web grab.jpgby JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat

  • The Daily Caller has a piece on ESCR by Neil Munro which discusses the intentional hyping of embryonic stem cell research by scientists and Democrats. It has these interesting quotes by bioethicist Art Caplan (pictured left), who recently did a 180 on embryonic stem cell research:

    “By hyping stem cells, the Democratic guys could accuse [conservatives] of being anti-science,” said Caplan. “Those deals were wink-wink deals, but they were going on,” he said….

    The mass media aligned with the Democrats “because the science community and the patients’ community was on the pro-[embryo stem-cell] side,” said Caplan. “They tended to listen to those voices more than the political [conservatives] and religious [advocates] and few scientists” pushing the rival technologies, he said.

    Caplan was one of those guys accusing conservatives, especially President Bush, of being anti-science. He was one of the key voices on the pro-ESCR side the mass media turned to for an opinion which invariably promoted ESCR while downplaying alternatives.

    I welcome converts to the “embryonic stem cell research was completely hyped” tent but converts like Caplan should admit they were among the hypers and apologize for their attacks on pro-lifers who were right about the science.

[Caplan photo via bakersfieldexpress.org]

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