Life Links 5-4-12
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- There’s been a possible break in the Chen Guangcheng case as Chinese authorities claim they will allow Chen to apply to leave the country:
Chinese legal activist Chen Guangcheng has been offered a fellowship at a university in the U.S. and can be accompanied by his wife and two children, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said in a statement Friday.“The Chinese Government has indicated that it will accept Mr. Chen’s applications for appropriate travel documents,” Nuland said in the statement. “The United States government expects that the Chinese government will expeditiously process his applications for these documents and make accommodations for his current medical condition. The United States government would then give visa requests for him and his immediate family priority attention.”
- Supermodel Linda Evangelista claims the billionaire father of her 5-year-old child asked her to have an abortion when she was pregnant. Evangelista is currently in court with French billionaire Francois-Henri Pinault [both pictured left] looking for child support:
Pinault, 49, who is currently married to actress Salma Hayek, denied that charge but testified he told Evangelista that “if she were to have a child (they) might not have a relationship.”With that a four-month relationship, in which he said the couple only actually saw each other seven days, came to an end.
- The newest plastic surgery fad: Stem cell makeovers:
It is a medical claim that sounds like science fiction. Walk into a plastic surgeon’s office for a face-lift and walk out roughly four hours later with a whole-body makeover that required no incision and leaves you with no scars….… [A] skin-care specialist from Ohio… underwent a stem-cell makeover in which fat was removed from her waist via liposuction. The fat was then spun in the lab to concentrate its stem cells and, hours later, injected into [her] face and breasts.
Price tag? 10-15K for the 4 hour procedure.
[Image via]

Looks like our President and Secretary of State handled the situation with finesse. Good job USA.
To do nothing would have been political suicide. And thanks to the international (namely pro-life) attention to Chen’s plight, the heat remained on the administration to do right by Chen after he was unceremoniously abandoned at a hospital by the U.S. Without that pressure and continued spotlight, do you really think any efforts would seriously have been made for this man and his family?
Sure they want him out of China. So they can continue “business as usual”, because now there’s probably no one as vocal in opposition to their baby killing.
@Pamela: I don’t think so. And I do not say this to minimize Chen’s efforts, because he has absolutely pioneered bringing attention to this issue. But pioneers always have someone who follows them. And pro-lifers, in any country, are a tenacious bunch. If he leaves China, someone will stand up to speak where he is no longer able.
Well, the end result is a win-win. Not the play the antiabortion zealots wanted, though. No issue for the upcoming election. What a shame!
No issue for the upcoming election. What a shame!
LOL, what??
Even with a fellowship, Chen has no U.S. rights. So, if he protests abortion, he could get into trouble.
And as it turns out, the US Embassy and their ambassador to China helped to organize Chen’s escape, and Hilary Clinton fought to find a way to get him here. He has already been offered visiting scholar status at NYU.
Looks like lots of the liberals you all bash so mercilessly, have fought awfully hard for this man’s well being.
I wonder if any of you who said terrible things about Hilary Clinton in the previous thread on this topic will apologize after seeing how hard she worked to to make sure this situation ends with Chen and his family safely in the US.
“The Chinese Government has indicated that it will accept Mr. Chen’s applications for appropriate travel documents,” Nuland said in the statement.”
Wake up and smell the green tea!
These are just empty open ended words designed to give the appearance of an agreement.
The Chen family’s situation remains unimproved, but not unchanged.
They are in more danger, not less.
Chen is viewed as a untimely and inconvenient nuisance by mr. bo-jangles and an enemy of the state by the Chinese communists.
Chen and his family will not be safe til they have left China.
On June 27, 1978, nearly 3 1/2 years ago, seven
members of the Vashchenko family and the Chmykhalov family
from Siberia entered the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. When these
seven received word that an eighth member of their group, John
Vashchenko who was stopped by the Soviets at the Embassy entrance
had been beaten, they asked the U.S. Embassy for asylum,
and they have remained in the Embassy to this day [November 19, 1981].
Despite efforts of the State Department, despite an outpouring of
concern from the United States and around the world, and despite
the provisions of the Helsinki accords, which the Soviets have
signed, the Soviet Government has not agreed to allow the “Siberian
Seven” to emigrate from Russia.