Pro-Planned Parenthood website forgets cardinal rule in politics: Never ask a question you don’t know the answer to
Yesterday the pro-abortion website Jezebel posted a hit piece against an investigative video released by the pro-life group Live Action that showed a Planned Parenthood employee helping facilitate what she thought was a sex-selective abortion.
Jezebel’s (lame) hit was to be expected. But the headline must have slipped by editors…
“Rascals”? Lol. But the bigger faux pas was asking whether Live Action could prove Planned Parenthood facilitates sex selective abortions. We now know that answer is yes. Oops.
Jezebel editors quickly realized the strategic sin and unpublished the post, although not before one of Live Action’s astute bloggers captured it. Here was Jezebel’s liberally correct redo…
By the way, are we talking about the “hack job” that got a Planned Parenthood employee fired and staff “retrain[ed]”?

“Anti-choice Rascals”??
Good name for a band.
That’s right -late term gender-selection abortion is a Hack Job.
What’s with the word-play? These people have “hacking” on their minds…
@Courtnay: That would be a great name for a band. I’m envisioning Lila Rose as lead singer and Kristen Walker as the drummer. :P
@ Alice: LOL.
Jezebel is making themselves look stupid. Again. XD
Jezebel has literally become a parody of itself.
Did you see the little “Roe v World” above it? LOL!!! Newsflash, Jezzie, “Roe” ain’t been on your side for YEARS!!
“Anti-Choice Rascals” ?
No, I’d call us “Pro-Life Rasquals”. Who could resist being on that team? :)
I’d say it’s more like “don’t ask a question you know the answer to, but don’t want the answer to”. These Jezebel idiots know the answer… They just don’t want us giving it. Silly Jezebel, thinking is for pro-lifers!