on birth control when becoming pregnant. Golly gosh, I thought birth control was the panacea to all our ills!
Hmm . . . so Ms. Stack’s sister and best friend went to CPC’S? Assuming that they are liberal, PC women like herself, I find this rather hard to believe. Why wouldn’t they go their beloved Planned Parenthood first — you know, that wonderful place where women are given ALL their options?
Also, of all the dozens of women she talked to, she couldn’t find just ONE that had been helped? Not one? Really?
Kel says:
October 6, 2011 at 2:46 pm
Oh, and P.S. – she admits to being on birth control when becoming pregnant. Golly gosh, I thought birth control was the panacea to all our ills!
(Denise) It’s not the “panacea to all our ills.” I also recoil from “birth control” which could be used for abortion. It should be called “contraception” as that is supposed to PREVENT THE PREGNANCY while abortion PREVENTS A BIRTH WHEN THERE IS ALREADY A PREGNANCY.
Contraceptives are important. Many of them are in fact effective at preventing pregnancy and, thus, at preventing problem pregnancies which may end in abortion, self-destructive behavior by the pregnant woman, and babies born into situations likely to result in their misery. Note: before anyone jumps on me, I’m not saying being born into a situation likely to lead to mental illness or criminality is “equal” to abortion as a bad result. Nor am I saying that drinking and drugging all through pregnancy is “as bad” as having an abortion. All I’m saying is that there are better and worse situations in which pregnancy can occur and contraception often prevents them from occurring in bad situations.
However, it is true that the majority of contraceptives aren’t full proof.
Look at her major. It tells you who she surrounds herself with.
In other words ladies with a bias already against anything but abortion clinics.
CPC’s lie. They give incorrect medical facts and they have a predetermined agenda and try to push women in that predetermined direction.
At PP you get all the information on all options and help deciding what is best for you. I was at my local PP a couple days ago with my daughter and while we were in the waiting room 2 midwives came in and asked to see some patient. Come to find out it was a woman thinking about an abortion but wanted to learn more about full term pregnancy and the PP staff are the ones who called the midwives in to talk to the lady. I watched this patient leave with the midwives and I hope she has a healthy baby soon. Would a CPC call in a PP rep to talk to a woman about an abortion if that is what she wanted to do… I think not. Also at my local PP there are books in the waiting room that have all the contact information for all the local non-profit groups to help young mothers and women in crisis that anyone can read and take info from.
CPC’s use misleading advertisements and medically inaccurate information to trick women into their line of thinking and that is just wrong. PP gives women medical information that is approved by the American Medical Assoc. Not to mention that all of their staff are medically trained and board certified by the state…
Biggz, I hope they give them information on fetal development and/or basic human biology. Because they’re not exactly known to do that.
If they do, you might want to pick up some.
Kel – They give their patients the very information that they received in medical school. The same information they had to take tests on in order to be certified by the state medical board. The same information all doctors are taught while in med school… arn’t most CPC employees not board certified and volunteers with little or no actual medical training?
Yeah, all CPCs lie. *eye roll*
Women die in CPCs, right? Um, nope. Women are told accurate information about their baby’s development. They’re given diapers, formula, baby clothes. They’re given love and support.
Abortion clinics lie and lie and lie and lie. They maim women, they kill babies…how does this “help” anyone?
Dear pro-aborts, if you are so for “choice” then why can’t you back off CPCs? It’s the woman’s choice, right? Don’t like CPCs? Don’t go to one.
Well for the reasons I just listed. They give agenda driven medical information that is inaccurate, and they have little to zero medical training. Also they advertise as though they were abortion clinics but never mention that they have only one option for you… just one.
I think CPC’s are fine for women who have already decided to choose motherhood. They have resources to help them but that where it ends.
Biggz, I have been to a CPC. Nothing they said was medically inaccurate. They also had trained medical staff. I know a woman who runs a few CPCs, and everything about them is amazing. Planned Parenthood and abortion clinics do not give accurate information, and they employ people who are not medically trained professionals. They even have NURSES performing abortions! Please. Step off. CPCs don’t hurt women, THEY HELP THEM.
Biggz, seriously, shut up. You don’t know a thing you’re talking about. I am 15 weeks pregnant (I know, I know, my baby is a roach to you and I am pregnancy obsessed. Get over it.) I went to a CPC recently for some help and they gave me all accurate information. They even performed an ultrasound where I saw my then 8 week old baby twirling around and rubbing her face. Did you know most abortions are performed at that age?
They didn’t turn the screen from me and try to hide visual truth the way PP does. And all the information about development is TRUE. Its accurate, biologically correct information unlike PP who if they indeed went to med school (didn’t know counselors at PP were docs) and told a patient that there were no heart tones until well into the second trimester. UM, FALSE! Heart “tones” detected at 21 days in most cases. Brain waves detectable at around day 40.
PP never gives anything away for free. My friend had an abortion there as a broke college student and not only had to shell over several hundred dollars for the first trimester abortion but when she went back for a checkup a week later and tried to get birth control pills they charged her 50 bucks for them! I happen to know that PP gets pills for FREE from pharmaceutical companies. Yet they charge these girls for them. No help for free from PP.
The CPC’s on the other hand offer all help, services, time and materials for FREE, yes including diapers and formula, clothing, bedding etc.. Did you catch that Biggz. FOR FREE.
We are pro-life. Not pro-choice. We don’t offer women abortions at CPC’s. We offer them the help they need to allow their babies to have LIFE. However, PP claims to be pro-CHOICE yet they consistently try to deny any help to women who want a choice other than abortion.
*cough* heart tones *cough* <— Lie told by Planned Parenthood
Heart starts to beat at 18-21 days <—– TRUTH confirmed by SCIENCE
CPCs don’t deliberately block or turn away ultrasound screens. They don’t demand money.
Who lies? Planned Parenthood
Who deliberately turns the screen away from the woman? Planned Parenthood.
Who says Cash or Check? Planned Parenthood
Who was started by a racist eugenicist who admired HITLER? Planned Parenthood
Who deliberately locates in minority neighborhoods because they claim to want to help the poor but its really to continue the ideals of Margaret Sanger? Planned Parenthood
Hi Biggz,
What other choices do abortion clinics offer besides abortion?
Biggz: Previously, I thought you were just ill-iformed and possibly ignorant. Now i KNOW you are both. You can add delussional to the list as well.
Why don’t you just GO AWAY ???
Biggz, I know you are in the Portland metro area. I’ve personally been in a CPC in the Lake Oswego area (not sure if it’s still there, we moved a couple of year ago). I went in to scout the place for a friend, as I was an unmarried virgin at the time. I looked at all the brochures, flyers, and posters in their office and asked a few simple questions about what services they offered. They were upfront and told me what they did and did not do. And every last poster, brochure, and flyer was factual and accurate. No lies, very upfront, and the local ads for it in no way, shape, or form could be construed as to make people believe they were abortion providers. In fact, I’ve yet to see a CPC whose ad wasn’t clearly for non-abortive services, but I’ve seen several abortion clinic ads that were very questionable as to the services they offered and certainly appeared like they were trying to lure in women who looking for help *with* the pregnancy (as opposed to help ending the pregnancy).
Is it misleading to show actual ultrasound or fetoscope picture of inutero babies at the various stages of development? Or to list all the developmental milestones that occure? Is it somehow dishonest to show a woman her ultrasound image? (I personally know of someone who went to the Portland area PP-not sure which one actually, just one of the metro ones- and they turned the ultrasound screen away and refused to show it to them even when requested) CPCs aren’t dishonest, and they don’t give dishonest information. They probably give information pro-aborts would like woman *not* to hear, like the *many* worldwide studies that have linked abortion with breast cancer, increased likelihood of future pregnancy problems and infertility issues, and increased emotional/mental issues. But just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it dishonest. I dislike that the majority of children go to public school, but that doesn’t make it dishonest for someone to say “public school is still the prefered schooling method in the U.S.”.
Biggz says:
October 6, 2011 at 7:24 pm
Also they advertise as though they were abortion clinics but never mention that they have only one option for you… just one.
CPCs are listed in the phone book under “abortion alternatives”.
They help women who want to KEEP their babies, and they help women who decide to place their babies for adoption. TWO choices, Biggz…count ’em.
They help women who want to KEEP their babies, and they help women who decide to place their babies for adoption. TWO choices, Biggz…count ’em.
And they also offer post-abortion counseling for women who are struggling with regret after their abortions.
Biggz: Right. Because women are stupid, and need folk like you to ensure they’re semantically protected. After all, ladies who “choose” need a vanguard class to ensure no pro-lifers — idiots though they be — might pull some intellect’al tricks on ’em.
Hey Liz,
In my “counseling” session before my abortion I was asked “Will that be Visa or Mastercard today?”
Gotta close that sale.
Biggz is proabortion. One choice. Abortion. Having one choice is no choice at all.
Kel: Isn’t that funny? While I ran a CPC, I had several clients who considered abortion, and we gave them the information they needed. At least one still chose abortion, but others did not.
One in particular came back after she had aborted, bringing two of her younger teenage friends. She told me that she really appreciated that I gave her all the facts, and that even though she decided to abort, she knew I’d be straight with the girls she brought in about how important abstinence is. I guess she didn’t want them to have to be in a position like she found herself in.
Excellent post, Kel. We often see incorrect generalizations within the abortion debate, and even if it’s the opinion of “dozens of women,” I sure don’t think it’s correct to make blanket statements about all CPC’s – especially after getting to know people like you a little bit.
Carla: In my “counseling” session before my abortion I was asked “Will that be Visa or Mastercard today?”
Gotta close that sale.
Carla – and you probably didn’t even get any socks like some hospitals will give you.
Biggz is proabortion.
Just as we cannot generalize accurately, often, I don’t agree with the unqualified statement that “CPC’s lie.” I don’t think they all do. But some of them do. And some of them have a predetermined agenda and try and manipulate women and push propaganda, as Biggs said.
If Biggz goes to a CPC, will socks be given?
Pro-aborts and their clinics dont ever have agenda?
Punisher, sure, sometimes they do, same as pro-choicers and pro-lifers.
Wow, cuz like saving human lives is like y’know such a malicious AGENDA.
I looked at all the brochures, flyers, and posters in their office and asked a few simple questions about what services they offered. They were upfront and told me what they did and did not do.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: what part of abortion alternatives don’t people understand? Pro-aborts are always saying that we don’t respect the intelligence of women, but then all these frothing-at-the-mouth anti CPC folks act like women are too stupid to know what “alternatives” means!”
An Austin CPC is taking that city’s anti-CPC to court. I hope that they win!
Hi Doug,
I do not joke about the most horrifying experience of my life.
You are free to laugh yourself silly about socks though.
I kept my “appendix” socks but you can be darn sure I didn’t keep anything from my most horrible experience.
Which leads me to ask abortion fans, if you think abortion is just another procedure, then why don’t people protest all the other procedures? I’ve never seen a protest outside a dental office or a place that does breast augmentation. Doesn’t that give you a clue???
Based on some of the REALLY BAD cosmetic surgery some of these celebrities have had, maybe those plastic surgery doctors and clinics SHOULD have protesters !!!’
(Im kidding people, I’m kidding.)